APPENDIX B – Evaluation of the Veterans Emergency Fund (VEF) Decision Maker Survey

APPENDIX B – Evaluation of the Veterans Emergency Fund (VEF) Decision Maker Survey

Thank you for participating in this survey conducted by the Audit and Evaluation Division at Veterans Affairs Canada in support of the Evaluation of the Veterans Emergency Fund (VEF).

This survey is being distributed to all Case Managers, Veterans Services Agents, and Veterans Service Team Managers throughout the country in order to gain in-depth feedback relating to the VEF and associated tools and practices. Participation in this survey and the provision of any information is voluntary.

Please be advised that all information provided will remain confidential. Any analysis completed will be summarized at a grouping level as to ensure no individuals can be identified. The information you provide in open text fields should not contain any names or other identifiable personal or client information.

This survey should take approximately 10-15 minutes to complete.

Survey ends here for anyone who reported c. “Never” on question 4.A.

Please indicate the extent to which you agree or disagree with the following statements. (A text box will open when an answer is selected to provide an area for further information.)

  1. Please indicate your current role with VAC.
    • VSA
    • CM
    • VSTM
  2. How long have you been in your current role?
    • <1 yr.
    • 1-5 yrs.
    • 6-10 yrs.
    • More than 10 yrs.
  3. Which areas fall under your area of responsibility for VEF decisions? Please select all that apply.
    • NFLD, NB, and PEI Area
    • Nova Scotia Area
    • Quebec Area
    • National Capital Area
    • Central Ontario Area
    • Southwest Ontario Area
    • Prairie Area
    • BC and Northern Area
    1. How often do you make decisions on the VEF?
      • Frequently
      • Infrequently
      • Never
    2. For anyone who reported “c. Never” on question 4.A: I have no experience with VEF because (check all that apply):
      • During initial screening with the applicant I learned that they were not eligible for VEF
      • Another VSA/CM in our office is assigned to complete VEF applications
      • I’ve never received a VEF application
      • I asked a colleague to complete the VEF application process
      • Other
      Text box for "other"
  4. Thinking about the VEF decision making process, which stages are the most challenging to complete (check all that apply):
    • Determining the applicant’s eligibility for the program
    • Determining the applicant’s liquid assets
    • Determining if the situation meets the definition of an emergency
    • Determining if the items the applicant wants assistance with are essential items
    • Determining sources of other financial assistance
    • Determining referrals for long term needs
    • Other
    Text box for "other"
  5. Please estimate the length of time (hours/minutes) it takes to complete a VEF decision
    Text box for "other"
  6. Have you experienced any of the following situations when dealing with Veterans and their families applying for the VEF? Please check all that apply.
    • Applicant has ongoing or episodic mental health conditions
    • Applicant has ongoing or episodic substance misuse conditions
    • Applicant has exhausted all personal assets and credits (e.g. savings, RRSP, credit cards)
    • There is a gap in coverage between financial support programs/services (e.g. VAC/SISIP and ELB)
    • There was confusion/misinterpretation over available program benefits or eligibility criteria
    • There were financial difficulties resulting from a single income family and/or supporting dependents
    • Difficulty communicating with Veteran (e.g., no phone, no fixed address)
    • Lack of bank statements/supporting documents (e.g., invoices)
    • Veteran lacks ID/no proof of service
    • Difficulty determining if emergency meets VEF criteria
    • Repeat Veteran/yearly amount exhausted
    • Veteran has not attempted to solve the issue (e.g., has not explored other options)
    • Veteran refuses to use personal assets
    • Community services referring Veteran to VEF rather than providing assistance
    • No issues
    • Other – please describe below
    Text box for "other"
  7. The process for documenting a VEF decision in CSDN is complex. Please explain/provide examples in the text box provided.
    • Strongly Agree
    • Somewhat Agree
    • Neither Agree nor Disagree
    • Somewhat Disagree
    • Strongly Disagree
  8. Veterans and their families are not aware of the VEF. Please explain/provide examples in the text box provided.
    • Strongly Agree
    • Somewhat Agree
    • Neither Agree nor Disagree
    • Somewhat Disagree
    • Strongly Disagree
  9. The VEF is effective at addressing the immediate needs of Veterans and their families in crisis who are facing emergency financial situations that threaten their health and well-being. Please explain/provide examples in the text box provided.
    • Strongly Agree
    • Somewhat Agree
    • Neither Agree nor Disagree
    • Somewhat Disagree
    • Strongly Disagree
  10. The VEF is leading to positive long term outcomes for program applicants/recipients. Please explain/provide examples in the text box provided.
    • Strongly Agree
    • Somewhat Agree
    • Neither Agree nor Disagree
    • Somewhat Disagree
    • Strongly Disagree
  11. An underlying mental health condition is often a contributing factor to a client’s financial crisis? Please explain/provide examples in the text box provided.
    • Strongly Agree
    • Somewhat Agree
    • Neither Agree nor Disagree
    • Somewhat Disagree
    • Strongly Disagree
  12. A family/relationship breakdown is often a contributing factor to a client’s financial crisis. Please explain/provide examples in the text box provided.
    • Strongly Agree
    • Somewhat Agree
    • Neither Agree nor Disagree
    • Somewhat Disagree
    • Strongly Disagree
  13. Financial literacy or financial management/finance related decision making is often a contributing factor to a client’s financial crisis. Please explain/provide examples in the text box provided.
    • Strongly Agree
    • Somewhat Agree
    • Neither Agree nor Disagree
    • Somewhat Disagree
    • Strongly Disagree
  14. If applicable, please identify any groups of Veterans or family members in crisis you feel the VEF may not be reaching/addressing.
    Text box
    1. Have you volunteered for the 24 hr. VAC Assistance Line for administering the VEF?
      • Yes
      • No
    2. If “No” in 16A, end survey. If “Yes” in question 16A: What, if any, challenges have you encountered while providing after-hour service?
      Text box
    3. If “Yes” in question 16A. In your opinion, is the 24 hr. line improving program access for Veterans?
      • Yes
      • No
    4. If “Yes” in question 16A. Please elaborate on how after-hours service is improving or not improving access for Veterans.
      Text box
  15. Please share your experiences finding other sources of support for the Veteran/family member (financial assistance, referrals, long term support).
    Text box
  16. Please list other Veteran support organizations that you have used in addressing Veterans’ emergencies.
    Text box
  17. If applicable, what changes would you recommend to improve the VEF?
    Text box
  18. Please provide any further comments about the VEF that you feel may help inform our evaluation.
    Text box

Thank you for your participation.


Privacy Notice Statement

Veterans Affairs Canada (VAC) takes your privacy seriously. We are committed to protecting your personal information. This survey information is collected under the authority of the Section 42.1(1) of the Financial Administration Act. This information will be used in support of the Evaluation of the Veterans Emergency Fund. Your participation in the survey is voluntary.

Your personal information is managed based on the Privacy Act. The Privacy Act provides you with a right of access to your personal information, and to request changes to that personal information if it contains errors. If you are unhappy with how we handle your personal information, you can file a complaint with the Privacy Commissioner of Canada at 30 Victoria Street, Gatineau, QC, K1A 1H3. Further information on the collection, use and disclosure of this information can be found in the standard personal information bank for Evaluation PSU 942 at: