Gender-Based Analysis Plus (GBA Plus)

Gender-Based Analysis Plus (GBA Plus)

Section 1: Institutional GBA Plus Capacity

The Office of Women and LGBTQ2 Veterans has the departmental functional responsibility for Gender-Based Analysis Plus (GBA Plus) and the shared responsibility to implement the departmental 2020 Gender-Based Analysis Plus Strategy. The Office of Women and LGBTQ2 Veterans advances the integration of GBA Plus within the work of the Department in order to progress equitable outcomes for all Veterans, inclusive of those in under-represented sub-populations. This is done by supporting the development and accessibility of tailored training and resources for VAC employees; encouraging the collection of disaggregated data for research, planning and evaluation purposes; leading the departmental GBA Plus Network; and building departmental capacity in applying an intersectional lens when designing programs, policies and services. The Office represents VAC on an interdepartmental GBA Plus Committee led by Women and Gender Equality Canada.

In March 2021, the Building Gender Inclusive Services project was completed with the creation of a Roadmap for Change titled Road Towards Inclusion to modernize sex and gender information management practices in the Department in compliance with TBS policy direction. The Road Towards Inclusion will continue to be integrated in the Veterans Affairs Canada Information and Data Strategy. The Information and Data Strategy is designed to shift the culture at VAC and to enable data and information to be leveraged to improve decision-making for the benefit of Veterans and their families, departmental employees, and Canadians. In addition to the Strategy, the 2021 Census contained a Veteran Identifier that will continue to enable the Department to gain valuable information about Canada’s Veteran population. Additionally, the 2020 annual VAC National Survey contained gender, Indigenous, and visible minority indicators, which allows Veterans Affairs Canada to disaggregate and analyze by subpopulation. Collecting new data allows the Department to ensure Veterans and their families have the right care, treatment, programs and services. The access to additional data about the Veteran population builds on the foundational data elements that are currently being used for GBA Plus including, sex, age, language, marital status, geographic location, service type (Canadian Armed Forces, RCMP), client type (survivor, spouse, dependent, Veteran, etc.), homelessness, level of disability (%), whether a client has diminished earnings capacity, military service branch (army, navy, air force), release type (medical, non-medical/voluntary), rank at release, time since release, and length of service allowing for disaggregated data analysis across various sub-groups.

The Department also develops and maintains a data warehouse containing data extracted from various systems collection points. This is used to make validated program data sets available with self-service dashboards based on program area reporting requirements, inclusive of GBA Plus data elements. This data provides program areas with ready access to information required to better manage program outcomes. This enhanced reporting tool allows more timely and accurate views of intersecting data elements as more data is made available for use.

The Department also uses analytics to understand the subgroups of Veteran clients, their needs and ways that services and programs can meet those needs. The Department uses a GBA Plus/intersectional data analysis lens to monitor, analyze and report on VAC programs and services, service standards, and to drive research. This contributes to enhanced program management, results and evaluation.

Applying GBA Plus is also a standard consideration in the Department’s innovation efforts. VAC uses a human-centred design process, ensuring that consultations include representatives from various gender and diverse populations. Proposed solutions, performance measurement, and monitoring of individual initiatives include consideration of gender and diversity impacts.

GBA Plus analysis is also used in evaluations where evaluators promote the requirement to collect data to support such analysis across all departmental programs.

Efforts to improve diversity and inclusion are aimed at shifting the culture of the organization to focus on equitable outcomes, by understanding the unique needs of under-represented sub-groups like women, LGBTQ2+, Indigenous, Black and racialized Veterans and Veterans with disabilities and the necessary use of disaggregated research and data to provide tailored/adaptive programs and services to these Veterans and client groups.

