5.0 Health Care Programs

5.0 Health Care Programs

Treatment Benefits and Services

In recognition of their service to the country, the Treatment Benefits and Services Program provides eligible Veterans, certain Reserve Force personnel, civilians, and their survivors and dependants and other individuals with access to appropriate treatment benefits for their health needs. Treatment benefits include medical, surgical or dental examinations or treatment; surgical or prosthetic devices and aids and their maintenance; home adaptations to accommodate the use of devices or aids; preventative health care; pharmaceuticals; and travel and other expenses incurred to access these benefits.

Table 5.1 Treatment Benefits Recipients

Treatment Benefits Recipients Actuals as of March 31, 2022
2017–18 2018–19 2019–20 2020–21 2021–22
War Service Veterans 23,330 18,548 14,565 10,790 8,165
Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) Veterans 55,422 60,141 63,655 63,940 68,804
Total: Recipients 78,752 78,689 78,220 74,730 76,969
Treatment Benefits Recipients ForecastFootnote 1
2022–23 2023–24 2024–25 2025–26 2026–27
War Service Veterans 6,000 4,400 3,100 2,200 1,500
Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) Veterans 76,000 80,900 82,600 84,300 85,800
Total: Recipients 82,000 85,300 85,700 86,500 87,300

Source: Chief Financial Officer and Corporate Services Branch

Table 5.2 Treatment Benefits and Other Health Purchased Services (OHPS) Expenditures

The tables below provide the actual and forecasted expenditure breakdown by Program of Choice (POC) and Other Health Purchased Services (OHPS).

Treatment Benefits (POC) and OHPS Expenditures (in $ millions) Actuals as of March 31, 2022
2017–18 2018–19 2019–20 2020–21 2021–22
POC 1 – Aids for Daily Living $1.6 $1.7 $1.6 $1.4 $1.6
POC 2 – Ambulance Services $1.1 $0.8 $0.7 $0.5 $0.4
POC 3 – Audio Program $44.1 $45.7 $41.0 $37.9 $40.5
POC 4 – Dental Services $10.1 $9.1 $9.9 $4.9 $6.1
POC 5 – Hospital Services $10.7 $13.1 $12.5 $12.3 $13.7
POC 6 – Medical Services $4.2 $5.2 $6.1 $7.2 $9.8
POC 7 – Medical Supplies $4.5 $4.1 $3.9 $4.0 $4.3
POC 8 – Nursing Services $6.9 $6.8 $6.4 $4.7 $6.6
POC 9 – Oxygen Therapy $1.8 $2.1 $2.4 $2.4 $2.9
POC 10 – Prescription DrugsFootnote 2 $66.3 $66.2 $66.1 $71.8 $79.1
POC 10 – Cannabis for Medical Purposes $50.8 $74.6 $85.2 $119.0 $153.8
POC 11 – Prosthetics & Orthotics $3.4 $3.6 $4.2 $4.3 $4.3
POC 12 – Related Health Services $71.7 $86.7 $92.2 $91.3 $112.0
POC 13 – Special Equipment $19.4 $19.3 $18.0 $13.6 $16.1
POC 14 – Vision Care $3.2 $2.6 $2.4 $1.6 $1.8
Subtotal: Treatment Benefits ExpendituresFootnote 3Footnote 4 $299.6 $340.9 $352.7 $375.2 $448.2
Remainder of OHPS
Non-Departmental Hospital Charges (Long Term Care) $192.3 $184.1 $173.4 $157.2 $143.7
Veterans Travel $19.6 $22.6 $24.8 $15.2 $19.5
Other Remainder of OHPSFootnote 5 $71.7 $74.2 $79.3 $80.0 $88.5
Subtotal: OHPS ExpendituresFootnote 3 $283.7 $280.9 $277.5 $252.4 $251.7
Total: Treatment Benefits and OHPS ExpendituresFootnote 3 $583.3 $621.6 $630.2 $627.6 $699.8
Treatment Benefits (POC) and OHPS Expenditures (in $ millions) ForecastFootnote 1
2022–23 2023–24 2024–25 2025–26 2026–27
POC 1 - Aids for Daily Living $1.7 $1.8 $1.8 $1.9 $1.9
POC 2 - Ambulance Services $0.5 $0.5 $0.4 $0.4 $0.4
POC 3 - Audio Program $45.1 $48.5 $50.3 $52.3 $54.4
POC 4 - Dental Services $6.1 $6.1 $6.0 $5.9 $5.9
POC 5 - Hospital Services $15.8 $17.3 $18.3 $19.2 $20.1
POC 6 - Medical Services $12.0 $14.7 $17.3 $20.2 $21.2
POC 7 - Medical Supplies $4.5 $4.6 $4.6 $4.7 $4.8
POC 8 - Nursing Services $8.5 $9.0 $9.2 $9.4 $9.7
POC 9 - Oxygen Therapy $3.2 $3.5 $3.7 $3.9 $4.0
POC 10 - Prescription DrugsFootnote 2 $91.7 $102.4 $101.5 $119.6 $124.5
POC 10 - Cannabis for Medical Purposes (CMP) $191.0 $245.1 $288.2 $335.1 $385.9
POC 11 - Prosthetics & Orthotics $4.9 $5.3 $5.6 $5.8 $6.1
POC 12 - Related Health Services $128.3 $147.7 $162.8 $178.8 $187.3
POC 13 - Special Equipment $17.6 $19.2 $20.5 $22.4 $22.8
POC 14 - Vision Care $1.7 $1.7 $1.7 $1.6 $1.6
Subtotal: Treatment Benefits ExpendituresFootnote 3Footnote 4 $527.2 $621.0 $693.9 $773.3 $842.2
Remainder of OHPS
Non-Departmental Hospital Charges (Long Term Care) $147.9 $145.1 $141.7 $139.0 $106.0
Veterans Travel $23.8 $24.9 $26.1 $27.3 $33.2
Other Remainder of OHPSFootnote 5 $98.3 $99.1 $100.7 $100.2 $110.9
Mental Health Benefit (MHB)Footnote 6 $0.5 $1.1 $1.2 $1.2 $1.2
Subtotal: OHPS ExpendituresFootnote 3 $266.5 $259.2 $256.7 $255.0 $251.3
Total: Treatment Benefits and OHPS ExpendituresFootnote 3 $793.7 $880.2 $950.5 $1,028.3 $1,093.5

