Definitions for Health Care Benefits, Veterans Independence Program, and Long Term Care

Issuing Authority
Director General of Policy and Research
Effective Date
Document ID

The following words, phrases and definitions are relevant to the administration of the Veterans Health Care Regulations (VHCR), wherein they have a specific meaning which is not always the ordinary interpretation.


Accommodation and Meals (A&M) Contribution

Accommodation and meals (A&M) contribution means the amount of the A&M rate, if any, that a client is required to pay monthly while residing in an approved health care facility.

Accommodation and Meals (A&M) Rate

Accommodation and meals (A&M) rate means the maximum monthly amount that can be charged to a client while residing in an approved health care facility. This rate is calculated annually by the Department, and it is based on either the lowest provincial monthly charge for accommodation and meals permitted under the Canada Health Act or the percentage of increase in the Consumer Price Index, whichever is less.

Active Service

Active service means the military status assigned (in accordance with the National Defence Act) whenever a person is enrolled, enlisted, drafted or warned for service or duty during an emergency, or when a person is on duty, or has been warned for duty in aid of the civil power.

Activities of Daily Living

Activities of daily living means self-administered care, including eating, dressing, washing/bathing, grooming, toileting, walking, etc.

Administrative Error

Administrative error refers to any error, the fault of which cannot reasonably be attributed to the client.

Adult Residential Care

Adult residential care means a service provided in a health care facility to meet a Type I health need.

A-line Coverage

A-line coverage means the provision of benefits, services or care under the Veterans Health Care Regulations that are required by an eligible client as a result of a health condition for which disability benefits entitlement has been granted.

Allied Veteran

Allied veteran means a person who meets the service requirements described in subsection 37(4), (4.1) or (4.2) of the War Veterans Allowance Act, namely:

Any former member of

  • a) Any of His Majesty's forces,
  • b) Any of the forces, other than resistance groups, of any of His Majesty's allies,
  • c) Any of the forces, other than resistance groups, of any power associated with His Majesty in World War I, or
  • c.1) Any of the forces that took part in the Korean War who was domiciled in Canada at the time when he or she joined that force or at any time while a member of that force, and
  • d) Served in a theatre of actual war during World War I or World War II,
  • d.1) Served in a theatre of operations during the Korean War,
  • e) Is in receipt of a pension for disability under the Pension Act in respect of service during World War I or World War II as those wars are defined in that Act,
  • f) Has accepted a commuted pension in respect of service described in paragraph (e),
  • g) Is, after death, declared to have been eligible for, or awarded, a pension described in paragraph (e) above, or
  • h) Served in the United Kingdom during World War I.

An allied veteran is also any former member of any of His Majesty's forces, or of any of the forces, other than resistance groups, of any of His Majesty's allies in World War II, who served during that war, who resided in Canada for a total period of at least 10 years beginning on or after August 15, 1945, who has been honourably discharged or has been permitted honourably to resign or retire from one of those forces and who

  • a) Served in a theatre of actual war during that war;
  • b) Is in receipt of a pension for an injury or disease incurred or aggravated during service in any such force during that war or is declared to have been eligible for, or awarded, such a pension subsequent to their death; or,
  • c) Has accepted a commuted pension.

An allied veteran is also any former member of any of the forces that took part in the Korean War and who served during that war, who resided in Canada for a total period of at least 10 years beginning on or after July 27, 1953, who has been honourably discharged or has been permitted honourably to resign or retire from one of those forces and who served in a theatre of operations during that war.

Ambulatory Health Care

Ambulatory health care means services such as health assessments, diagnostic services, and social and recreational services (e.g. adult day care) provided by, or under the supervision of, a health professional, and includes transportation between the client's residence and the health centre where the services are provided.

Assistive Listening Devices

Assistive listening devices are instruments used to enhance a person’s ability to hear in complex listening situations.  These devices include closed captioning devices, FM systems, in-line telephone amplification, personalized amplification devices, signaling device systems, television systems and TTY telephones/VCO telephones.

B-line Coverage

B-line coverage means, generally, the benefits available to clients, other than disability benefits recipients, to the extent that the benefits are not available to them as insured services under a provincial health care system. The eligibility for this type of coverage is often linked to the client meeting an income test or qualifying for the Veterans Independence Program (VIP).

Benefit Arrangement

Benefit arrangement sets out the dollar amount that the Department may contribute toward the provision of Veterans Independence Program (VIP) service(s), and the length of time during which the services may be provided.


British Subject

British subject means anyone who owed allegiance to the British Crown, either by birth or otherwise.

Canada Service Veteran

Canada service veteran means:

  1. A veteran who served on full-time active service, other than service in a theatre of actual war, as a member of the Canadian forces or similar forces raised in Newfoundland; or
  2. A Canadian merchant mariner, other than a merchant navy veteran, and who
    1. Served for a minimum of 365 days during any of the following periods, namely,
      • The period beginning on August 4, 1914, and ending on August 31, 1921, and
      • The period beginning on September 1, 1939, and ending on August 15, 1945;
    2. Is 65 years of age or more, and
    3. Satisfies the income requirement of an income-qualified veteran.