Section 2: Gender and Diversity Impacts, by Program

Core Responsibility 1: Benefits, Services and Support

Caregiver Recognition Benefit

Target Population: Veterans, Families

Distribution of benefits by gender
    Predominantly men (e.g. 80 per cent or more men) 60 per cent - 79 per cent men Broadly gender-balanced 60 per cent - 79 per cent women Predominantly women (e.g. 80 per cent or more women)  
Program: Caregiver Recognition Benefit Men         Women
Distribution of benefits by age group
    Primarily benefits youth, children and/or future generations No significant inter-generational impacts
or impacts generation
between youth and seniors
Primarily benefits seniors or the baby boom generation  
Program: Caregiver Recognition Benefit Youth     Senior

Other data:

  Veteran Clients Estimated Veteran Population*
Performance Indicators Program Male % Female % Other % Male % Female %
% breakdown of program clients by sex (male/female) compared to estimated Veteran population CRB 85 10% 767 90% - - 526,568 85% 91,258 15%

*CRB is paid to caregivers, not Veterans, therefore it cannot be compared to the Veteran population.

  Veteran Clients Estimated Veteran Population*
Performance Indicators Age Male % Female % Other % Male % Female %
% breakdown of program clients by sex (male/female) and age compared to estimated Veteran population <30 6 17% 29 83% - - 19,400 87% 2,800 13%
30-49 32 8% 363 92% - - 114,000 81% 26,200 19%
50-69 42 12% 302 88% - - 206,000 84% 38,000 16%
70+ 5 6% 73 94% - - 187,200 89% 24,300 11%

*CRB is paid to caregivers, not Veterans, therefore it cannot be compared to the Veteran population.

  Veteran Clients Estimated Veteran Population*
Performance Indicators Marital Status Male % Female % Other % Male % Female %
% breakdown of program clients by sex (male/female) and marital status Married / Common Law 38 7% 490 93% - - N/A - N/A -
Single 45 15% 259 85% - - N/A - N/A -
Divorced / Separated - 0% 8 100% - - N/A - N/A -
Widowed / Survivor 2 17% 10 83% - - N/A - N/A -

*CRB is paid to caregivers, not Veterans, therefore it cannot be compared to the Veteran population.

  Veteran Clients Estimated Veteran Population*
Performance Indicators Community Male % Female % Other % Male % Female %
% breakdown of program clients by sex (male/female) and community (rural/urban) Rural 26 11% 216 89% - - N/A - N/A -
Urban 59 10% 541 90% - - N/A - N/A -

*CRB is paid to caregivers, not Veterans, therefore it cannot be compared to the Veteran population.

GBA Plus Data Collection Plan:

Departmental demographic data from the Caregiver Recognition Benefit is used to inform and support the GBA Plus analysis of current recipients of Caregiver Recognition Benefits. Additionally, the Caregiver Recognition Benefit program performs periodic file reviews to monitor the impacts of this program, and is working to enhance GBA Plus capacity. Specifically, one of the changes consists of updating the CRB application form to increase GBA Plus related data collection. Finally, the Department is developing a program dashboard that will allow for effective review of program data collected and is slated to be completed by the end of 2021. This will assist the Department in monitoring and reporting program impacts using a GBA Plus lens. As VAC’s Information and Data Strategy is implemented, additional improvements in data analysis will be incorporated.

Disability Benefits

Target Population: Veterans, Families

Distribution of benefits by gender for Disability Pensions:
  Predominantly men (e.g. 80 per cent or more men) 60 per cent - 79 per cent men Broadly gender-balanced 60 per cent - 79 per cent women Predominantly women (e.g. 80 per cent or more women)  
Program: Disability Pensions Men         Women
Distribution of benefits by age group for Disability Pensions:
  Primarily benefits youth, children and/or future generations No significant inter-generational impacts or impacts generation between youth and seniors Primarily benefits seniors or the baby boom generation  
Program: Disability Pensions Youth     Senior

Other data:

