6.0 Conclusion

6.0 Conclusion

The evaluation covered program activities from April 2012 to March 2016. Therefore, the recent program change through Budget 2016 to increase the Funeral and Burial survivor estate exemption amount was outside of the evaluation scope.


Uptake and expenditures, recent program enhancements and a lack of direct duplication and overlap demonstrates a continued need for the Programs. They align with federal government priorities as well as VAC’s mandate and strategic outcomes.

Achievement of Outcomes

VAC is achieving the ultimate outcomes associated with these Programs. The evaluation found areas for improvement with respect to the achievement of Immediate Outcomes for both the Funeral and Burial and Cemetery and Grave Maintenance Programs, as well as improvements required to the achievement of the Intermediate Outcome for the Funeral and Burial Program.

Efficiency and Economy

The administrative costs for the Funeral and Burial Program have decreased during the evaluation timeframe but VAC should closely monitor these costs to ensure that they continue to align with workload requirements. Some minor duplication occurring between LPF and VAC staff has been highlighted as an opportunity for improvement.

The administrative cost ratio for Cemetery and Grave Maintenance cannot be fully determined due to challenges associated with isolating VAC and CWGC administrative costs.

New service standards and improved internal processes are required for Matter-of-Right related funeral and burial reimbursements and the issuance of Memorial Crosses.