Mention in Dispatches


Members of the Canadian Forces on active service and other individuals working with or in conjunction with the Canadian Forces on or after November 1, 1990 are eligible for the award of the Insignia.

Eligibility and Criteria

Mention in Dispatches shall be awarded for valiant conduct, devotion to duty or other distinguished service.


The Insignia shall consist of a bronze oak leaf, 30mm long and 9 mm wide at its widest point.



Not Applicable


The Insignia shall be worn horizontally on the concerned mission medal ribbon or undress ribbon, with the stalk of the oak leaf furthest from the left shoulder.

If the medal in question has a bar, the Insignia of the MID is worn above the bar and spaced equally with it and any other devise (such as a numeral) on the ribbon. If the undress ribbon also displays other devices, the MID is worn at the left of the other devices and spaced equally with them on the ribbon.

When the MID is awarded and there is no mission ribbon, the MID shall be worn horizontal and centered on the left breast with the stalk of the oak leaf furthest from the left shoulder.

Only one MID may be worn on any one medal.

Note that the insignia, when issued under British regulations for the Second World War and the Korean conflict, was worn at an angle, stalk down.


Not Applicable

Historical Notes

During the First World War, 5467 MIDs were awarded to Canadians.

During the Second World War, MID's were awarded as follows: 6432 to the Canadian Army, 2197 to the Royal Canadian Air Force and 1037 to the Royal Canadian Navy for a total of 9666 MID's awarded.

During the Korean conflict, MID's were awarded as follows: 246 to the Canadian Army and 33 to the Royal Canadian Navy for a total 279 MID's awarded.

In 1990, the MID was re-introduced in the Canadian Forces and 283 have been awarded to date. A citation certificate accompanies the award.

To consult a list of recipients, visit the web site of the Governor General of Canada.