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310 results returned within branch Navy
Crane Operator

Crane Operator

Mr. Brown describes his position as crane operator aboard the HMS Belfast. He describes the danger, responsibility and cold temperatures on the waters off Iceland.

Bad Outbreak of Boils

Bad Outbreak of Boils

Mr. Brown describes how a bad outbreak of boils after service aboard the HMS Belfast led to a charge of “absent from duty” and a confinement to barracks for 14 days, with a surprising outcome.

Reasons for joining the Navy

Reasons for joining the Navy

Mr. Brown shares his story about the desire to join the navy and his chance to go to sea.

The Magnetic Minesweeper

The Magnetic Minesweeper

Mr. Nordlund describes the operation at sea with the magnetic minesweeper and how mines were detected and detonated.

Return to Civilian Life

Return to Civilian Life

Mr. Stevenson tells of his reaction as the war ended and of his journey home to Canada and Prince Edward Island.

Mine Sweeping

Mine Sweeping

Mr. Stevenson describes the process of mine-sweeping aboard the vessel on which he served. He remembers watching a large ship loaded with lumber torpedoed by a German submarine.

Enlisting in Navy

Enlisting in Navy

Mr. Stevenson describes the train ride from his Prince Edward Island farm home to Charlottetown, where he went to enlist in the army. He recalls the other young men he met on the train and how they convinced him to sign up with them for the navy instead. Following some basic training, he's sent overseas, telling of his reaction when he saw British ships coming to meet the vessel he was on as it approached England.

Survived Torpedo Sinking

Survived Torpedo Sinking

His ship was torpedoed on the way to Algiers in North Africa. There was a heavy loss of life as his ship sank. Mr. Ellis was one of only 12 survivors. He recalls the frightening experience, including 4 ½ hours in the water, hoping to be rescued.

First Time Under Fire

First Time Under Fire

Mr. Ellis was asked to remember the first time his minesweeper encountered German fire.

Canada and First World War.  Patriotism and Duty.

Canada and First World War. Patriotism and Duty.

Mr. Connett is asked for his thoughts on Canada's contribution to victory in the First World War. He also offers some thoughts to young Canadians on the subjects of patriotism and duty.

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