Unit / Regiment
1 air maintenance squadron
1 canadian air group maintenance squadron
1 canadian field hospital
1 combat engineer regiment
1 combat engineer regiment
1 construction engineering unit, rcaf
1 field ambulance
1 princess patricia's canadian light infantry
1 régiment du génie
10 construction maintenance unit
10 experimental squadron, rcn
10 tactical air group headquarters
102 composite unit, rcaf
103 rescue unit
104 communication flight
105 communications and rescue flight
107 rescue unit
109 communication flight
109 composite unit, rcaf
111 communication flight
111 composite unit, rcaf
12 wing
121 (composite) unit, rcaf
121 communication flight
121 communications and rescue flight
123 rescue unit
129 acceptance and ferry flight
12e régiment blindé du canada
12th manitoba dragoons, r.c.a.c.
12th reserve battalion
14 air maintenance squadron
14th canadian hussars, r.c.a.c.
15 (edmonton) field ambulance
15 field ambulance detachment calgary
15 service battalion
15 wing air reserve
16/22 saskatchewan horse, r.c.a.c.
16th punjab regiment
17th duke of york's royal canadian hussars, r.c.a.c.
1re unité de soutien de la force régulière
1st (halifax-dartmouth) field artillery regiment, rca
1st (halifax-dartmouth) field artillery regiment, rca
1st (halifax-dartmouth) field artillery regiment, rca
1st air observation post flight (royal regiment of canadian artillery)
1st canadian armoured carrier regiment, r.c.a.c.
1st canadian division headquarters and signals regiment
1st canadian mounted rifles (saskatchewan regt.)
1st canadian parachute battalion, r.c.i.c.
1st canadian ranger patrol group
1st canadian rifle battalion
1st canadian special service battalion
1st combat engineering regiment
1st fife & forfar yeo., r.a.c.
1st hussars, r.c.a.c.
1st king's dragoon guards, r a c
1st motor machine gun brigade
1st regiment, royal canadian horse artillery
2 canadian forces flying training school
2 combat engineer regiment
2 field ambulance
2 princess patricia's canadian light infantry
21st (empress of india's) lancers
28 field ambulance
2nd canadian construction battalion
2nd canadian mounted rifles (british columbia regt.)
2nd combat
2nd fife & forfar yeo., r a c
2nd regiment, royal canadian horse artillery
2nd /10th dragoons, r.c.i.c.
2nd canadian highland battalion
3 air reserve wing
30 field regiment, royal canadian artillery
309th infantry regiment
31st (alberta) recce. regt., r.c.a.c.
32 canadian brigade group
32 utility squadron, rcn
32e escadron polyvalent
33 utility squadron, rcn
3e escadron de maintenance (air)
3e école de pilotage des forces canadiennes
3rd regiment, royal canadian horse artillery
3rd royal tank regt r a c
4 wing
400 "city of toronto" (fighter) squadron
400 (fighter) squadron (auxiliary)
401 "city of westmount" (fighter) squadron
401 air reserve squadron
401 tactical fighter squadron
402 "city of winnipeg" (fighter bomber) squadron
402 fighter squadron (auxiliary)
403 "city of calgary" fighter squadron
403 helicopter operational training squadron
404 maritime patrol squadron
404 maritime reconnaissance squadron
405 (maritime reconnaissance) squadron
405e escadron de patrouille maritime
406 "city of saskatoon" (light bomber) squadron
406 maritime operational training squadron
407 (maritime patrol) squadron
407 (maritime reconnaissance) squadron
408 (photographic) squadron
408 squadron
408 tactical helicopter squadron
408 tactical support and reconnaissance squadron
409 all-weather fighter squadron
409 tactical fighter squadron
41 combat engineer regiment
410 (fighter) squadron
410 all weather (fighter) squadron
410 all weather operational training squadron
410 tactical fighter operational training squadron
411 "city of york" (fighter) squadron
412 transport squadron
413 (photographic) squadron
413 fighter squadron
413 transport and rescue squadron
413e escadron de transport et de sauvetage
414 (fighter) squadron
414 all-weather fighter squadron
414 electronic warfare squadron
