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3030 results returned within war Second World War
Allied Fighter Superiority

Allied Fighter Superiority

Mr. Smith describes the superiority of Allied aircraft and fighter pilots as attrition decimated the German Luftwaffe.

Shot Down and Rescued (Part 3 of 3 )

Shot Down and Rescued (Part 3 of 3 )

Mr. Smith describes nearly drowning before manually blowing up his Mae West ( life jacket ), and being rescued by a Maltese fisherman.

Shot Down And Rescued (Part 2 of 3)

Shot Down And Rescued (Part 2 of 3)

Mr. Smith describes his frightening ejection from his Spitfire and the experience of parachuting for the first time.

Shot Down and Rescued (Part 1 of 3)

Shot Down and Rescued (Part 1 of 3)

Mr. Smith describes being shot up by the wingman of a German fighter he was attacking, fleeing towards Malta, and losing power within sight of Valletta.

Shooting down a Macchi

Shooting down a Macchi

Mr. Smith describes shooting down an Italian Macchi and watching its death dive into the harbour at Valletta, Malta.

Protecting the USS Ohio

Protecting the USS Ohio

Mr. Smith describes shooting down an Italian Savoia-Marchetti torpedo bomber as it approached the disabled tanker, USS Ohio.

Shooting down a Junkers JU-88

Shooting down a Junkers JU-88

Mr. Smith describes his strategy for successfully shooting down a German JU-88, and then describes his evasive measures.

Posted to Malta

Posted to Malta

Mr. Smith describes taking off from an aircraft carrier and flying over North Africa on his way to the airfields in Malta.

First mission

First mission

Mr. Smith describes several aspects of his first flying mission: seeing a friendly pilot eject over the English Channel, viewing the French landscape, and experiencing German flak along the French coast.

Declared Operational

Declared Operational

Mr. Smith describes the process of ‘working up’, wherein the squadron practised formation flying and aerial target shooting. After this training they were declared battle ready.

Dogfight Training and Confidence Building

Dogfight Training and Confidence Building

Mr. Smith discusses learning how to dogfight and his decreased reliance on his instruments, learning instead to trust the “feel” of his Spitfire. This experience renews his confidence as a pilot.

I’ll Never Master This

I’ll Never Master This

Mr. Smith describes his impressions of the Spitfire, his initial flight in one, and his feeling that he’d never be able to fly one properly.

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