Canadian Merchant Mariner

Canadian merchant mariner means a person who meets the service requirements described in subsection 21.1(3), (4) or (5) of the Pension Act , namely:

  1. Any person who, during World War I or world War II, served on board a Canadian ship while it was making a qualifying voyage (specific details are listed in subsection 37(7.3) of the War Veterans Allowance Act);
  2. Any person who, during World War I, served in a Canadian manning pool;
  3. Any person who, during World War II, served as a member of a Canadian manning pool for a period of two years or for the duration of the war, whichever was the shorter period;
  4. Any person who, during World War I or World War II, was permanently or recurrently employed at sea by a Canadian shipping company or by the Canadian Marconi Company Limited;
  5. Any trainee at a Canadian marine training school during World War I or World War II who signed an agreement to enter a Canadian manning pool at the end of the training; or,
  6. Any person who, during the period from June 25, 1950, to July 27, 1953, served on board a Canadian ship while in prescribed waters (specific details are listed in subsection 37(7.4) of the War Veterans Allowance Act) off the coast of Korea.

Canadian National

Canadian national was used to describe what is now called a "Canadian citizen." A "Canadian national" was defined as a British subject who was a Canadian citizen under the Immigration Act.

Chronic Care

Chronic care means a service provided in a health care facility to meet a Type III health need.


Civilian means a person who meets the service requirements described in subsection 56(1) of the Civilian War-related Benefits Act, namely:

  1. A person who served at sea in a ship of Canadian or Newfoundland registry during World War I or World War II for a period of at least six months, and made at least one trip through dangerous waters during that period of service;
  2. A Canadian citizen, a Canadian national, or a British subject domiciled in Newfoundland at the commencement of his/her qualifying service who served at sea during World War I or World War II for a period of at least six months in a ship of United Kingdom registry or the registry of one of the countries allied or associated with His Majesty in either of those wars, and, during that period of service made at least one trip through dangerous waters;
  3. A Canadian citizen who served at sea in a ship of another country allied or associated with the United Nations during United Nations military operations in Korea for a period of at least six months, and during that period of service served at least twenty-eight days on such a ship within dangerous waters off the coast of Korea;
  4. A person who was a member of the Corps of (Civilian) Canadian Fire Fighters for Service in the United Kingdom and served in a theatre of actual war during World War II;
  5. A person who was a Canadian member of the Voluntary Aid Detachment of the British Red Cross during World War I and served in a theatre of actual war during World War I;
  6. A person who, during World War II, served in a theatre of war under the auspices of the Canadian Red Cross Society or the St. John Ambulance Brigade of Canada, as welfare workers, nursing aids, ambulance or transport drivers, members of Overseas Headquarters Staff, or in any other capacity; or were selected by the Canadian Red Cross Society and served with the Scottish Ministry of Health as orthopedic nurses or surgeons; or served outside Canada during the Korean War in a capacity similar to above;
  7. A person who was a civilian member of Ferry Command and served in a theatre of actual war during World War II as air crew with Number 45 Wing of the Royal Air Force Transport Command, Number 45 Group of the Royal Air Force Ferry Command or the Atlantic Ferrying Organization;
  8. A person who was a member of the Newfoundland Overseas Forestry Unit and served in a theatre of actual war during World War II, engaged in cutting pit props for coal production in the United Kingdom; or,
  9. A person who is in receipt of a pension under Parts I to X of the Civilian War-related Benefits Act or is declared to have been eligible for, or awarded, such a pension subsequent to the person's death.

Civilian Pensioner

Civilian pensioner means a person who is entitled to a pension under any of Parts I to III or VI to X of the Civilian War-related Benefits Act, or the Civilian Government Employees (War) Compensation Order, namely:

  1. Canadian Saltwater Fishers;
  2. Auxiliary Services Personnel;
  3. Newfoundland Overseas Forestry Unit;
  4. Corps of (Civilian) Canadian Firefighters for service in the United Kingdom;
  5. Air Raid Precautions Workers;
  6. Voluntary Aid Detachment (World War I or II);
  7. Overseas Welfare Workers (World War II or Korea); or,
  8. Ferry Command.


Client means:

  1. Veteran pensioner, income-qualified veteran, overseas service veteran, dual service veteran or a veteran who satisfies the age and service requirements to be recognized as a Canada Service Veteran;
  2. Civilian pensioner, income-qualified civilian or civilian;
  3. Newfoundland Special Award pensioner;
  4. Military service pensioner;
  5. Red Cross pensioner;
  6. Flying accident pensioner;
  7. Special duty service pensioner;
  8. A prisoner of war entitled to basic compensation under subsection 71.2(1) of the Pension Act,
  9. A former member of His Majesty's forces, or of any of the forces, other than resistance groups, of any of His Majesty's allies or powers associated with His Majesty in World War I or World War II, who
    1. Served during either of those wars during the period set out in paragraph 37(10)(b) or c), as the case may be, of the War Veterans Allowance Act,
    2. Has resided in Canada for a total period of at least 10 years,
    3. Does not meet the Canadian domicile requirements of subsection 37(4) of that Act, and,
    4. Served in a theatre of actual war as defined in subsection 37(8) of that Act, receives a pension for an injury or disease incurred or aggravated during service in any such force during either of those wars or accepted a commuted pension;
  10. A former member or reserve force member who is entitled to a disability award or pain and suffering compensation; or
  11. A former member or reserve force member who has received a detention benefit under Part 3 of the Veterans Well-being Act Note: Under the Veterans Health Care Regulations (VHCR), primary caregivers, survivors, and RCMP pensioners are not clients.

Common-law Partner

Common-law partner means, in relation to an individual, a person who is co-habiting with the individual at the relevant time in a conjugal relationship, having so cohabited for a period of at least one year. For greater certainty,

  1. In the case of an individual's death, the "relevant time" means the time of that death; and
  2. Common-law partners cease to be common-law partners when they cease to cohabit, except if it is by reason only of the placement of one of the partners in a health care facility.

