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Christmas Propaganda

Heroes Remember

Christmas Propaganda

Christmas, 1944, we were told we wouldn't have to go to work that Christmas day, and that we would get extra food to eat. And Christmas morning sure enough we, we happened to be on the day shift at that time, and Christmas morning dawn we got up, the Japanese brought a tree in, which we decorated. They brought a couple of big long tables in, which we put some of these linen sheets on. Then they brought in a few loaves of bread, extra rice oranges, even twenty-four quarts of beer. I don't, I think possibly there was some pomegranates too, I'm not quite sure. But all this extra food, there was quite a bit there and they lined us all up around the table, took pictures, then took the whole damn thing out again, and we went back down the mine that day. That was hard, it was about, we didn't, we couldn't let the Japanese know how hard it was on us. The guards came around that night and, you know they, making fun of us about it, after we'd come up from the mine and so we made fun, we laughed about it too. Interviewer: This was purely for propaganda purposes? It was purely for Propaganda purposes. They had no intention of giving us the food or anything else, no.

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