415 maritime patrol squadron
416 (fighter) squadron
416 all weather fighter squadron
416 tactical fighter squadron
416e escadron d'appui tactique
417 (fighter reconnaissance) squadron
417 combat support squadron
417 strike/reconnaissance operational training squadron
417 tactical fighter operational training squadron
418 "city of edmonton" (light bomber) squadron
418 (light bomber) squadron
418 air reserve squadron
419 all-weather (fighter) squadron
419 tactical fighter (training) squadron
420 "city of london" (fighter) squadron
421 (fighter) squadron
421 strike/attack squadron
421 tactical fighter squadron
422 (fighter) squadron
422 strike/attack squadron
422 tactical helicopter squadron
423 all weather fighter squadron
423 maritime helicopter squadron
424 fighter squadron (auxillary)
424 transport and rescue squadron
424 transport and rescue squadron
425 all weather fighter squadron
425 tactical fighter squadron
425 tactical fighter squadron
425e escadron d'appui tactique
426 transport training squadron
427 (fighter) squadron
427 special operations aviation squadron
427 strike/attack squadron
427 tactical helicopter squadron
427e escadron tactique d'hélicoptères
428 all weather (fighter) squadron
429 transport squadron
430 (fighter) squadron
430e escadron tactique d’hélicoptères
431 air demonstration squadron
432 all weather fighter squadron
433 all weather fighter squadron
433 tactical fighter squadron
433e escadrille tactique de combat
434 (fighter) squadron
434 combat support squadron
434 tactical fighter squadron
435 (transport) squadron
435 transport and rescue squadron
435e escadron de transport
436 transport squadron
438 "city of montreal" (fighter) squadron
438 air reserve squadron
438e escadron de la réserve aérienne
439 (fighter) squadron
439 reconnaissance squadron
439 reconnaissance/attack squadron
439 tactical fighter squadron
439 tactical fighter squadron
440 all weather (fighter) squadron
440 transport and rescue squadron
441 (fighter) squadron
441 strike/reconnaissance squadron
441 tactical (fighter) squadron
441 tactical helicopter squadron
442 "city of vancouver" (fighter) squadron
442 transport and rescue squadron
442e escadron de transport et de sauvetage
443 helicopter anti-submarine squadron
443 maritime helicopter squadron
444 combat support squadron
444 fighter squadron
444 tactical helicopter squadron
444e escadron tactique d'hélicoptères
445 all weather (fighter) squadron
44th royal tank regt r a c
450 transport helicopter squadron
48th highlanders of canada
49th field artillery regiment, rca
4th canadian mounted rifles (2nd central ontario regt.)
4th princess louise dragoon guards, r.c.a.c.
4th princess louise dragoon guards, r.c.i.c.
4th queen's own hussars
4th regiment, royal canadian horse artillery
4th /7th royal dragoon guards, r a c
5 air movements unit, rcaf
5 field ambulance
50 helicopter anti-submarine squadron, rcn
5e ambulance de campagne
5e régiment d'artillerie légère du canada
5e régiment du génie du combat
5th (british columbia) field artillery regiment
5th canadian mounted rifles (quebec regiment)
5th regt reconnaissance corps
5th (british columbia) field artillery regiment, rca
6th duke of connaught's royal canadian hussars, r.c.a.c.
72nd regt canadian militia
743 fleet requirement unit, rcn
79 communication regiment
7th regiment
7th /11th hussars, r.c.a.c.
8 air maintenance squadron
8 air maintenance squadron
8 air maintenance squadron
8 wing
803 squadron, rcn
81 squadron, rcn
826 squadron, rcn
84th independent field battery, royal canadian artillery
870 fighter squadron, rcn
871 squadron, rcn
880 anti-submarine squadron, rcn
880 maritime surveillance squadron
881 squadron, rcn
883 squadron, rcn
8th canadian hussars (princess louise's)
8th king's royal irish hussars, r a c
8th princess louise's (new brunswick) hussars, r.c.a.c.
901 air traffic handling unit, rcaf
920 composite squadron, rcn
962 airborne air control squadron (norad)
9th queen's royal lancers, r.a.c.