Community Facility

Community facility means a health care facility in Canada approved by the Minister that provides adult residential care, intermediate care or chronic care, and accommodation and meals.

Commuted Pension

Commuted pension means a final payment under the Pension Act in lieu of annual pension in respect of a disability rated at five per cent or more of total disability, or a similar or analogous final payment under the laws relating to the forces with which the veteran served.

Consumer Price Index

Consumer price index means an inflationary indicator that measures the change in the cost of a fixed basket of products and services, including housing, electricity, food, and transportation (also known as cost-of-living index).

Contract Bed

Contract bed means a bed provided in a community facility as a result of a contractual agreement made by the Minister to provide adult residential care, intermediate care or chronic care to certain veterans.

Cochlear Implants

Cochlear implants means electronic devices consisting of a receiver/simulator, an electrode array surgically implanted, and external components such as a microphone, transmitting cords, speech processor, batteries and transmitting coils.


Decision means a determination relating to the award, increase, decrease, suspension or cancellation of any benefit, service or care under the Veterans Health Care Regulations.


Department means the Department of Veterans Affairs.

Departmental Facility

Departmental facility means Ste. Anne's Hospital.


Dependant means a person who lives with or is maintained by the client and is recognized by the Department as someone who is dependent on the client.

Detention Benefit

Detention Benefit means compensation payable under the Veterans Well-being Act to recognize the non-economic effects arising from a period of time a member was detained by an enemy, opposing force or criminal element; was engaged in evading capture; or escaped from such a power.

Disability Benefits Entitled Condition

Disability benefits entitled condition means the condition for which a memeber or Veteran is entitled to a pension, a disability award, or pain and suffering compensation.

Entitled to a Disability Award

Entitled to a disability award means, in relation to a member or former member, that the member or former member

  1. Has received a disability award under the Veterans Well-being Act;
  2. Has not received a disability award under that Act, as of April 1, 2019, but has been granted entitlement to a disability award before that date; or,
  3. Would have received a disability award under that Act before April 1, 2019, except that the combined total of a disability pension and a disability award could not be payable at a rate higher than 100%.

Entitled to a Disability Award or Pain and Suffering Compensation in Respect of Special Duty Service

Entitled to a disability award or pain and suffering compensation in respect of special duty service means that the injury or disease, or aggravation thereof, for which the member or former member is entitled to a disability award or pain and suffering compensation, was attributable to or was incurred during special duty service.

Entitled to a Pension

Entitled to a pension means in respect of a person, that the person receives a pension, has received a final payment of a pension, or has been declared eligible for a pension (e.g. nil assessment, or claim that has been adjudicated but not yet in pay).

Entitled to Pain and Suffering Compensation

Entitled to a pain and suffering compensation means, in relation to a member or former member, that the member or former member

  1. Has received pain and suffering compensation under the Veterans Well-being Act;
  2. Has been granted disability entitlement under that Act, but the extent of his or her disability has not been assessed; or,
  3. Would have received a pain and suffering compensation under that Act, except that the combined total of a disability pension, a disability award, or pain and suffering compensation cannot be payable at a rate higher than 100%.

Exceptional Health Needs

Exceptional health needs means needs, which if left unaddressed, place a client at risk. Normally, individuals are considered to have exceptional health needs if they require care in response to a Type II health need; however, some exceptions (i.e. social isolation, unavailability of community support, etc.) could support approval of Veterans Independence Program (VIP) services to non-Type II applicants.

Exceptional Level of Care

Exceptional level of care means the individual's health needs have increased, requiring specialized care that cannot adequately be provided in a community facility other than a contract bed.

Flying Accident Pensioner

Flying accident pensioner means a person entitled to compensation under the Flying Accident Compensation Regulations for death or injuries sustained by that person.

Frail Pensioner

Frail pensioner means a Veteran pensioner, a civilian pensioner, a special duty service pensioner, a military service pensioner, or a former member or reserve member of the Canadian Armed Forces that is entitled to a Disability Award; who is considered to be at risk due to frailty. Frailty, in this instance, is defined as the occurrence of a critical mass of physiological conditions that place an individual at risk for falls, injuries, illnesses or the need for supervision or hospitalization. Frailty also results in a severe and prolonged impairment of function with little or no likelihood of improvement.

Full-time Active Service

Full-time active service means that part of active service that does not include

  1. Periods of absence without leave or leave of absence without pay;
  2. Periods in respect of which pay is forfeited; or,
  3. Time served in prison or other detention.

Grandfathered Allied Veteran

Grandfathered allied veteran means a post-war resident World War II allied veteran who qualified for veterans' benefits before the provisions of the Budget Implementation Act, 1995, came into effect. All post-war resident allied veteran clients who are, or had ever been recipients of VAC benefits on or before February 27, 1995, are included.

Grounds Maintenance

Grounds maintenance means services such as lawn mowing and removal of ice, snow and leaves from walkways, driveways and eaves troughs.

Harmonic Sound Stimulation

Harmonic sound stimulation is a process which produces random, chime-like musical tones that can be used for relaxation, concentration and tinnitus coping (such as the zen program available in some widex hearing aids).


Health means a state of physical, mental and social well-being.

Health Care Benefits

Health care benefits means those treatment benefits, supplementary benefits, treatment allowances, and costs associated with medical examinations authorized under Part I of the Veterans Health Care Regulations (VHCR).

