Ste. Anne’s Hospital (VAC PPU 280)
Description: This bank describes information about individual eligible for and receiving long term and respite care and inpatient and outpatient care and services at Ste. Anne’s Hospital - a hospital owned by Veterans Affairs Canada (VAC). Residents and clients receiving care, services and treatment at Ste. Anne’s Hospital are deemed eligible for treatment at this facility through entitlement to benefits under other programs at VAC. Personal information may include name, contact information, biographical information, biometric information, citizenship status, criminal history, dates of birth and death, educational information, employee personnel information, employment equity information, financial information, gender, personal identification numbers (military service number, client identifier, VAC file number, CROMIS PIN number, RAMQ number, Old Age Security (OAS) number (of spouse and Veteran)), preferred official language, lifestyle, medical and mental health information, physical attributes, place of birth, spouse’s and family members’ date of birth and name, spouse’s and family members’ service information and number, religious denomination, guardian and power of attorney information, opinions and views of or about individuals, picture, signature and participation in the Canadian Red Cross handicraft program and the Visiting Groups Recreational Service. Decision and entitlement information about individuals may be received from other VAC programs including the Disability Pension Program, (refer to institution-specific personal information bank VAC PPU 601); the War Veterans Allowance program, (refer to institution-specific personal information bank VAC PPU 040); the Non-departmental Institutions – Veterans Independence Program (refer to institution-specific personal information bank VAC PPU 618); and the Non-departmental Institutions - Long Term Care program (refer to institution-specific personal information bank VAC PPU 619).
Note: Revised in 2016. Effective April 1, 2016, Ste. Anne’s Hospital was transferred from the Government of Canada to the Government of Quebec. Information may be stored electronically in the different Clinical and Administrative Systems used at SAH such as “Gestion informatisée du dossier médical”, commonly referred to as G.I. Dossier. Some documents received in Veterans Affairs Canada (VAC) from the Department of National Defence (DND) may reference the Social Insurance Number (SIN) as DND personnel were required to use the SIN as their personal identification number between 1960 and 1990.
Class of Individuals: Qualified Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) Veterans including those with overseas service and service in Canada, Allied Veterans, special duty service and military service pensioners, qualified still-serving members, still-serving and former members of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP), eligible civilians, qualified spouses and common-law partners, family members, next of kin, caregivers, guardians and/or authorized representatives, and volunteers at Ste. Anne’s Hospital.
Purpose: Personal information is collected pursuant to the Department of Veterans Affairs Act, the Veterans Health Care Regulations (sections 3 to 5), the Veterans Well-being Act (sections 7 to 10) and the Pension Act (definition section a to h). It is used to determine eligibility and entitlement for treatment and other health-related benefits and services provided at Ste. Anne’s Hospital.
Consistent Uses: Information may be used and disclosed for planning, statistical, research, development, safety or security purposes, audit, evaluation and/or reporting of programs, policies and services. The use and disclosure is limited to VAC areas that are involved in the identified program, service and policy. Such information may also be shared with senior management. Personal information may be shared with other VAC programs, including programs covered by the application waiver provision under section 78.1 of the Veterans Well-being Act, for the purpose of determining eligibility. Information may also be shared to support the provision of case management services to the client, if applicable. Personal information may be shared with provincial governments, and institutions thereof, in cases of devolution or privatization of a program or activity. Name, client identifier, medical and mental health information, and information related to benefit entitlements may be shared with a third party claims administrator for payment purposes. Personal information, which may include medical and/or mental health information and financial information, may be shared with the RCMP, DND, provincial health care facilities and the Public Curator, with the individual’s consent, to ensure provision of continued health care and services. VAC has contracted an authorized and approved third party, located in Canada, to provide transportation, storage, maintenance retrieval, delivery and destruction services of VAC records where applicable.
Retention and Disposal Standards: Retention of information is currently under review.
Bank Number: VAC PPU 280