9th siege battery, c.f.a.
administration branch
aerospace engineering and test establishment
air armament school, rcaf
air defence command headquarters
air force headquarters
air maintenance squadron
air materiel command headquarters
air operations branch
air training command headquarters
air transport auxillary
air transport command headquarters
algonquin regiment, r.c.i.c.
american armed service
american expeditionary force
ammunition sub park
argyll and sutherland highlanders
argyll and sutherland highlanders of canada (princess louise's)
army chaplains' department
army cyclist corps
army headquarters
army service corps
army veterinary corps
auckland regiment, n.z.e.f.
australian army veterinary corps
australian engineers
australian field artillery
australian imperial forces
australian infantry, a.i.f
australian merchant navy
auxiliary services
auxiliary territorial service
bfc edmonton
bfc shearwater
baker lake, north west territories
base depot canadian forestry corps
bedfordshire regiment
bedfordshire and hertfordshire regiment
berkshire yeomanry
binnington's horse
black watch
black watch (royal highland regiment)
black watch (royal highlanders)
borden motor machine gun battery
border regiment
branche des services logistiques
branche des communications et de l'électronique
branche des opérations aériennes
branche des services de l'administration
branche des services de police militaire
branche des services de santé
branche des services des renseignements
branche du génie électrique et mécanique
branche sécuritaire des forces canadiennes
british canadian recruiting mission
british columbia dragoons, r.c.a.c.
british columbia regiment, r.c.a.c.
british expeditionary force
british red cross society
brockville rifles, r.c.i.c.
canadian engineer regiment
cf h svcs gp hq
cfb baden-soellingen
cfb bagotville
cfb chatham
cfb cold lake
cfb comox
cfb cornwallis
cfb esquimalt
cfb gagetown
cfb gimli
cfb greenwood
cfb halifax
cfb moose jaw
cfb portage la prairie
cfb shearwater
cfb shilo
cfb trenton
cfb valcartier
cadet instructor cadre
cadre instructors list
calgary highlanders, r.c.i.c.
calgary regiment, r.c.a.c.
cambridgeshire regiment
cameron highlanders
cameron highlanders of ottawa
cameronians (scottish rifles)
canadian airborne regiment
canadian area employment company
canadian armed forces
canadian armed forces
canadian armed forces
canadian armed forces advisory and training team tanzania
canadian armoured corps reinforcement unit
canadian army air training centre
canadian army chaplains department
canadian army corps of military staff clerks
canadian army dental corps
canadian army general list
canadian army gymnastic staff
canadian army medical corps
canadian army nursing service
canadian army pay corps
canadian army service corps
canadian army veterinary corps
canadian artillery
canadian cavalry machine gun squadron
canadian chaplain service
canadian civilian
canadian construction company
canadian contingent administration unit
canadian corps
canadian corps cavalry regiment
canadian corps cyclist battalion
canadian corps gas services
canadian corps military police
canadian corps reinforcement camp
canadian corps survey section
canadian corps of fire fighters
canadian defence attaché office
canadian defence liaison staff (washington)(on exchange)
canadian defence liaison staff (washington)(on exchange)
canadian defence liaison staff (washington)(on exchange)
canadian defence liaison staff, london, england (on exchange)
canadian divisional cyclist company
canadian divisional headquarters
canadian engineers
canadian engineers reserve battalion
canadian engineers training depot
canadian expeditionary force
canadian field artillery
canadian field hospital
canadian forces - air force branch
canadian forces - land branch
canadian forces - navy branch
canadian forces base leitrim
canadian forces communication command headquarters
canadian forces fleet school esquimalt
canadian forces fleet school halifax
canadian forces flying instructors school
canadian forces flying training support unit
canadian forces headquarters
canadian forces health services group (medical) unit ottawa
canadian forces joint signal regiment
canadian forces music branch
canadian forces photographic unit
canadian forces recruiting centre detachment saskatoon
canadian forces school of military engineering
canadian forces school of military engineering
canadian forces station leitrim
canadian forces support unit ottawa
canadian forces support unit ottawa
canadian forestry corps
canadian fusiliers (city of london regt), r.c.i.c.
canadian fusiliers, r.c.i.c
canadian garrison artillery
canadian garrison regiment
canadian grenadier guards
canadian grenadier guards, r.c.a.c.