  Veteran Clients Estimated Veteran Population
Performance Indicators Program Male % Female % Other % Male % Female %
% breakdown of program clients by sex (male/female) compared to estimated Veteran population Disability Pension 40,007 87% 5,336 12% 419 1% 526,568 85% 91,258 15%
  Veteran Clients Estimated Veteran Population
Performance Indicators Age Male % Female % Other % Male % Female %
% breakdown of program clients by sex (male/female) and age compared to estimated Veteran population <29 51 73% 19 27% 0 0% 19,400 87% 2,800 13%
30 - 49 4,660 74% 1,595 25% 6 0% 114,000 81% 26,200 19%
50 - 69 16,507 84% 2,942 15% 114 1% 206,000 84% 38,000 16%
70+ 18,789 95% 780 4% 299 1% 187,200 89% 24,300 11%
  Veteran Clients Estimated Veteran Population
Performance Indicators Marital Status Male % Female % Other % Male % Female %
% breakdown of program clients by sex (male/female) and marital status Married / Common Law 28,566 90% 3,039 10% 192 1% N/A - N/A -
Single 5,138 75% 1,590 23% 165 2% N/A - N/A -
Divorced / Separated 4,234 92% 313 7% 62 1% N/A - N/A -
Widowed / Survivor 2,060 84% 393 16% 0 0% N/A - N/A -
  Veteran Clients Estimated Veteran Population
Performance Indicators Community Male % Female % Other % Male % Female %
% breakdown of program clients by sex (male/female) and community (rural/urban) Rural 8,392 87% 1,151 12% 81 1% N/A - N/A -
Urban 31,058 87% 4,114 12% 334 1% N/A - N/A -

GBA Plus Data Collection Plan:

Disability Benefits has access to a validated program dataset and self service dashboard. The dashboard allows managers to monitor client usage of the program by age and sex. The dataset contains additional indicators such as level of assessed disability and geographic location on which reports can be built for monitoring and analysis. Additionally, Disability Benefits is working to ensure equitable service standard results between men and women currently reflecting biological sex with the planned addition of a gender identifier including a non-binary marker, as well as between French and English speaking clients. These comparisons can be expanded to include other identity factors to mitigate the risk of unconscious bias and/or unintended discrimination in its program policy design, delivery and/or evaluation. Finally, Disability Benefits has recently released a strategy to address the long standing issue of wait times for Disability Benefits. This strategy outlines many initiatives, including the enhanced use of a GBA Plus lens, in order to ensure all applicants are treated and processed equitably.

Health Care Benefits

Target Population: Veterans

Distribution of benefits by gender for Treatment Benefits
  Predominantly men (e.g. 80 per cent or more men) 60 per cent - 79 per cent men Broadly gender-balanced 60 per cent - 79 per cent women Predominantly women (e.g. 80 per cent or more women)  
Program: Treatment Benefits Men         Women
Distribution of benefits by age group for Treatment Benefits:
  Primarily benefits youth, children and/or future generations No significant inter-generational impacts or impacts generation between youth and seniors Primarily benefits seniors or the baby boom generation  
Program: Treatment Benefits Youth     Senior

Other data:

  Veteran Clients Estimated Veteran Population
Performance Indicators Treatment Male % Female % Other % Male % Female %
% breakdown of program clients by sex (male/female) compared to estimated Veteran population Treatment 62,439 88% 7,897 11% 256 0% 526,568 85% 91,258 15%
  Veteran Clients Estimated Veteran Population
Performance Indicators Age Male % Female % Other % Male % Female %
% breakdown of program clients by sex (male/female) and age compared to estimated Veteran population <29 505 79% 138 21% 0 0% 19,400 87% 2,800 13%
30 - 49 10,581 83% 2,237 17% 0 0% 114,000 81% 26,200 19%
50 - 69 23,559 86% 3,779 14% 59 0% 206,000 84% 38,000 16%
70+ 27,794 93% 1,743 6% 197 1% 187,200 89% 24,300 11%
  Veteran Clients Estimated Veteran Population
Performance Indicators Marital Status Male % Female % Other % Male % Female %
% breakdown of program clients by sex (male/female) and marital status Married / Common Law 33,082 92% 2,896 8% 131 0% N/A - N/A -
Single 22,384 86% 3,589 14% 80 0% N/A - N/A -
Divorced / Separated 2,175 81% 502 19% 0 0% N/A - N/A -
Widowed / Survivor 4,755 83% 900 16% 45 1% N/A - N/A -
  Veteran Clients Estimated Veteran Population
Performance Indicators Community Male % Female % Other % Male % Female %
% breakdown of program clients by sex (male/female) and community (rural/urban) Rural 15,274 88% 1,971 11% 53 0% N/A - N/A -
Urban 46,857 89% 5,879 11% 201 0% N/A - N/A -