Source: Chief Financial Officer and Corporate Services Branch

Veterans Independence Program (VIP)

The Veterans Independence Program (VIP) provides funding to eligible Veterans, certain Reserve Force personnel, civilians, as well as survivors and primary caregivers so that they can access home and community care and support services to meet their physical, mental and social needs. This assistance allows them to remain healthy and independent in their own homes and communities. The services and benefits which may be funded include home care services and personal care (housekeeping, access to nutrition, grounds maintenance, ambulatory) home adaptations and transportation services. VIP housekeeping and/or grounds maintenance services are available to eligible survivors and primary caregivers.

Table 5.3 Veterans Independence Program Recipients

VIP Recipients Actuals as of March 31, 2022
2017–18 2018–19 2019–20 2020–21 2021–22
War Service Veterans 17,548 13,910 11,668 9,137 5,857
Canadian Armed Forces Veterans 35,807 38,822 42,022 44,399 47,344
Subtotal: Veterans 53,355 52,732 53,690 53,536 53,201
Survivors 34,931 33,094 30,165 28,173 26,662
Total: VIP RecipientsFootnote 7 88,286 85,826 83,855 81,709 79,863
VIP Recipients ForecastFootnote 8
2022–23 2023–24 2024–25 2025–26 2026–27
War Service Veterans 4,300 3,100 2,200 1,600 1,100
Canadian Armed Forces Veterans 51,400 52,400 53,200 54,000 54,900
Subtotal: Veterans 55,700 55,500 55,500 55,600 55,900
Survivors 25,900 23,700 21,800 20,000 18,400
Total: VIP Recipients Footnote 7 81,600 79,200 77,200 75,600 74,400

Source: Chief Financial Officer and Corporate Services Branch

Table 5.4 Veterans Independence Program Expenditures

VIP Expenditures (in $ millions) Actuals as of March 31, 2022
2017–18 2018–19 2019–20 2020–21 2021–22
Ambulatory Care $0.3 $0.3 $0.3 $0.1 $0.1
Health and Support Services $1.1 $1.6 $2.1 $1.4 $1.9
Access to Nutrition $5.2 $4.8 $4.5 $4.6 $4.3
Personal Care $25.6 $27.4 $26.9 $29.1 $30.5
Transportation Services $0.5 $0.4 $0.3 $0.2 $0.1
Home Adaptations $1.7 $2.3 $2.8 $2.8 $3.1
Intermediate Care $44.6 $38.4 $34.6 $33.7 $27.6
Subtotal: ContributionsFootnote 9 $79.1 $75.3 $71.5 $71.9 $67.6
Housekeeping and Grounds Maintenance (Grants) $265.5 $266.9 $267.6 $267.1 $270.7
Total: VIP ExpendituresFootnote 9 $344.6 $342.2 $399.2 $339.1 $340.4
VIP Expenditures (in $ millions) ForecastFootnote 10
2022–23 2023–24 2024–25 2025–26 2026–27
Ambulatory Care $0.1 $0.1 $0.1 $0.1 $0.1
Health and Support Services $1.9 $1.9 $1.9 $2.0 $2.0
Access to Nutrition $4.1 $4.0 $3.8 $3.8 $3.8
Personal Care $30.4 $35.2 $37.0 $39.6 $43.1
Transportation ServicesFootnote 11 $0.1 $0.1 $0.1 $0.1 $0.0
Home Adaptations $3.4 $3.5 $3.7 $3.8 $3.9
Intermediate Care $28.6 $28.5 $27.8 $27.9 $28.6
Subtotal: ContributionsFootnote 9 $68.5 $73.2 $74.3 $77.2 $81.6
Housekeeping (Grants) $199.8 $200.0 $200.8 $202.4 $204.9
Grounds Maintenance (Grants) $79.2 $81.4 $83.7 $86.2 $88.9
Subtotal: Grants $279.0 $281.5 $284.5 $288.5 $293.8
Total: VIP ExpendituresFootnote 9 $347.5 $354.7 $358.8 $365.7 $375.4

Source: Chief Financial Officer and Corporate Services Branch

Caregiver Recognition Benefit (CRB)

The Caregiver Recognition Benefit formally recognizes the contribution caregivers make to the health and well-being of seriously injured Veterans who require continuous care and supervision, due to their service related physical and/or mental health condition(s). This benefit is paid directly to Veterans’ caregivers.

