Ceremonies and Events (VAC PPU 621)

Description: This bank describes information that is used in support of remembrance related ceremonies and events to recognize and honour Canada’s war dead and Veterans in Canada and overseas. The bank also describes personal information used to provide honours and awards (war medals), including the Minister of Veterans Affairs Commendation. The personal information may include: name, contact information, citizenship status, language, biographical information, relationship to Veteran, dates and places of birth and death, health information, validation of identity documentation, VAC employee, physical attributes relating to medical needs, military service information including service number and rank, client identifiers including War Veterans Allowance number and other identification numbers, decision and entitlement information, medals and awards information, opinions and views of or about individuals, emergency contact information (may include neighbour), passport information, travel information, special needs information, financial information of delegates, and signature. Youth participant, caregiver and delegate information may include name, date and place of birth, name of school, contact information, relation to former or still serving Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) members, travel and passport information, contact information including neighbours and friends, health information, biographical information, financial information, language and signature.

Note: Revised in 2019. Information may be stored in VAC's physical and electronic systems including the Awards Application Program, online registration portal, as well as the Client Service Delivery Network (CSDN) and/or GCCase, which may include client initiated actions and responses made through My VAC Account. A website application for the Bomber Command Bar and the Korean War Veterans Certificate is available on the VAC website. The information gathered will be stored electronically in a Novell application that was designed for VAC Honours and Awards.

Some documents received in VAC from the Department of National Defence may contain the Social Insurance Number because Department of National Defence personnel were required to use it as their personal identification number between 1960 and 1990.

Class of Individuals: The general public, Canadian Veterans, family members, designated caregivers of Veterans, youth, CAF members, RCMP members, Veterans of the Allied Forces, Nursing Sisters,  and/or their representatives, media representatives, Veterans organization representatives, Parliamentarians, VAC medical personnel and staff, contractors, service providers, and representatives from various levels of government abroad and foreign dignitaries.

Purpose: Personal information is collected pursuant to Order in Council P.C. 1948 -811 and Order in Council P.C. 1965-688 which assigns the Minister of Veterans Affairs the responsibility for “Ceremonies at the 1914-1918 National War Memorial, Remembrance Ceremonies in connection with the war dead outside of Canada, and National Services in Canada to commemorate the war dead, or related subjects.” It is used to administrate all aspects of leading and supporting remembrance ceremonies and events, in Canada or overseas; as well as to determine eligibility for the honours and awards program and to issue and distribute medals and awards, including replacement honours and awards, to eligible Veterans or family members to acknowledge those who serve Veterans with the Minister of Veterans Affairs Commendation.

Consistent Uses: In some circumstances, information may be disclosed to hosting countries to assess individuals for admissibility to events. Information may be used and disclosed for planning, research, development, evaluation and/or reporting of programs, policies and services. The use and disclosure is limited to VAC areas that are involved in the identified program, service and policy, and may also be shared with senior management. Information is used to arrange travel for delegates participating in in-Canada and overseas ceremonies and events.

Information is disclosed to third parties/other government institutions as required for the purposes of planning safe, stress-free, harmonious travel experiences for all delegates. Delegates’ health information is shared with Veterans Affairs contracted medical staff to identify any health related issues and travel requirements. If a delegate requires additional medical attention that Veterans Affairs Canada/medical staff cannot provide, delegate health information (i.e. level of treatment administered, symptoms etc.) will be provided to local authorities to ensure proper medical assistance.

Names, passport information, special needs requirements, and other relevant information may be shared with travel and event coordinators and their partners, namely: municipal organizations, Veterans organizations, the Department of National Defence, and Global Affairs Canada, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, and officials of foreign governments. Some information gathered about Veterans and other individuals, in relation to commemorative events, with appropriate consent, may also be posted on VAC's Internet or Intranet site, or disclosed through media releases.

Delegate personal information may be shared to a select group of 17 national security-mandated institutions in response to threats that undermine the security of Canada via the Security of Canada Information Sharing Act (SCISA). This Act aims to improve the effectiveness and timeliness of information sharing for national security purposes by establishing an explicit authority for all federal government institutions to disclose information to designated recipients.

Personal information received by VAC may be shared with other VAC programs to determine if individuals may be eligible for additional benefits, or for commemorative activities, where applicable.

Personal information may be shared with the Department of National Defence (DND) to obtain Service Records, which are reviewed to determine eligibility for Honours and Awards (Refer to institution-specific personal information bank - History, Heritage and Honours -  DND PPE 823).

In accordance with an established Memorandum of Understanding, personal information may be shared with Library and Archives Canada (LAC) to obtain Service Records, which are reviewed to determine eligibility for Honours and Awards (Refer to institution-specific personal information banks: Military Personnel Bank – LAC PPU 024).

Service history and documents and personal information found on nomination forms for the Minister of Veterans Affairs Commendation may also be used to determine eligibility.

Retention and Disposal Standards: Retention of information is currently under review.

RDA Number
TBS Registration Number

Bank Number: VAC PPU 621