canadian guards
canadian infantry (2nd central ontario regiment)
canadian infantry (alberta regiment)
canadian infantry (british columbia regiment)
canadian infantry (central ontario regiment)
canadian infantry (eastern ontario regiment)
canadian infantry (manitoba regiment)
canadian infantry (new brunswick regiment)
canadian infantry (nova scotia regiment)
canadian infantry (quebec regiment)
canadian infantry (saskatchewan regiment)
canadian infantry (western ontario regiment)
canadian infantry base depot
canadian infantry brigade
canadian infantry corps
canadian infantry division
canadian infantry works battalion
canadian infantry, canadian expeditionary force
canadian intelligence corps
canadian joint air training centre
canadian joint air training centre
canadian joint staff, london
canadian labour corps
canadian legion
canadian light horse
canadian light railway operating company
canadian light trench mortar battery
canadian machine gun corps
canadian merchant navy
canadian military engineers
canadian military police branch
canadian military v.a.d.
canadian militia
canadian motor machine gun brigade
canadian mounted rifles
canadian officers training corps
canadian ordnance corps
canadian overseas railway construction corps
canadian parachute training centre
canadian pioneers
canadian pioneers, 1st battalion
canadian postal corps
canadian railway construction company
canadian railway service guard
canadian railway troops
canadian rangers
canadian reserve artillery
canadian reserve battalion
canadian reserve cavalry regt
canadian reserve training depot
canadian scottish regiment, r.c.i.c.
canadian scouts
canadian service unit
canadian signal corps
canadian signals squadron
canadian special operations regiment
canadian special operations regiment
canadian special service battalion, r.c.i.c.
canadian t.m. bty
canadian tank battalion
canadian war correspondant
canadian women's army corps
canadian y m c a
cape breton highlanders, r.c.i.c
carleton and york regiment, r.c.i.c.
central experimental and proving establishment, rcaf
central ontario regiment
centre des opérations aéroportées du canada
cheshire regiment
civilian technical corps
civilian war dead
codiac, new brunswick
coldstream guards
combat engineer regiment
commander in chiefs bodyguard
communications and electronics branch
communications and electronics branch
composite battalion
connaught rangers
corps of artificers
corps of military police
corps of military staff clerks
county of london yeo. (westminster dragoons)
county of london yeo.(sharpshooters), r a c
depot battalion (new brunswick reinforcement depot)
depot battalion alberta regiment
depot battalion central ontario regiment
depot battalion manitoba regiment
depot battalion quebec regiment
depot battalion saskatchewan regiment
depot battalion, eastern ontario regiment
depot battalion, western ontario regiment
devonshire regiment
divisional mechanical transport company
divisional pioneer battalion training unit
divisional trench mortar battery
dorset yeomanry (queen's own)
dorsetshire regiment
dragoon gaurds (carabiniers)
dragoon guards (prince of wales' own)
dragoon guards (princess charlotte of wales's)
dragoon guards (queen's bays)
dragoons (royal scots greys)
dufferin & haldimand rifles of canada, r.c.i.c.
duke of cornwall's light infantry
duke of wellington's (west riding regt.)
durham light infantry
e battery anti aircraft
east african pioneers
east lancashire regiment
east surrey regiment
east yorkshire regiment
east yorkshire regiment (the duke of york's own regt)
eaton motor machine gun bty
ecole de l'artillerie de campagne
edmonton fusiliers
edson & camrose, alberta
electrical and mechanical engineering branch
elgin regiment, r.c.a.c.
empress of india's lancers
essex regiment
essex regiment, r.c.a.c.
essex scottish regiment, r.c.i.c.
experimental and proving establishment, rcaf
fife and forfar yeomanry
fleet diving unit (atlantic)
fleet diving unit (pacific)
fleet maintenance facility cape scott
fleet maintenance group atlantic
flight training school
foreign legion
fort garry horse, r.c.a.c.
fusiliers mont-royal
fusiliers du st-laurent
garrison military police (canada)
general list
ghurka rifles
glasgow highlanders (ta)
glider pilot regiment, a.a.c.
gloucestershire regiment
gordon highlanders
governor general's foot guards
governor general's foot guards, r.c.a.c.