Health Care Facility

Health care facility means an establishment, operating under a corporate structure, which provides health care services under the direction of a health professional which meets the needs of the Department's clients with type II and /or type III health needs. It is a public or privately operated organization that provides accommodation and meals and could include, but is not limited to, the following: housekeeping, social or recreational services, assistance with daily living activities, personal care, nursing care and therapeutic services.

Health Care Team

Health care team means an interdisciplinary group comprised of case management, nursing, and medical representatives that meet for the purpose of benefit adjudication.

Health Professional

Health professional means a physician, dentist, nurse or other health professional approved by the Minister.

Hearing Instrument Practitioner (HIP)

Hearing instrument practitioner (HIP) is a person qualified under the legislation of the province or territory in which the services are provided to conduct hearing assessments and dispense audio benefits.

Home Adaptations

Home adaptations means the provision of goods and/or services to alter the principal residence of a client when such alterations are necessary to accommodate the use of special equipment, to permit safe access, or to assist the client in performing the activities of daily living. Home adaptations are available as either a treatment benefit or a Veterans Independence Program (VIP) service; but, there are basic differences, which are identified in the policy on Home Adaptations.

Home Care

Home care means services provided to or on behalf of a client at the client's principal residence, namely:

  1. Health and support services such as nursing care, therapy and personal care provided by a health professional;
  2. Personal care services provided by a person other than a health professional;
  3. Housekeeping services, including:
    1. Any routine chores necessary for the upkeep of a home on a daily basis;
    2. Homemaker services, such as house cleaning, meal preparation and laundry; and,
    3. Certain non-routine tasks (washing walls, cleaning chimneys, etc.), which, if not done, may pose a threat to the client's health and safety;
  4. Grounds maintenance services necessary to permit independent living at the principal residence, such as lawn mowing and removal of ice, snow and leaves from walkways, driveways and eaves troughs; and
  5. Access to nutrition services (e.g. delivery of food to the client's principal residence, or transportation of the client to go to a local restaurant to obtain meals).


Housekeeping means:

  1. Any routine chores necessary for the upkeep of a home on a daily basis;
  2. Homemaker services, such as house cleaning, meal preparation and laundry; and,
  3. Certain non-routine tasks (washing walls, cleaning chimneys, etc.), which, if not done, may pose a threat to the client's health and safety;


Income means all income sources (this includes both base calendar year incomes and current monthly benefits) that are assessed when determining the rate of Allowance payable under the War Veterans Allowance Act.

Income-qualified Civilian

Income-qualified civilian means a civilian who:

  1. Is in receipt of an allowance under subsection 57(1) of the Civilian War-related Benefits Act; or,
  2. Would be eligible for an allowance under that Act if the civilian or their spouse or common-law partner were not eligible for or in receipt of payments under the Old Age Security Act, or similar legislation of another country.

Income-qualified Overseas Service Civilian

Income-qualified overseas service civilian means an overseas service civilian who is an income-qualified civilian.

Income-qualified Veteran

Income-qualified veteran means a veteran who:

  1. Is in receipt of an allowance under the War Veterans Allowance (WVA) Act; or
  2. Would be eligible for an allowance under the WVA Act were the veteran or their spouse or common-law partner not eligible for or in receipt of payments under the Old Age Security Act, or similar legislation of another country.

Informal Caregiver

Informal caregiver means a person, usually a family member, friend or neighbour, who provides care without remuneration to a client. Provision of the care is usually based on an interpersonal relationship between the caregiver and the client, and the caregiver is not usually trained for the task.

Instrumental Activities of Daily Living

Instrumental activities of daily living (IADL) are those activities which comprise a secondary level of tasks that are not essential to health or survival but which a person should be able to do in order to function independently. IADLs may include shopping, housekeeping, banking, errands, grounds maintenance, minor home repairs, and driving or taking public transportation.

Intermediate Care

Intermediate care means a service provided in a health care facility to meet a Type II health need.

Korean War

Korean War means the military operations undertaken by the United Nations to restore peace in the Republic of Korea during the period from June 25, 1950 to July 27, 1953, both dates inclusive.

Medium Disabled

Medium disabled is the term used to describe those veteran pensioners or civilian pensioners whose extent of disability, in respect of the aggregate of all of their disability assessments under the Pension Act and the Veterans Well-being Act is equal to or greater than 48%, but less than 78%.

Merchant Navy Veteran

Merchant navy veteran means a person who meets the service requirements described in subsections 37(7.3) or 37(7.4) of the War Veterans Allowance Act, namely:

  • a) Any person who served on board a Canadian ship while it was making a qualifying voyage (specific details can be found in subsection 37(7.3) of the War Veterans Allowance Act) during World War I or World War II, or any person domiciled in Canada who served on board an allied ship while it was making a qualifying voyage during World War I or World War II;
  • b) Any person who, during World War I or World War II, made a trip by sea, land or air through or over a theatre of actual war for the purpose of proceeding to a Canadian ship in order to serve on a qualifying voyage or returning to Canada or the country of which the person was a citizen or national, after having made a qualifying voyage;
  • c) Any person who, during World War I or World War II, served in a theatre of actual war as a member of a Canadian manning pool;
  • d) Any person domiciled in Canada who, during World War I or World War II, made a trip by sea, land or air through or over a theatre of actual war for the purpose of proceeding to an allied ship in order to serve on a qualifying voyage, or returning to Canada, after having made a qualifying voyage;
  • e) Any person domiciled in Canada who, during World War I or World War II, served in a theatre of actual war as a member of an allied manning pool or was a distressed mariner;
  • f) Any person who is in receipt of a pension, has accepted a commuted pension, or is declared eligible for, or is awarded, a pension subsequent to the person's death for an injury or disease incurred or aggravated during service as a Canadian merchant mariner of World War I or Canadian merchant mariner of World War II within the meaning of section 21.1 of the Pension Act;
  • g) Any person who, at any time during the period from June 25, 1950 to July 27, 1953, served on board a Canadian ship while in prescribed waters (specific details can be found in subsection 37(7.4) of the War Veterans Allowance Act) off the coast of Korea; or,
  • h) Any person who is in receipt of a pension, has accepted a commuted pension, or is declared eligible for, or is awarded, a pension subsequent to the person's death for an injury or disease incurred or aggravated during service as a Canadian merchant mariner of the Korean War within the meaning of section 21.1 of the Pension Act.

