Minister’s message

Minister’s message

As the new Minister of Veterans Affairs and Associate Minister of National Defence, I am deeply honoured and grateful to serve Canada’s Veterans and be part of delivering real results to our Veteran community.

The 2016–17 Departmental Results Report reflects our commitment to provide Veterans and their families with the care and support they need – when and where they need it. Public reports such as this are vital to government’s promise to be transparent and share with Canadians the progress we have made on our commitments.

Over the last year, important groundwork has been completed that will help improve the overall health, well-being and financial security of Veterans and their families, including increases to the Disability Award and the Earnings Loss Benefit. Budget 2017’s new Education and Training Benefit, along with Career Transition Services, will allow Veterans to build a successful post-military career in today’s workforce. New supports for caregivers and families are also being put into place to recognize the importance of families in the well-being of Veterans.

To meet our commitment to service excellence, we have hired more than 400 employees, reopened all nine Veterans Affairs offices and a new office in Surrey, B.C., and expanded outreach services to Veterans in the North. Through these actions, Veterans now have better access to services in their own communities.

In early July 2016, in Canada and in France, we honoured the centennial of the Battles of the Somme and Beaumont-Hamel, and the more than 24,000 Canadian soldiers who were killed or wounded in the fighting. Being from Newfoundland, commemorating the 100th anniversary was an important personal milestone for me and I know firsthand the importance of recognizing the sacrifices made in these battles. These milestones and others, are important ways for us to engage Canadians in commemorating the 2.3 million men and women who have selflessly served this country since Confederation.

It is a great privilege to lead the team that supports the men and women who answered the call of duty, and the families who supported them throughout their service. As this report indicates, important progress has been made in ensuring our Veterans and their families are treated with the care, compassion and respect they deserve, but there is still more to do. I assure you that our team is focused and dedicated to delivering on our commitments.

The Honourable Seamus O’Regan, M.P.
Minister of Veterans Affairs and Associate Minister of National Defence