governor general's horse guards, r.c.a.c.
grenadier guards
grenadier guards of canada
grey and simcoe foresters, r.c.a.c.
guards machine gun corps
gurkha rifles
génie royal canadien
hmcs algonquin
hmcs assiniboine
hmcs athabaskan
hmcs bonaventure
hmcs buckingham
hmcs cape scott
hmcs carleton
hmcs catarqui
hmcs cedarwood
hmcs charlottetown
hmcs chaudière
hmcs chicoutimi
hmcs cornwallis
hmcs crescent
hmcs discovery
hmcs fraser
hmcs fraser
hmcs fredericton
hmcs halifax
hmcs huron
hmcs iroquois
hmcs kootenay
hmcs labrador
hmcs mackenzie
hmcs magnficent
hmcs magnificent
hmcs malahat
hmcs margaree
hmcs micmac
hmcs montreal
hmcs naden
hmcs new waterford
hmcs niagara
hmcs niobe (on exchange)
hmcs nipigon
hmcs ontario
hmcs patriot
hmcs provider
hmcs regina
hmcs saskatchewan
hmcs scotian
hmcs shearwater
hmcs sioux
hmcs st. croix
hmcs stadacona
hmcs star
hmcs sussexvale
hmcs terra nova
hmcs victoria
hmcs warrior
hmcs winnipeg
hmcs york
halifax rifles, r.c.a.c.
halifax rifles, r.c.i.c.
hampshire regiment
hastings and prince edward regiment, r.c.i.c.
hazara pioneers
headquarters cavalry brigade
herefordshire light infantry (ta)
highland light infantry
highland light infantry (city of glasgow regiment)
highland light infantry of canada, r.c.i.c.
hong kong volunteer defence corps
hong kong volunteer defence corps
honourable artillery company
ipsc detachment, kingston
imperial light horse
imperial yeomanry
indian medical service
indian medical service
indian royal artillery
infantry branch
intelligence branch
intelligence corps
international peace operations
irish fusiliers (vancouver regiment), r.c.i.c.
irish guards
irish regiment of canada, r.c.i.c.
joint air school
joint personnel support unit
kaffarian rifles
kent regiment
king edward's horse
king's african rifles
king's own (royal lancaster regiment)
king's own rifles of canada, r.c.i.c.
king's own scottish borderers
king's own yorkshire light infantry
king's royal rifle corps
king's shropshire light infantry
kings own calgary regiment
kitchener's fighting scouts
kitchener's horse
labour battalion
labour corps
lafayette squadron
lake superior regiment (motor), r.c.i.c.
lanark & renfrew scottish regiment, r.c.i.c.
lanarkshire regiment
lancashire fusiliers
land electrical and mechnical engineering branch
land engineering test establishment
land force central area headquarters
land ordnance engineering branch
le regiment de chateauguay, r.c.i.c.
le regiment de hull, r.c.i.c.
le regiment de joliette, r.c.i.c.
le regiment de levis, r.c.i.c.
le regiment de maisonneuve, r.c.i.c.
le regiment de montmagny, r.c.i.c.
le regiment de quebec, r.c.i.c.
le regiment de st hyacinthe, r.c.i.c.
le regiment de la chaudière, r.c.i.c.
le régiment trois rivières
leicestershire regiment
leinster regiment
les fusiliers mont-royal, r.c.i.c.
les fusiliers de sherbrooke, r.c.i.c.
les fusiliers du st-laurent
les voltigeurs de quebec
les voltigeurs de québec, r.c.a.c.
light artillery regiment of canada
light railway operating company
lincoln and welland regiment, r.c.i.c.
lincolnshire regiment
liverpool regiment
logistics branch
logistics branch
logistics royal canadian regiment
london regiment
london regiment (first surrey rifles)
london regiment (post office rifles)
london regiment (queen's westminster rifles)
london regiment (royal fusiliers)
london regiment (the rangers)
lord strathcona's horse (royal canadians)
lord strathcona's horse (royal canadians), r.c.a.c.
lorne scots (peel, dufferin & halton regt), r.c.i.c.