Military Service Pensioner

Military service pensioner means a former member or reserve force member who is entitled to a pension under the Pension Act for a disability related to military service that was not active service in World War I or World War II, service in a theatre of operations, or special duty service.

Near Recipient

Near recipient is the term used to describe a person who is a qualified veteran or civilian who would be eligible to receive an allowance payment under the War Veterans Allowance Act, if the veteran or civilian and, if applicable, their spouse or common-law partner, were not in receipt of a payment under the Old Age Security Act, or similar legislation of another country.

Newfoundland Special Award Pensioner

Newfoundland special award pensioner means a person who was not entitled to a pension in accordance with the terms of the union of Canada and Newfoundland but was recognized by the Canadian government as entitled to the continuation of an award paid before that union in respect of a disability incurred during war time service.


Overpayment means a payment that was provided to a client which is either greater than the amount of the client's entitlement, or for which the client has no entitlement.

Overseas Service Civilian

Overseas service civilian means a person who meets the service requirements described in paragraph (e), (f), (g), (h) or (i) of subsection 56(1) of the Civilian War-related Benefits Act, namely:

  1. A person who served in a theatre of actual war during World War II as a member of the Corps of (Civilian) Canadian Fire Fighters for Service in the United Kingdom. (These individuals served in the United Kingdom assisting the National Fire Service combat fires caused by enemy air raids and bombing.);
  2. A person who
    1. Served in a theatre of actual war during World War II as an overseas welfare worker. (These individuals served, under the auspices of the Canadian Red Cross Society or the St. John Ambulance Brigade of Canada, as welfare workers, nursing aids, ambulance or transport drivers, members of Overseas Headquarters Staff, or in any other capacity; or were selected by the Canadian Red Cross Society and served with the Scottish Ministry of Health as orthopedic nurses or surgeons.); or,
    2. Served outside Canada during the Korean War in a capacity similar to paragraph i) above;
  3. A person who served in a theatre of actual war during World War II as a civilian member of Ferry Command. (These individuals were employed by the Air Ministry of the United Kingdom, and served as air crew with Number 45 Wing of the Royal Air Force Transport Command, Number 45 Group of the Royal Air Force Ferry Command or the Atlantic Ferrying Organization.);
  4. A person who served in a theatre of actual war during World War II as a member of the Newfoundland Overseas Forestry Unit. (These individuals were engaged in cutting pit props for coal production in the United Kingdom.); or,
  5. A person who served in a theatre of actual war during World War I as a Canadian member of the Voluntary Aid Detachment of the British Red Cross. (These individuals were selected by the St. John's Ambulance Brigade and sent to the United Kingdom to assist the Voluntary Aid Detachments of the British Red Cross.)

Overseas Service Veteran (OSV)

Overseas service veteran (OSV) means:

For the purpose of qualifying for treatment benefits and long-term care, an OSV is defined as:

  1. A veteran who, on or before March 31, 1946, served during World War I or World War II in a theatre of actual war; or,
  2. A Merchant Navy Veteran of World War I or World War II.

For the purpose of qualifying for Veterans Independence Program benefits, an OSV is defined as:

  1. A veteran who served in a theatre of actual war during:
    1. World War I - specifically from August 4, 1914, to August 31, 1921; or,
    2. World War II - specifically from September 1, 1939, to May 8, 1945, in respect of service in connection with operations in the European and Mediterranean theatres of war; and September 1, 1939, and August 15, 1945, in respect of service in connection with operations in the Pacific theatre of war;
  2. A Merchant Navy Veteran of World War I or World War II;

The following clients are also considered Overseas Service Veterans:

  1. A Veteran who was on service in a theatre of operations as a member of the Canadian Forces, including the special force;
  2. A Canadian Merchant Navy Veteran of the Korean War; or,
  3. Effective January 1, 2010, an Allied Veteran described in paragraphs 37(4)(c.1) and (d.1) or subsection 37(4.2) of the War Veterans Allowance Act.

Palliative Care

Palliative care means care provided to a client who is, or has been, diagnosed to be in the last stages of life with a current medical prognosis of three months or less.


Pension means:

  1. A pension that is awarded under the Pension Act, other than a pension that is awarded under subsection 22 (2) of that Act;
  2. A pension that is awarded under any of Parts I to III or VI to X of the Civilian War-related Benefits Act;
  3. A pension to which a Red Cross pensioner is entitled;
  4. Compensation that is payable under the Flying Accidents Compensation Regulations; or,
  5. A pension awarded under the Civilian Government Employees (War) Compensation Order.