GBA Plus Data Collection Plan:

Health Care Benefits can access client demographic data, working closely with enterprise data, corporate statistics and business intelligence within the department, to inform their work and support the GBA Plus analysis of current recipients of Health Care Benefits. The Department is developing a dashboard for Health Care Benefits that will allow for effective review, monitoring and reporting of program impacts using a GBA Plus lens. This dashboard is expected to be completed by the end of 2022. Additionally, third party service providers who administer treatment benefits on behalf of the department, collect and report on usage data for enhanced reporting capability where additional data elements are deemed necessary for the effective administration of the program. Consultations are taking place with Health Canada in regards to their GBA Plus initiatives for the users of specific programs within Health Care Benefits with the aim of sharing best practices. As VAC’s Information and Data Strategy is implemented, additional improvements in data analysis will be incorporated.

Income Support

Target Population: Veterans, families

Distribution of benefits by gender
  Predominantly men (e.g. 80 per cent or more men) 60 per cent - 79 per cent men Broadly gender-balanced 60 per cent - 79 per cent women Predominantly women (e.g. 80 per cent or more women)  
Program: Income Replacement Benefits Men         Women
Program: Canadian Forces Income Support Men         Women
Distribution of benefits by gender for Disability Pensions:
  Primarily benefits youth, children and/or future generations No significant inter-generational impacts or impacts generation between youth and seniors Primarily benefits seniors or the baby boom generation  
Program: Treatment Benefits Youth     Senior
Program: Treatment Benefits Youth     Senior

Other data for Income Replacement Benefits:

  Veteran Clients Estimated Veteran Population
Performance Indicators Program Male % Female % Other % Male % Female %
% breakdown of program clients by sex (male/female) compared to estimated Veteran population IRB 19,631 80% 4,772 20% 17 0% 526,568 85% 91,258 15%
  Veteran Clients Estimated Veteran Population
Performance Indicators Age Male % Female % Other % Male % Female %
% breakdown of program clients by sex (male/female) and age compared to estimated Veteran population <29 532 66% 279 34% 0 0% 19,400 87% 2,800 13%
30 - 49 7,874 80% 1,918 20% 1 0% 114,000 81% 26,200 19%
50 - 69 10,991 81% 2,542 19% 14 0% 206,000 84% 38,000 16%
70+ 234 87% 33 12% 2 1% 187,200 89% 24,300 11%
  Veteran Clients Estimated Veteran Population
Performance Indicators Marital Status Male % Female % Other % Male % Female %
% breakdown of program clients by sex (male/female) and marital status Married / Common Law 9,198 85% 1,659 15% 5 0% N/A - N/A -
Single 8,910 79% 2,371 21% 12 0% N/A - N/A -
Divorced / Separated 1,298 79% 349 21% 0 0% N/A - N/A -
Widowed / Survivor 185 33% 384 67% 0 0% N/A - N/A -
Unknown 40 82% 9 18% 0 0% N/A - N/A -
  Veteran Clients Estimated Veteran Population
Performance Indicators Community Male % Female % Other % Male % Female %
% breakdown of program clients by sex (male/female) and community (rural/urban) Rural 5,377 81% 1,289 19% 8 0% N/A - N/A -
Urban 14,046 80% 3,440 20% 8 0% N/A - N/A -
Unknown 208 83% 43 17% 1 0% N/A - N/A -

Other data for Canadian Forces Income Support:

