Appendix A – Marijuana for Medical Purposes Veteran Profile

Appendix A – Marijuana for Medical Purposes Veteran Profile
Marijuana for Medical Purposes
Veteran Profile as of March 31, 2016
Total Veterans: 1762
Indicators # of Veterans
Marital Status
Married 806
Single 516
Common Law 243
Separated 135
Divorced 38
Widowed 16
Other 8
20-29 64
30-39 358
40-49 542
50-59 645
60-69 113
70-79 26
80+ 14
Case Managed
Active 969
Totally and Permanently Incapacitated
Active 469
Referred to Operational Stress Injury Clinic
In progress 271
Complete 41
Programs Accessed by Veterans Approved for Marijuana for Medical Purposes
Program # of Veterans
Permanent Impairment Allowance
In pay 673
Permanent Impairment Allowance Supplement
In pay 378
Earnings Loss
In pay 332
Eligible 939
Completed 354
Vocational Rehabilitation
Active 96
Veterans Independence Program
In receipt 1177

Program Definitions

Totally and Permanently Incapacitated (TPI) – means that a Veteran is incapacitated by a permanent physical or mental health problem that prevents the Veteran from performing any occupation that would be considered suitable gainful employment.

Operational Stress Injury Clinic (OSI) – outpatient clinics where individuals with operational stress injuries, and their families, can find comprehensive clinical assessment and treatment services under one roof. Treatment options at each OSI clinic are typically on an outpatient basis and include one-on-one therapy sessions and group sessions to address anxiety, insomnia, anger and other issues that are occurring as a result of a mental health disorder.

Permanent Impairment Allowance (PIA) – provides Canadian Armed Forces Veterans (CAF) with compensation for lost employment potential and career advancement opportunities due to a service-related permanent and severe impairment. Permanent Impairment Allowance Supplement (PIAS) – a taxable, monthly benefit, payable for life to those in receipt of the Permanent Impairment Allowance and, due to the level of their disability, are not capable of suitable gainful employment (i.e. totally and permanently impaired – see above for definition).

Earnings Loss Benefit – taxable benefit payable in recognition of the economic impact a military career ending or service related disability may have on the Veteran’s ability to earn income following release from the CAF. The benefit is intended to provide an income replacement to the Veteran, and in certain circumstances, to the Veteran’s survivor or orphan;

  1. during a period of participation in a rehabilitation program that has been approved by the Minister, including medical, psycho-social and/or vocational rehabilitation services; and/or
  2. until the Veteran reaches age 65, if following approval of a rehabilitation plan, the Veteran is determined to be totally and permanently incapacitated for the purposes of suitable gainful employment as a result of the health problem for which he or she would otherwise have been eligible for a rehabilitation plan.
Rehabilitation Program –
provides services and interventions to address re-establishment barriers associated with career-ending health problems, or health problems resulting primarily from military service which are creating a barrier to re-establishment in civilian life.
Vocational Rehabilitation –
one component of Veterans Affairs Canada’s (VAC’s) Rehabilitation Program that provides vocational assistance services and benefits to eligible Veterans who have a health problem, and their families, to assist them in their re-establishment to civilian life.
Veterans Independence Program –
a program to assist eligible recipients to remain in their homes and communities as long as possible by providing financial assistance towards services which support and promote independence and health.