It does not include:

  1. A compassionate award under section 34 of the Veterans Review and Appeal Board Act;
  2. "Prisoner of war compensation"; or,
  3. "Attendance allowance", "clothing allowance", and "exceptional incapacity allowance".

Pensioned Condition

Pensioned condition means a disability in respect of which a person is entitled to a pension.

Personal Care Services

Personal care services means those services required to perform any of the activities of daily living, including supervision for clients who cannot be left unattended.

Positive Treatment Outcome

Positive treatment outcome is one which is expected to result in improvement, restoration, or maintenance of health. This may include slowing the worsening of a condition or providing pain management. A positive treatment outcome would normally be expected to result in a reasonable level of daily functioning given the individual's situation. In some instances, maintenance therapy may be a positive treatment outcome. For the purpose of the Treatment for a Disability Benefit Entitled Condition policy, maintenance therapy is generally considered to be ongoing therapy which is applied to a chronic condition. This means that the therapy is not aimed at addressing the acute or flare-up phase of a condition. Maintenance therapy should produce an effect which minimizes or prevents further deterioration of a health condition. In some cases, maintenance would be a reasonable treatment outcome.

Power Mobility Device

Power mobility device: an electric wheelchair or scooter.


Prescription means a written or verbal order by an approved health professional (physician, dentist, etc) or other approved person, for the preparation and administration of a medicine, therapeutic regimen, assistive or corrective device, or other treatment in the jurisdiction and under the laws in force in the province or country where the prescriber practices.

Primary Caregiver

Primary caregiver means the adult person who, on the day of the client's death or admission to a health care facility:

  1. Had been the person primarily responsible for ensuring that care was provided to the client;
  2. Had not been receiving a wage for ensuring the care;
  3. Had been maintained by or had been maintaining the client for a continuous period of at least one year; and,
  4. Had been resident in the principal residence of the client for a continuous period of at least one year.

For the most part, primary caregivers would be eligible spouses and common-law partners, although adult children and others may qualify.

Principal Residence

Principal residence means, for the purpose of providing VIP services to an eligible client, the place that has been, or that the person has adopted as their home, and to which they intend to return when they are away from it - the dwelling the client normally lives in. This may include, but is not limited to, the person's privately owned home, cottage or condominium; or any other place of residence such as an apartment, seniors' complex, retirement home, communal housing, assisted-living or supportive-housing unit, home of a friend or relative where the client permanently resides.

Prisoner of War

Prisoner of War means a prisoner of war of Japan or a prisoner of war of another power.

A Prisoner of War of Japan is:

  1. A person who served during World War II in the Canadian Forces;
  2. A person who served during World War II in the Allied Forces and was domiciled in Canada at the time of enlistment;
  3. A merchant navy veteran; or
  4. A civilian,

Who was a prisoner of war of Japan or was engaged in evading capture by or in escaping from the Japanese.

A Prisoner of War of another power is:

  1. A person who served during World War I or II in the Canadian Forces;
  2. A person who served during World War I or II in the Allied Forces and was domiciled in Canada at the time of enlistment;
  3. A merchant navy veteran; or
  4. A civilian

Who was a prisoner of war of any power, excluding Japan, that was engaged in military operations against His Majesty`s forces or allies, or who was engaged in evading capture by or in escaping from such a power.

A Prisoner of War of another power is also a person who served in the Canadian Forces during military operations subsequent to World War I or II and who, while serving, was a prisoner of war of any power or was engaged in evading capture by or in escaping from any power; and a Canadian merchant navy veteran of the Korean War who was a prisoner of war of any power or was engaged in evading capture by or in escaping from any power.

Qualified Primary Caregiver

Qualified primary caregiver is a primary caregiver who has a need for the housekeeping and/or grounds maintenance services within one year of the client's death or admission to a health care facility, whichever is earlier. It must be established that the need is due to a health reason and that the health reason must be met in order for the primary caregiver to remain independent in his/her own home. The primary caregiver must have an ongoing need for the services.


Recovery is the collection of an overpayment.

Red Cross Pensioner

Red Cross pensioner is a Red Cross worker who is entitled to a pension under an order in council made pursuant to the National Defence Act as a result of that service. The order in council was made subsequent to a memorandum of agreement between Her Majesty and the Canadian Red Cross Society on October 17, 1952.


Remission is the forgiveness of an otherwise legally enforceable debt.

Reserve Force Member

Reserve force member means a member:

  1. Of the Supplementary Reserve Force;
  2. On a period of Class A Reserve Service, as described in article 9.06 of the Queen’s Regulations and Orders for the CanadianArmed Forces, or
  3. On a period of Class B Reserve Service, as described in article 9.07 of the Queen’s Regulations and Orders for the Canadian Armed Forces for a period of 180 days or less.

Seriously Disabled

Seriously disabled, in relation to a client, means that the client's extent of disability, in respect of the aggregate of all of the client's disability assessments under the Pension Act and the Veterans Well-being Act Act, is equal to or greater than 78%. (Only clients with at least a portion of their disability related to service in WWI, WWII, or the Korean War may be eligible for benefits as seriously disabled).

Service in a Theatre of Operations

Service in a theatre of operations means any service of a member of the Canadian Forces from the time of his departure at any time prior to the 27th day of July 1953 from Canada or the United States, including Alaska, to participate in military operations undertaken by the United Nations to restore peace in the Republic of Korea, until

  1. He next returns to Canada or the United States, including Alaska;
  2. He is next posted to a unit that is not participating in such operations;
  3. The unit with which he is serving, having ceased to participate in such operations, arrives at the place to which it has been next assigned; or,
  4. The 31st day of October 1953,

whichever is the earliest.