lovat scouts
lower mainland district
lowland regt
loyal edmonton regiment
loyal edmonton regiment, r.c.i.c.
loyal north lancashire
machine gun company
machine gun corps
manchester regiment
manitoba rangers
mapping and charting establishment
maritime air group headquarters
maritime forces pacific headquarters
maritime group headquarters
maritime regiment, r.a.(1165)
mayo, yukon
medical branch
merchant navy
middlesex regiment
midland regiment, r.c.i.c.
military engineering branch
military police branch
military police close protection team
military police corps
military provost staff corps
mississauga horse
monmouthshire regiment
montmorency's scouts
motor machine gun brigade
national defence headquarters
national scouts
naval auxiliary personnel
naval operations branch
new brunswick rangers, r.c.i.c.
new brunswick regiment (tank)
new zealand army service corps
new zealand artillery
new zealand electrical & mechanical engineers
new zealand infantry
new zealand military forces
newfoundland forestry corps
newfoundland mercantile marine
newfoundland overseas forestry unit
newfoundland regiment
newfoundland royal naval reserve
newfoundland voluntary aid detachment
nile voyageurs
nipawin, saskatchewan
no 1 (fighter) wing
no 1 canadian forces flying training school
no. 1 (fighter) operational training unit
no. 1 advanced flying school
no. 1 air armament school
no. 1 air division headquarters
no. 1 air gunnery school
no. 1 air navigation school
no. 1 air observation post flight (royal regiment of canadian artillery)
no. 1 flying instructors school
no. 1 flying training school
no. 1 supply depot. rcaf
no. 1 training air group, rcn
no. 1 wing
no. 12 air defence group headquarters
no. 2 (fighter) wing
no. 2 advanced flying school
no. 2 air navigation school
no. 2 air observer school
no. 2 canadian forces flying training school
no. 2 flying training school
no. 2 technical training school, rcaf
no. 2 wireless school, rcaf
no. 25 air materiel base, rcaf
no. 3 (fighter) wing
no. 3 advanced flying school
no. 3 all-weather (fighter) operational training unit
no. 3 flying training school
no. 3 flying training school
no. 3 wing
no. 30 air material base, rcaf
no. 4 (fighter) operational training unit
no. 4 (fighter) wing
no. 4 (transport) operational training unit
no. 4 advanced flying school
no. 4 advanced flying unit
no. 4 flying training school
no. 4 wing
no. 442 (fighter) squadron
no. 6 repair depot, rcaf
no. 6 strike/reconnaissance operational training unit
norfolk regiment
norfolk regiment (british expeditionary force)
norfolk yeomanry
north atlantic treaty organization headquarters
north nova scotia highlanders, r.c.i.c.
north shore (new brunswick) regiment, r.c.i.c.
north somerset yeomanry
north staffordshire regiment
northamptonshire regiment
northern russian
northumberland fusiliers
officers' training corps
orpen's light horse
oxford rifles, r.c.i.c.
oxford and bucks light infantry
oxfordshire and buckinghamshire light infantry
pinecrest cemetery and crematorium
parachute regiment
perth regiment, r.c.i.c.
physical education and recreation branch
pictou highlanders, r.c.i.c.
pioneer battalion
primary flying school
prince albert volunteers, r.c.i.c.
prince albert's own hussars
prince edward island highlanders
prince edward island light horse, r.c.a.c.
prince rupert air services
prince of wales rangers (peterborough regment), r.c.i.c
prince of wales's own royal, hussars
princess louise dragoon guards
princess louise fusiliers
princess louise fusiliers, r.c.i.c.
princess louise's kensington regt
princess patricia's canadian light infantry
princess patricia's canadian light infantry (eastern ontario regt.)
princess patricia's canadian light infantry battle school
princess patricia's canadian light infantry, r.c.i.c.
princess patricias canadian light infantry
princess of wales' own regiment, r.c.i.c.
public affairs branch
queen alexandra's imperial military nursing service
queen's own (royal west kent regiment)
queen's own cameron highlanders
queen's own cameron highlanders of canada
queen's own rifles of canada, r.c.i.c.
queen's own royal west kent regiment
queen's royal regiment (west surrey)
queen's york rangers (1st american regt), r.c.i.c.
