Annex A: Funeral and Burial Program Means Test criteria, as of March 2016 (per Veterans Burial Regulations)

Annex A: Funeral and Burial Program Means Test criteria, as of March 2016 (per Veterans Burial Regulations)
  Veterans with a survivor and/or dependent Single/Widowed Veterans with no dependents
Asset exemptions
Items/amounts excluded when determining the financial assets available.
Residence of choice (if more than one, survivor can determine which one to exempt)

Vehicle of choice (if more than one, survivor can determine which one to exempt)

Deceased Veterans cheques for the month of death

For all remaining assets that are considered, there is a $12,015 exemption amount appliedFootnote 47, with $700 added for each additional dependent
Assets that were jointly held with another individual.
Assets included
Those assets that are assessed as potential financial means for providing funeral and burial.
Canada Pension Plan death benefit (if available for deceased Veteran)

Life Insurance and any other death benefits payable to the estate/survivor

Cash and savings over and above the exemption amount

Second residence (if applicable) and other real estate

Second vehicle (if applicable)

Pre-paid funeral and burial expenses
Canada Pension Plan death benefit (if available)

Life Insurance and any other death benefits payable to the estate

Cash and savings

Residence(s) and other real estate


Pre-paid funeral and burial expenses
Debts included
Debts are subtracted from assets to determine if there is a financial need (if there are more assets than debt, there is no financial need).
Any debts against the estate

Funeral and burial expenses

Grave maker allowance as debt if family doesn’t choose a VAC grave marker
Any debts against the estate

Funeral and burial expenses

Grave maker allowance as debt if family doesn’t choose a VAC grave marker