Table 5.5 Caregiver Recognition Benefit Recipients and ExpendituresFootnote 12

Caregiver Recognition Benefit (CRB) Recipients & Expenditures Actuals as of March 31, 2022
2017–18 2018–19 2019–20 2020–21 2021–22
RecipientsFootnote 13Footnote 14 - 661 756 852 1,078
Total Expenditures (in $ millions) - $6.6 $9.5 $10.6 $13.1
Caregiver Recognition Benefit (CRB) Recipients & Expenditures ForecastFootnote 15
2022–23 2023–24 2024–25 2025–26 2026–27
Recipients 1,360 1,730 2,180 2,760 3,500
Total Expenditures (in $ millions) $17.3 $22.4 $29.0 $37.5 $48.4

Source: Chief Financial Officer and Corporate Services Branch

Long Term Care (LTC)

Through the Long Term Care Program and the Intermediate Care component of the Veterans Independence Program, the Department provides financial support to eligible war Veterans and Canadian Armed Forces Veterans who need long term/nursing home care, or short term (respite) care.

These programs work in collaboration with provincial, regional or local health authorities and long-term care facilities to ensure Veterans are supported in an appropriate long term care setting that meets their individual needs.

To be eligible for financial support, Veterans must be assessed as needing long-term care by a health care professional as well as meet service eligibility requirements.

Eligible Veterans may qualify for financial support in two types of long term care settings:

Community beds located in nursing homes and other residential/long term care facilities found in many communities across Canada. Depending on Veteran eligibility, these beds can be funded through either OHPS or VIP.

Contract beds, also referred to as priority access beds, which are allocated to more than 160 health care facilities where the Department has a contractual arrangement with the province, health authority, and/or facility to provide priority access to a designated number of beds for war Veterans. These beds are funded exclusively through the OHPS allotment.

The type of setting in which Veterans can receive departmental support varies depending on type and location of military service, income, health care need, and whether their need for long term care is linked to a service related disability/illness.

Some nursing homes and other residential/long-term care facilities provide care to Veterans in contract as well as community beds within the same facility.

Table 5.6 Long Term Care (LTC) Recipients and Expenditures

Care Settings Actuals as of March 31, 2022
2017–18 2018–19 2019–20 2020–21 2021–22
Veterans in Contract Beds (LTC funded) 1,810 1,525 1,285 946 731
Veterans in Community Beds (LTC funded) 1,288 1,027 928 718 513
Veterans in Community Beds (VIP funded) 2,012 1,969 1,776 1,470 1,398
Total: Veterans in LTC Beds 5,110 4,521 3,989 3,134 2,642
Veterans in Contract Beds (LTC funded) $175.6 $169.0 $160.4 $147.0 $135.8
Veterans in Community Beds (LTC funded) $16.8 $15.1 $13.0 $10.2 $7.9
Veterans in Community Beds (VIP funded) $44.6 $38.4 $34.6 $33.7 $27.9
Subtotal: LTC Facility Funding $237.0 $222.5 $208.0 $190.9 $171.6
Additional Funding: Ste. Anne's Hospital LTC BedsFootnote 16 $4.9 $0.0 $0.0 $0.0 $0.0
Total: LTC Expenditures $241.9 $222.5 $208.0 $190.9 $171.6
Care Setting ForecastFootnote 17
2022–23 2023–24 2024–25 2025–26 2026–27
Veterans in Contract Beds (LTC funded) 560 430 320 240 180
Veterans in Community Beds (LTC funded) 420 330 270 220 180
Veterans in Community Beds (VIP funded) 1,300 1,200 1,200 1,100 1,100
Total: Forecasted Veterans in LTC Beds 2,280 1,960 1,790 1,560 1,460
Veterans in Contract Beds (LTC funded) $131.0 $121.1 $114.4 $108.4 $102.9
Veterans in Community Beds (LTC funded) $6.8 $5.6 $4.5 $3.7 $3.1
Veterans in Community Beds (VIP funded) $28.6 $28.5 $27.8 $27.9 $28.6
Total: Forecasted LTC FundingFootnote 18 $166.3 $155.2 $146.8 $140.0 $134.6

Note: Contract Beds are funded through OHPS, while Community Beds are funded through OHPS and VIP.

Source: Chief Financial Officer and Corporate Services Branch