rcaf station bagotville
rcaf station borden
rcaf station centralia
rcaf station chatham
rcaf station claresholm
rcaf station cold lake
rcaf station comox
rcaf station downsview
rcaf station edmonton
rcaf station fort churchill
rcaf station gimli
rcaf station goose bay
rcaf station greenwood
rcaf station lincoln park
rcaf station london
rcaf station macdonald
rcaf station moose jaw
rcaf station north bay
rcaf station penhold
rcaf station portage la prairie
rcaf station rockcliffe
rcaf station saskatoon
rcaf station sea island
rcaf station st. hubert
rcaf station st. jean
rcaf station summerside
rcaf station torfino
rcaf station toronto
rcaf station trenton
rcaf station vancouver
rcaf station winnipeg
rcaf support unit colorado springs
railway pioneer regiment
railway service guard
rajput regiment
reconnaissance corps, r.a.c.
regina rifle regiment
regina rifle regiment, r.c.i.c.
regional cadet support unit (central)
rhodesia regiment
rifle brigade
roberts horse
rocky mountain rangers
royal ulster regiment
royal 22e régiment
royal 22e régiment, r.c.i.c.
royal 22nd regiment
royal 22nd regiment
royal 22nd régiment
royal air force
royal air force ferry command
royal air force transport command
royal air force volunteer reserve
royal armoured corps
royal army medical corps
royal army ordnance corps
royal army pay corps
royal army service corps
royal army veterinary corps
royal artillery
royal australian air force
royal berkshire regiment
royal canadian air force
royal canadian air force (women's division)
royal canadian armoured corps
royal canadian army chaplain corps
royal canadian army medical corps
royal canadian army pay corps
royal canadian army service corps
royal canadian artillery
royal canadian corps of signals
royal canadian dragoons
royal canadian dragoons (1st armoured regiment)
royal canadian dragoons (1st armoured regiment)
royal canadian dragoons, r.c.a.c.
royal canadian electrical and mechanical engineers
royal canadian engineers
royal canadian field artillery
royal canadian horse artillery
royal canadian infantry corps
royal canadian logistics service
royal canadian medical service
royal canadian mounted police
royal canadian naval air section dartmouth
royal canadian naval air service
royal canadian naval volunteer reserve
royal canadian navy
royal canadian navy reserve
royal canadian ordnance corps
royal canadian postal corps
royal canadian regiment
royal corps of signals
royal defence corps
royal dragoons
royal dublin fusiliers
royal electrical & mech engrs
royal engineers
royal field artillery
royal flying corps
royal fusiliers
royal garrison artillery
royal hamilton light infantry
royal hamilton light infantry, r.c.i.c.
royal hampshire regiment
royal highlanders of canada
royal horse artillery
royal horse guards
royal inniskilling fusiliers
royal irish fusiliers
royal irish fusiliers (princess victoria's)
royal irish regiment
royal irish rifles
royal lancaster regiment
royal lancers
royal lincolnshire regiment
royal marine artillery
royal marine engineers
royal marine light infantry
royal marines
royal military college of canada
royal montreal regiment, r.c.a.c.
royal montreal regiment, r.c.i.c.
royal munster fusiliers
royal naval air service
royal naval canadian volunteer reserve
royal naval patrol service
royal naval reserve
royal naval volunteer reserve
royal navy
royal navy air service
royal new zealand air force
royal newfoundland regiment
royal norfolk regiment
royal north west mounted police
royal northumberland fusiliers
royal regiment of canada, r.c.i.c.
royal regiment of canadian artillery
royal rifles of canada, r.c.i.c.
royal scots
royal scots (the royal regiment)
royal scots fusiliers
royal sussex regiment
royal tank regiment, r.a.c.
royal warwickshire regiment
royal welch fusiliers
royal welsh fusiliers
royal west surrey regiment
royal westminster regiment
royal winnipeg rifles
régiment aéroporté du canada
régiment aéroporte du canada
régiment aéroporté du canada
régiment aéroporté du canada
régiment des opérations spéciales du canada
sabre transition unit, rcaf
saint john fusiliers (m.g.), r.c.i.c.
sanitary section
saskatoon light infantry (m.g.), r.c.i.c.