  Veteran Clients Estimated Veteran Population
Performance Indicators Program Male % Female % Other % Male % Female %
% breakdown of program clients by sex (male/female) compared to estimated Veteran population CFIS 91 86% 15 14% 0 0% 526,568 85% 91,258 15%
  Veteran Clients Estimated Veteran Population
Performance Indicators Age Male % Female % Other % Male % Female %
% breakdown of program clients by sex (male/female) and age compared to estimated Veteran population <29 1 100% 0 0% 0 0% 19,400 87% 2,800 13%
30 - 49 54 87% 8 13% 0 0% 114,000 81% 26,200 19%
50 - 69 34 83% 7 17% 0 0% 206,000 84% 38,000 16%
70+ 2 100% 0 0% 0 0% 187,200 89% 24,300 11%
  Veteran Clients Estimated Veteran Population
Performance Indicators Marital Status Male % Female % Other % Male % Female %
% breakdown of program clients by sex (male/female) and marital status Married / Common Law 23 92% 2 8% 0 0% N/A - N/A -
Single 62 86% 10 14% 0 0% N/A - N/A -
Divorced / Separated 6 75% 2 25% 0 0% N/A - N/A -
Widowed / Survivor 0 0% 1 100% 0 0% N/A - N/A -
  Veteran Clients Estimated Veteran Population
Performance Indicators Community Male % Female % Other % Male % Female %
% breakdown of program clients by sex (male/female) and community (rural/urban) Rural 17 94% 1 6% 0 0% N/A - N/A -
Urban 72 84% 14 16% 0 0% N/A - N/A -
Unknown 2 100% 0 0% 0 0% N/A - N/A -

GBA Plus Data Collection Plan:

Income Support Programs uses client demographic data to inform their work and support the GBA Plus analysis of current recipients of Income Support. The Department is also developing a program dashboard that will allow for effective review, monitoring and reporting program impacts using a GBA Plus lens. It is expected to be available at the end of 2021. As VAC’s Information and Data Strategy is implemented, additional improvements in data analysis will be incorporated.

Long term care

Target Population: Veterans, Seniors

Distribution of benefits by gender
  Predominantly men (e.g. 80 per cent or more men) 60 per cent - 79 per cent men Broadly gender-balanced 60 per cent - 79 per cent women Predominantly women (e.g. 80 per cent or more women)  
Program: Long term care Men         Women
Distribution of benefits by age group
  Primarily benefits youth, children and/or future generations No significant inter-generational impacts or impacts generation between youth and seniors Primarily benefits seniors or the baby boom generation  
Program: Long term care Youth     Senior

Other data:

  Veteran Clients Estimated Veteran Population
Performance Indicators Program Male % Female % Other % Male % Female %
% breakdown of program clients by sex (male/female) compared to estimated Veteran population LTC 2,641 84% 482 15% 11 0% 526,568 85% 91,258 15%
  Veteran Clients Estimated Veteran Population
Performance Indicators Age Male % Female % Other % Male % Female %
% breakdown of program clients by sex (male/female) and age compared to estimated Veteran population <29 - - - - - - 19,400 87% 2,800 13%
30 - 49 1 100% - 0% - 0% 114,000 81% 26,200 19%
50 - 69 49 92% 3 6% 1 2% 206,000 84% 38,000 16%
70+ 2,591 84% 479 16% 10 0% 187,200 89% 24,300 11%
  Veteran Clients Estimated Veteran Population
Performance Indicators Marital Status Male % Female % Other % Male % Female %
% breakdown of program clients by sex (male/female) and marital status Married / Common Law 289 98% 7 2% - 0% N/A - N/A -
Single 705 76% 220 24% 4 0% N/A - N/A -
Divorced / Separated 688 97% 18 3% - 0% N/A - N/A -
Widowed / Survivor 957 80% 236 20% 7 1% N/A - N/A -
  Veteran Clients Estimated Veteran Population
Performance Indicators Community Male % Female % Other % Male % Female %
% breakdown of program clients by sex (male/female) and community (rural/urban) Rural 302 83% 61 17% 2 1% N/A - N/A -
Urban 2,330 84% 421 15% 9 0% N/A - N/A -

GBA Plus Data Collection Plan:

Long Term Care uses existing client demographic data captured at the departmental level for monitoring and reporting purposes, along with supporting the GBA Plus analysis of current recipients of Long Term Care. The Department is developing a dashboard for Long Term Care that will allow for effective review, monitoring and reporting of program impacts using a GBA Plus lens. This dashboard is expected to be completed by the end of 2021. As VAC’s Information and Data Strategy is implemented, additional improvements in data analysis will be incorporated.

