6.0 VAC’s recent actions taken to improve accessibility

  • In efforts to train and collaborate with those who help Veterans and others in filling out applications, VAC is providing support to third-party groups who help those going through the application process.  
  • VAC uses a Veteran-centric approach in completing medical assessments. We offer Veterans the choice of environment where they are most comfortable, including through in-person visits (when the public health situation permits) and/or through the use of various virtual platforms such as video conferencing or telephone.
  • VAC’s Commemoration Division has developed a Guide Training Package on interacting with people with various types of disabilities. This will enable student guides employed at the Canadian National Vimy Memorial and the Beaumont-Hamel Newfoundland Memorial to be more accessibility-confident.
  • VAC recently launched MyInfo+: a more accessible version of the Department’s internal MyInfo application which allows employees to input and update their contact information.
  • Work on the Daniel J. MacDonald Building at VAC Head Office, which is undergoing a major renovation, will build on the success of working arrangements established during COVID-19 while increasing the accessibility of the workplace.
  • The Department’s Application Management Division has a dedicated team in place to assess VAC’s applications for accessibility.
  • The Department’s Communications Division has established a point of contact (i.e., the ministerial events team) for fellow divisions to consult regarding how to plan accessible and inclusive meetings and events.
  • In May 2021, VAC launched an e-learning module entitled “Trauma-Informed Support Training.” This training is available to all employees and provides a basic overview of the principles of trauma-informed service, including in interactions with Veterans.
  • VAC’s updated Style Guide promotes accessibility by encouraging the use of plain language. This benefits employees and Veterans alike.
  • The Department completed an Employment Systems Review, an in-depth analysis and review of VAC’s employment practices, in consultation with employment equity group members, including employees with disabilities. The findings and recommendations from this review will be the foundation for the Department’s updated internal Employment Equity and Diversity Action Plan (2022-2027).
  • VAC is promoting tools to support the hiring and career development of persons with disabilities (e.g., Employment opportunity for Students with Disabilities, the Mentorship Plus program, the Federal Internship Program for Canadians with Disabilities, the Federal Public Service Inclusive Appointment Lens, the Virtual Door to Talent with Disabilities).
  • The Department launched the Mentorship Plus program at VAC to support EX feeder group members from equity-seeking communities, including persons with disabilities.
  • The Human Resources Division issues guidance to hiring managers that encourages the use of sliding areas of selection to allow employment equity candidates from other Departments, including persons with disabilities, to apply on internal processes (e.g., open to all VAC employees and EE groups across all Departments).
  • VAC actively participates in career fairs to increase recruitment of persons with disabilities: this includes researching and establishing a list of career fairs for VAC to attend (minimum two each year).
  • VAC has included a mandatory statement on diversity and inclusion, including specific language on accessibility, in all advertised processes. 
  • VAC continues to actively implement more Microsoft Office 365 accessibility features, including on the MS Teams platform, for all employees and those with disabilities.
  • The Workplace Entry Scheduling Tool (WEST) application was built by VAC with PowerApps, and included accessibility considerations from the start.
  • The Research Directorate conducts and collaborates on research and projects on Veteran well-being to increase VAC’s knowledge of the characteristics and experiences of this population, including Veterans with disabilities.