sault ste marie guard
sault ste. marie and sudbury regiment, r.c.i.c.
school of musketry
scots fusiliers of canada, r.c.i.c.
scots guards
scottish rifles
scotts railway guards
seaforth highlanders
seaforth highlanders (ross-shire buffs, the duke of albany's)
seaforth highlanders of canada
senior canadian air force liaison officer, rcaf (on exchange)
sherbrooke fusiliers regiment, r.c.a.c.
sherwood foresters (notts & derby regt.)
somerset light infantry
somerset light infantry (prince albert's)
south african air force
south african artillery
south african constabulary
south african constabulary, b
south african constabulary, c
south african constabulary, e
south african infantry
south african light horse
south african medical corps
south african military nursing service
south alberta regiment, r.c.a.c.
south lancashire regiment
south lancashire regiment (prince of wales volunteers)
south saskatchewan regiment, r.c.i.c.
south staffordshire regiment
south wales borderers
special list (n.r.)
special service troops, canadian army
st georges canadian ranger
staffordshire yeo., r.a.c.
stormont, dundas and glengarry highlanders, r.c.i.c.
suffolk regiment
surrey, british columbia
tactical air group, rcaf
tactical group headquarters
tank corps
territorial army nursing service
the algonquin regiment
the black watch (royal highland regiment) of canada
the branch of canadian military engineers
the buffs (east kent regiment)
the canadian guards
the canadian provost corps
the corps of royal canadian electrical and mechanical engineers
the corps of royal canadian engineers
the fort garry horse
the king's (liverpool regiment)
the king's own calgary regiment (rcac)
the lake superior scottish regiment
the lincoln and welland regiment
the loyal edmonton regiment
the loyal edmonton regiment (1st canadian infantry battalion)
the loyal edmonton regiment (3rd battalion, princess patricia's canadian light infantry
the loyal edmonton regiment (3rd battalion, princess patricia's canadian light infantry)
the loyal edmonton regiment (4th battalion, princess patricia's canadian light infantry)
the loyal north lancashire regiment
the north saskatchewan regiment
the nottinghamshire and derbyshire regiment
the nova scotia highlanders
the ontario regiment (rcac)
the ontario regiment, r.c.a.c.
the princess louise fusiliers
the princess louise fusiliers
the princess louise fusiliers
the princess louise fusiliers (machine gun)
the princess louise's fusiliers
the queen's (royal west surrey regiment)
the queen's own rifles of canada
the queen's own rifles of canada
the queen's york rangers (rcac)
the royal canadian armoured corps school
the royal canadian corps of signals
the royal canadian dragoons
the royal canadian regiment
the royal regiment of canadian artillery
the royal regina rifles
the royal west kent regiment
the royal westminster regiment
the royal winnipeg rifles
the south alberta light horse (rcac)
the toronto scottish regiment
the west nova scotia regiment
the west riding regiment
the westminster regiment
the windsor regiment (rcac)
three rivers regiment, r.c.a.c.
toronto scottish regiment (m.g.), r.c.i.c.
train company
training command headquarters, rcaf
tunneling company
united states army
united states army air force
united states merchant mariner
united states navy
unité de soutien des forces canadiennes ottawa
vernon, british columbia
veterans guard of canada
victoria rifles of canada, r.c.i.c.
welch regiment
welland canal force
welsh guards
welsh regiment
west african engineers
west nova scotia regiment, r.c.i.c.
west yorkshire regiment (prince of wales own)
west yorkshire regiment (prince of wales's own)
westminster regiment (motor), r.c.i.c.
wilkie, saskatchewan
wiltshire regiment
wiltshire regiment (the duke of edinburghs)
winnipeg grenadiers, r.c.i.c.
winnipeg light infantry, r.c.i.c.
winter experimental establishment, rcaf
women's royal canadian naval service
worcestershire regiment
yellowknife & hay river, northwest territories
york and lancaster regiment
yorkshire regiment
young men's christian association
yukon motor machine gun battery
royal air force
école d'administration et de logistique des forces canadiennes
école de leadership et de recrues des forces canadiennes (saint-jean)
école des recrues des forces canadiennes (saint-jean)