Guided support

Sometimes life situations can be challenging. When the challenge is too much to handle independently, Guided support services can help you and your family.

About this program

Guided support is designed to assist Veterans who do not require case management but do require extra support.

With this approach, a Veteran Service Agent would become your primary point of contact and would help coordinate your services and supports to meet your identified needs.

Do you qualify?

To receive Guided support services, you must be living in Canada and be:

  • A former member of the Canadian Armed Forces or the RCMP.


  • You need significant assistance to coordinate services to address your needs and have limited support,
  • or
  • You have recently completed case management services.

Those who do not qualify:

  • Spouses,
  • Survivors, or
  • Veterans living outside of Canada.

How to apply

There is no application form to request Guided support services.

If you feel you need Guided support services, please contact us.

Additional information

Guided support services are based on your needs and are provided for one of two reasons:

  1.  This service may be available if you are facing challenges that make it difficult to manage them independently.
  2. or
  1.  This service is offered for up to 1 year after you complete case management services. The goal is to help you maintain your independence and to address any issues as they arise.

Related programs

Case Management - A Case Manager can work with you to identify your needs, help you set goals, and to create a plan to help you achieve your highest level of independence, health, and well-being.

Transition Interview - meet with a VAC employee to identify any needs you may have before your release from service.

Frequently asked questions

I was case managed years ago, would I still be eligible for Guided support services?

Yes, you can still access this service if you face challenges in your everyday life and do not feel you can manage these challenges independently. Please contact us to help us determine if you qualify for Guided support services.

I am having significant health issues, and have little family support. I need some assistance managing my needs, am I eligible for Guided support services?

Yes, you may be eligible to access this service if your health problems are impacting your everyday life and you have limited support. Please contact us to determine if you qualify for Guided support services.