Special Duty Area

Special duty area means any countries or areas of the world where Canada participates in peacekeeping operations required because of war, civil conflict or breakdown of law and order. The Governor in Council has authority to designate any area outside Canada in which a Canadian Armed Forces member is or has been required to serve on or after 01 January 1949 as a Special Duty Area (SDA). So far, over 30 such "hot spots" have been designed as SDAs. See Insurance principle Eligible Service policy for additional information.

Special Duty Operation

Special duty operation means any military operation or component thereof, in or outside Canada that is designated by the Minister of National Defence or the Solicitor General after consulting with the Minister of Veterans Affairs. Special Duty Operations are not limited to specific geographic areas and involve elevated risk. See Insurance Principle Eligible Service for additional information.

Special Duty Service

Special duty service means service as a member in a designated special duty area, or service as a member as part of a designated special duty operation, during the period in which the designation is in effect. It includes any of the following that occurred during that period but not earlier than September 11, 2001:

  1. Periods of training for the express purpose of service in that area or as part of that operation, wherever that training takes place;
  2. Travel to and from the area, the operation or the location of training referred to in paragraph (a); and,
  3. Authorized leave of absence with pay during that service, wherever that leave is taken.

Special Duty Service Pensioner

Special duty service pensioner means a former member or reserve force member who is entitled to a pension under the Pension Act for a disability attributable to or incurred during special duty service.

Special Force

Special force means the Royal Canadian Navy Special Force, Canadian Army Special Force and the Royal Canadian Air Force Special Force, as constituted from time to time by the Minister of National Defence.


Spouse, in relation to an individual, means a person who is legally married to the individual, and who:

  1. Resides with the individual or in a health care facility; or,
  2. Maintains or is being maintained by the individual.

Supplementary Benefits

Supplementary benefits mean the benefits referred to in section 6 of the Veterans Healthcare Regulations, namely:

  1. Travel expenses of a client to the nearest appropriate treatment centre in order to receive certain treatment benefits; and,
  2. Travel expenses of an escort for a client when medically required, including remuneration for an escort who is not the spouse or common-law partner, a dependant of the client or any other member of the client's household.

Supplementary Pension

Supplementary Pension means an additional disability pension provided to qualified disability pensioners of Commonwealth countries and the United Kingdom to supplement disability and dependent pension up to the level of the Canadian rates of pension. Supplementary pensioners are entitled to all health care benefits afforded to disability pensioners (specific details can be found in sections 64, 65, and 66 of the Pension Act).


Survivor, in relation to the person, means the adult individual who, immediately before the person died, or if the person died in a health care facility, immediately before the person was admitted into the health care facility,

  1. Was primarily responsible, without remuneration, for ensuring the care was provided to the person; and
  2. For a continuous period of at least one year, resided in the principal residence of the person and maintained the person or was maintained by the person.

Theatre of Actual War

Theatre of Actual War means:

  1. In the case of World War I
    1. Wherever the veteran has sustained injury or contracted disease directly by a hostile act of the enemy;
    2. As applied to the naval forces or the merchant navy, the high seas or wherever contact has been made with hostile forces of the enemy; and,
    3. As applied to the army or air forces, the zone of the allied armies of the continents of Europe, Asia or Africa;
  2. In the case of World War II
    1. With respect to a former member of His Majesty's Canadian forces or a merchant navy veteran of World War II, any place where the person has been on service involving duties performed outside the Western Hemisphere, including
      • Service involving duties performed outside Canada, Newfoundland, the United States, Saint-Pierre and Miquelon and the territorial waters thereof in aircraft, and
      • Service anywhere in a ship or other vessel, which service is classed as "sea time" for the purpose of advancement of naval ratings, or which would be so classed were the ship or other vessel in the service of the naval forces of Canada, and
    2. With respect to a former member of His Majesty's forces other than His Majesty's Canadian forces, or of any of the forces of His Majesty's Allies or powers associated with His Majesty in World War II, such places, zones or areas as the Veterans Review and Appeal Board may prescribe.

Theatre of Operations (Korea)

Theatre of operations (Korea) means the continental territory, including adjoining sea areas and corresponding air space, in which the war was conducted. Operations in a theatre of war are invariably joint and usually combined.


Tinnitus means the perception of sound in one or both ears or in the head when no external sound is present.  It is often referred to as “ringing in the ears”, but is also described as a roaring, hissing, whistling, etc.

Tinnitus Maskers

Tinnitus Maskers means devices (either ear-level or tabletop) that produce low-level broadband noise sufficient to mask the ongoing tinnitus to reduce the perception of tinnitus.

Totally Disabled

Totally Disabled, in the context of programs under the Veterans Health Care Regulations (VHCR), means 'frailty'.

Transportation Service

Transportation Service is the provision of financial assistance for the transportation needs of a client, paid to or on behalf of a client, to assist in the performance of the social activities of daily living.

Treatment Allowance

Treatment Allowance means the difference between the client's usual rate of pension and the 100% disability pension rate applicable to the client.

Treatment Benefits

Treatment Benefits means:

  1. Any medical, surgical or dental examination or treatment provided by a health professional;
  2. The provision of any surgical or prosthetic device or any aid approved by the Minister, the maintenance of the device or aid and any home adaptation necessary to accommodate or facilitate its use;
  3. Preventive health care approved by the Minister; and
  4. Pharmaceuticals prescribed by a physician, dentist or other person authorized to prescribe pharmaceuticals under the laws in force in the province or the country where the pharmaceuticals are provided.

