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The Afghanistan Mission

132 results returned for Afghanistan
Hit by a Suicide Bomber

Hit by a Suicide Bomber

While on duty, Major Feyko provides details of the attack where he and his fellow comrades were injured and the personal impact of the wounds he incurred and the care he received.

An Ambush Never Forgotten

An Ambush Never Forgotten

Mr. McCue shares a very personal and heart wrenching story of witnessing the ambush that killed his fellow comrade, Nichola Goddard.

A Devastating Event on Duty

A Devastating Event on Duty

Ms. Dupuis shares an emotional experience while on patrol where two of her comrades are killed.

Daily Routine as a G Wagon Turret Gunner

Daily Routine as a G Wagon Turret Gunner

Corporal Kerr provides detail of his roles and responsibility while on duty as gunner.

Soldier’s Emotions Come Through on Patrol

Soldier’s Emotions Come Through on Patrol

Corporal Kerr provides detail in the different types of patrols exercised by infantry and the sense of emotions experienced on return to the base.

Training Different From Reality

Training Different From Reality

Corporal Kerr speaks about how training takes over in combat situations.

Remembrance Day Meaning For Me

Remembrance Day Meaning For Me

Arthur speaks about the significance of Remembrance Day and how he chooses to acknowledge it.

Inspiration for The Iron King Gym

Inspiration for The Iron King Gym

Finding comfort within the walls of the gym, Arthur tells of how he became an entrepreneur in a business benefiting himself and fellow comrades.

Struggling with Reality

Struggling with Reality

Arthur shares a powerful response to the emotions felt and the difficulties encountered in return to civilian life.

A Difficult Adjustment

A Difficult Adjustment

Experiencing emotional flashbacks, Arthur shares the difficulty he faced in dealing with his family and community because of some horrific experiences overseas.

Witnessing True Corruption

Witnessing True Corruption

With mixed emotions upon return home from deployment, Arthur shares his personal opinion on how he felt about his own accomplishments.

Fascinated by the Culture

Fascinated by the Culture

While on deployment, Larimee shares his feelings about witnessing the extreme cultures of the Afghan people and how it affected him

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