Supplementary information

Supplementary information

Corporate information

Organizational profile

Appropriate minister:
The Honourable Seamus O’Regan, P.C., M.P.
Institutional head:
General (retired) Walter Natynczyk, C.M.M., M.S.C., C.D., Deputy Minister
Ministerial portfolio:
Veterans Affairs
Enabling instruments:
Year of incorporation / commencement:

Reporting framework

Veterans Affairs Canada’s Strategic Outcomes and Program Alignment Architecture of record for 2016–17 are shown below.

2016–17 Program Alignment Architecture – Veterans Affairs Canada – Text
  • Strategic Outcome 1: Financial, physical, and mental well-being of eligible Veterans
    • 1.1 Program: Disability and Death Compensation
      • 1.1.1 Sub-Program: Disability Pension Benefits and Allowances
      • 1.1.2 Sub-Program: Disability Awards, Critical Injury and Death Benefits
    • 1.2 Program: Financial Support Program
      • 1.2.1 Sub-Program: Earnings Loss Benefit
      • 1.2.2 Sub-Program: Permanent Impairment Allowance
      • 1.2.3 Sub-Program: Retirement Benefits
      • 1.2.4 Sub-Program: Canadian Forces Income Support Benefit
      • 1.2.5 Sub-Program: War Veterans Allowance
    • 1.3 Program: Health Care Program and Re-establishment Services
      • 1.3.1 Sub-Program: Health Care Benefits
      • 1.3.2 Sub-Program: Rehabilitation Services
      • 1.3.3 Sub-Program: Intermediate and Long Term Care
      • 1.3.4 Sub-Program: Veterans Independence Program
      • 1.3.5 Sub-Program: Family Caregiver Relief Benefit
      • 1.3.6 Sub-Program: Sainte Anne’s Hospital
  • Strategic Outcome 2: Canadians remember and demonstrate their recognition of all who served in Canada’s efforts during war, military conflict, and peace
    • 2.1 Program: Canada Remembers Program
      • 2.1.1 Sub-Program: Public Recognition and Awareness
      • 2.1.2 Sub-Program: Commemorative Partnership Program
      • 2.1.3 Sub-Program: Memorial and Cemetery Maintenance
      • 2.1.4 Sub-Program: Funeral and Burial Program
  • Strategic Outcome 3: Veterans rights to services and benefits that address their needs are considered by the Veterans Affairs Portfolio
    • 3.1 Program: Veterans Ombudsman
  • 4.1 Program: Internal Services

Supporting information on lower-level programs

Supporting information on results, financial and human resources related to Veterans Affairs Canada’s Program Inventory is available on VAC’s website and in the TBS InfoBase.

Supplementary information tables

The following supplementary information tables (Footnote xiv) are available on Veterans Affairs Canada’s website.

  • Departmental Sustainable Development Strategy;
  • Details on Transfer Payment Programs;
  • Internal Audits and Evaluations; and
  • Response to Parliamentary Committees and External Audits.

Federal tax expenditures

The tax system can be used to achieve public policy objectives through the application of special measures such as low tax rates, exemptions, deductions, deferrals and credits. The Department of Finance Canada publishes cost estimates and projections for these measures each year in the Report on Federal Tax Expenditures. This report also provides detailed background information on tax expenditures, including descriptions, objectives, historical information and references to related federal spending programs. The tax measures presented in this report are the responsibility of the Minister of Finance.

Organizational contact information

Veterans Affairs Canada
161 Grafton Street
P.O. Box 7700
Charlottetown PE C1A 8M9

Toll free: 1-866-522-2122

Veterans Ombudsman
134 Kent Street
P.O. Box 66
Charlottetown PE C1A 7K2

Toll free: 1-877-330-4343