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Drapeau commémoratif du Lisgar Collegiate Institute

Hidden photo gallery

Ville/Province : Ottawa, ON

Numéro du monument : 35059-164

Type : Exposition

Adresse : 29, rue Lisgar

Lieu : Lisgar Collegiate Institute, Salle du Souvenir

Coordonnées GPS : Lat: 45.421248   Long: -75.687412

En 2010, ce drapeau souvenir canadien a été présenté au Lisgar Collegiate en reconnaissance du service communautaire passé, présent et futur de l’école et en particulier en reconnaissance des nombreuses années de contribution de Lisgar envers le Canada, tant en temps de paix que de guerre.

Inscription sur le mémorial

Letter to LCol B. Plourde

21 May 2009

Lieutenant Colonel Bruno Plourde
Regional Command South
Kandahar Afghanistan
International Security assistance



As you know my son, David is 15 and attends Lisgar Collegiate Institute in Ottawa. Lisgar’s origins start in 1843 in Ottawa with ine of the first cadet corps in Canada starting in 1861. Many Lisgar students served during the Finning(sic) Raids, both World Wars, and Korea. Last’s(sic) Remembrance speaker was a recent Lisgar graduate Artillery Captain who had just finished a tour in Afghanistan. Lisgar’s graduates have gone on to become leaders in many fields across Canada. As Canadian Forces members with long service and overseas tours, we both recognize the requirement for lifelong academic pursuits is the corner stone of a sound and safe society. I request that a Canadian flag be flown in recognition of Lisgar’s many years of contribution to Canada in both Peace and War. Thank-you for your consideration and I pray that everyone returns home safe.


Davis Paull
Parent of Lisgar Student



Letter /flag from LCol Plourde


The Black Watch (Royal Highland Regiment) of Canada

2067 de Bleury Street

Montreal, QC H3A 2K2


Students, Teachers. Staff and Parents of Lisgar Collegiate Institute


Since 1843 Lisgar Students, Teachers and Staff have served Canada in many professions and continues to be recognized as a leader in the education community. Lisgar has a long proud history of duty and service to Canada which includes service as both civilian and Military personnel in Canadian conflicts since Confederation.


On 22 August 2009, the enclosed Canadian flag was flown in Forward Operation Base Walton, Dand District, Kandahar province, Afghanistan in recognition of Lisgar Collegiate Institute past, present and future community service and accomplishments.


The Canadian contingent in Afghanistan is represented by a wide spectrum of Military and civilian personnel from across Canada who have voluntarily left their homes and families to join the international community to aide Afghanistan in shaping their own future through peacefully and productive choices.


Education is one of the pillars of a safe and sound society and your participation as a learning community contributes in no small way to the success of Canada at home and around the world.


For those who are serving here and around the world it is empowering to be in contact with Canadians such as your community who we consider to (be) part of the larger Canadian contingent.


Best wishes to all of you for your continuing success in all aspects of your future.



G.B. Plourde

Commanding Officer


Vue sur la rue

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