Research and Innvoation

Target Population: Veterans, Families

Distribution of Benefits: GBA Plus data is not available for this program

Other data: Not available.

GBA Plus Data Collection Plan:

Research and Innovation includes sub-programs which consist of Grant and/or Contribution agreements made with independent third parties who offer innovative services to Veterans and their families and/or conduct research to better understand and improve Veteran health and wellbeing. The data that is collected through the Research and Innovation program stems from the reporting requirements stipulated in the agreements and not client specific demographic data. Research specific proposals funded by the department are encouraged to conform with the Sex and Gender Equity in Research Guidelines (SAGER). These guidelines will inform how research proposals are designed, conducted, and reported to ensure equitable representation of women Veterans and other under-represented groups. These principles will also be considered during the evaluation of applications to the Veteran and Family Well-Being Fund. Data collection, analysis and reporting of disaggregated results/outcomes for funded proposals will also represent Veteran sub-groups. In addition, within the Research and Innovation program is the Centre of Excellence on Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and the Centre of Excellence on Chronic Pain. Veterans Affairs Canada provides annual funding to the Centres of Excellence through an arm’s length contribution agreement. As part of the agreement, the Centres must respect the federal guidelines regarding GBA Plus and submit an annual GBA Plus report. In the annual GBA Plus report, the Centres of Excellence are asked to track and report on evidence of the use of the GBA Plus Research Checklist for each new research initiative and evidence of research activities specifically targeted to the mental health needs of the diverse Veteran population.

Transition Services

Target Population: Veterans, Seniors

Distribution of benefits by gender
  Predominantly men (e.g. 80 per cent or more men) 60 per cent - 79 per cent men Broadly gender-balanced 60 per cent - 79 per cent women Predominantly women (e.g. 80 per cent or more women)  
Program: Career Transition Benefits Men         Women
Program: Education and Training Benefits Men         Women
Program: Rehabilitation Men         Women
Distribution of benefits by age group
  Primarily benefits youth, children and/or future generations No significant inter-generational impacts or impacts generation between youth and seniors Primarily benefits seniors or the baby boom generation  
Program: Career Transition Benefits Youth     Senior
Program: Education and Training Benefits Youth     Senior
Program: Rehabilitation Youth     Senior

Other data for Career Transition Services:

  Veteran Clients Estimated Veteran Population
Performance Indicators Program Male % Female % Other % Male % Female %
% breakdown of program clients by sex (male/female) compared to estimated Veteran population CTS 851 84% 166 16% 1 0% 526,568 85% 91,258 15%
  Veteran Clients Estimated Veteran Population
Performance Indicators Age Male % Female % Other % Male % Female %
% breakdown of program clients by sex (male/female) and age compared to estimated Veteran population <29 134 88% 17 11% 1 1% 19,400 87% 2,800 13%
30 - 49 508 82% 108 18%   0% 114,000 81% 26,200 19%
50 - 69 208 84% 41 16%   0% 206,000 84% 38,000 16%
70+ 1 100% 0 0%   0% 187,200 89% 24,300 11%
  Veteran Clients Estimated Veteran Population
Performance Indicators Marital Status Male % Female % Other % Male % Female %
% breakdown of program clients by sex (male/female) and marital status Married / Common Law 131 84% 25 16%   0% N/A - N/A -
Single 704 84% 134 16% 1 0% N/A - N/A -
Divorced / Separated 14 74% 5 26%   0% N/A - N/A -
Widowed / Survivor 1 33% 2 67%   0% N/A - N/A -
  Veteran Clients Estimated Veteran Population
Performance Indicators Community Male % Female % Other % Male % Female %
% breakdown of program clients by sex (male/female) and community (rural/urban) Rural 120 83% 25 17%   0% N/A - N/A -
Urban 613 84% 117 16%   0% N/A - N/A -