Type I Health Need

Type I health need means the need of a person for personal care and supervision on a continuing basis, where the person is ambulant or independently mobile but has decreased physical or mental faculties.

Type II Health Need

Type II health need means the need of a person for personal care on a continuing basis under the supervision of a health professional, where the person has a functional disability, has reached the apparent limit of recovery and has little need for diagnostic or therapeutic services.

Type III Health Need

Type III health need means the need of a person for personal care and for diagnostic, nursing and therapeutic services provided by a health professional on a continuing basis, where the person is chronically ill or has a functional disability and the acute phase of the illness or disability has ended, whether or not the status of the illness or disability is unstable.

Vehicle Modifications

Vehicle modifications are any changes in the structure or internal design of a vehicle, and any system or special equipment that is used to maintain or improve an individual's capacity to drive or be a passenger in a vehicle. Examples of vehicle modifications include a raised roof or dropped floor, ramps and raised door openings, steering systems, brake and accelerator systems and wheelchair lifts, among others.


Veteran means:

  • a) A person who was on active service during World War I or World War II as a member of the naval, army or air forces of Canada or of similar forces raised in Newfoundland;
  • b) A person who was on service in a theatre of operations as a member of the Canadian Forces, including the special force;
  • b.1) A person who was on active service during the Korean War as a member of the special force;
  • c) A special operator who is deemed to be a veteran pursuant to section 3 of the Special Operators War Service Benefits Act;
  • d) A supervisor who is deemed to be a veteran pursuant to section 3 of the Supervisors War Service Benefits Act;
  • e) An allied veteran within the meaning of subsection 37(4), (4.1) or (4.2) of the War Veterans Allowance Act.
  • e.1) A person described in paragraphs 64(1)(a) or (b), 65(1)(a) or (b), or 66(1)(a) or (b) of the Pension Act.
  • f) A Canadian merchant mariner of World War I, World War II or the Korean War;
  • g) A person who is an allied veteran within the meaning of paragraph 37(4)(b) of the War Veterans Allowance Act, as that paragraph read immediately before February 27, 1995
    • i) In respect of whom a determination has been made, on or at any time before that day, that the person is or has been an income-qualified veteran, or
    • ii) Who, on or at any time before that day, has submitted a request that has at any time been approved for
      • A) Adult residential care pursuant to section 17.1,
      • B) Veterans independence program services pursuant to section 18,
      • C) Adult residential care, intermediate care or chronic care, or
      • D) The cost of chronic care in a community facility pursuant to paragraph 22(4)(b);
  • h) A former member of His Majesty's forces, or of any of the forces, other than resistance groups, of any of His Majesty's allies or powers associated with His Majesty in World War I or World War II, who
    • i) Served during either of those wars during the period set out in paragraph 37(10)(b) or (c), as the case may be, of the War Veterans Allowance Act,
    • ii) Has resided in Canada for a total period of at least 10 years,
    • iii) Does not meet the Canadian domicile requirements of subsection 37(4) of that Act, and
    • iv) Served in a theatre of actual war as defined in subsection 37(8) of that Act, or receives a pension for an injury or disease incurred or aggravated during service in any such force during either of those wars or accepted a commuted pension.

Veteran Pensioner

Veteran pensioner is a veteran, referred to in any of paragraphs (a) to (g) of the definition "veteran", who is entitled to a pension under the Pension Act for a war-related pensioned condition.

Veterans Independence Program Services

Veterans Independence Program services means the services referred to in section 19 of the Veterans Health Care Regulations, namely:

  1. Home care;
  2. Ambulatory health care;
  3. Transportation;
  4. Home adaptations; and,
  5. Intermediate care in a community facility other than a contract bed.

War Flight Injury

War flight injury means any physical injury which, during the war with Germany and Germany's allies, has been sustained by an employee as a direct result of an air flight either within or outside of Canada, undertaken

  1. In the course of duties arising out of the said war, but not including an injury resulting from a flight made in a commercial air line plane on a scheduled trip;
  2. In the course of duties not arising out of the said war, when the injury results from a flight made in other than a commercial air line plane on a scheduled trip, provided such mode of travel was necessitated by conditions arising out of the said war.

War Injury

War injury means any physical injury which, during the war with Germany and Germany's allies, as a direct result of enemy action or counter action taken against the enemy, has been sustained by an employee who is out of Canada having been sent from Canada to perform duties for or on behalf of the Government of Canada.

War-related Pensioned Condition

War-related pensioned condition means a pensioned condition that is related to

  1. Active service in World War I or World War II;
  2. Service in a theatre of operations;
  3. Special duty service;
  4. Service as a Canadian merchant mariner of World War I, World War II or the Korean War; or,
  5. a war injury or a war flight injury.

World War I

World War I means the war waged by the German Emperor and His Allies against His Majesty and His Majesty's Allies during the period between August 4, 1914 and August 31, 1921, both dates inclusive.

World War II

World War II means the war waged by His Majesty and His Majesty's Allies against Germany and Germany's Allies during the period between September 1, 1939, and April 1, 1947, both dates inclusive. Note: This time period is different than what is used when determining eligibility under the War Veterans Allowance Act.


Write-off is an accounting action which removes the debt, in whole or in part, from the active accounts receivable records in the Public Accounts. Write-off does not mean that the debt is forgiven.