Other data for Education and Training Benefits:

  Veteran Clients Estimated Veteran Population
Performance Indicators Program Male % Female % Other % Male % Female %
% breakdown of program clients by sex (male/female) compared to estimated Veteran population ETB 1,050 84% 198 16% 1 0% 526,568 85% 91,258 15%
  Veteran Clients Estimated Veteran Population
Performance Indicators Age Male % Female % Other % Male % Female %
% breakdown of program clients by sex (male/female) and age compared to estimated Veteran population <29 84 89% 10 11%   1% 19,400 87% 2,800 13%
30 - 49 616 84% 119 16%   0% 114,000 81% 26,200 19%
50 - 69 349 83% 69 16% 1 0% 206,000 84% 38,000 16%
70+ 1 100% 0 0%   0% 187,200 89% 24,300 11%
  Veteran Clients Estimated Veteran Population
Performance Indicators Marital Status Male % Female % Other % Male % Female %
% breakdown of program clients by sex (male/female) and marital status Married / Common Law 229 83% 47 17%   0% N/A - N/A -
Single 797 85% 142 15% 1 0% N/A - N/A -
Divorced / Separated 22 79% 6 21%   0% N/A - N/A -
Widowed / Survivor 1 25% 3 75%   0% N/A - N/A -
  Veteran Clients Estimated Veteran Population
Performance Indicators Community Male % Female % Other % Male % Female %
% breakdown of program clients by sex (male/female) and community (rural/urban) Rural 188 84% 35 16%   0% N/A - N/A -
Urban 839 84% 158 16% 1 0% N/A - N/A -

Other data for Rehabilitation:

  Veteran Clients Estimated Veteran Population
Performance Indicators Program Male % Female % Other % Male % Female %
% breakdown of program clients by sex (male/female) compared to estimated Veteran population Rehab 11,541 81% 2,657 19% 11 0% 526,568 85% 91,258 15%
  Veteran Clients Estimated Veteran Population
Performance Indicators Age Male % Female % Other % Male % Female %
% breakdown of program clients by sex (male/female) and age compared to estimated Veteran population <29 416 78% 116 22% 0 0% 19,400 87% 2,800 13%
30 - 49 5,880 81% 1,349 19% 1 0% 114,000 81% 26,200 19%
50 - 69 5,196 81% 1,190 19% 9 0% 206,000 84% 38,000 16%
70+ 49 94% 2 4% 1 2% 187,200 89% 24,300 11%
  Veteran Clients Estimated Veteran Population
Performance Indicators Marital Status Male % Female % Other % Male % Female %
% breakdown of program clients by sex (male/female) and marital status Married / Common Law 4,180 83% 846 17% 3 0% N/A - N/A -
Single 6,763 81% 1,581 19% 8 0% N/A - N/A -
Divorced / Separated 516 73% 189 27% 0 0% N/A - N/A -
Widowed / Survivor 56 62% 34 38% 0 0% N/A - N/A -
  Veteran Clients Estimated Veteran Population
Performance Indicators Community Male % Female % Other % Male % Female %
% breakdown of program clients by sex (male/female) and community (rural/urban) Rural 2,901 81% 681 19% 5 0% N/A - N/A -
Urban 8,522 81% 1,946 19% 5 0% N/A - N/A -

GBA Plus Data Collection Plan:

Transition Services uses existing client demographic data captured at the departmental level for monitoring and reporting purposes, along with supporting the GBA Plus analysis of Veterans who access these supports. Within Transition Services, some programs also have third party contractors who provide regular reports. Transition Services is working to ensure that moving forward, new contracts with third parties will highlight the need to support all Government of Canada reporting requirements, including those for gender and diversity (GBA Plus). Working with third parties also helps VAC gain valuable knowledge of best practices in private industry as they relate to reporting around equity, diversity, and inclusion. The Department is developing dashboards for the various subprograms within Transition Services that will allow for effective review, monitoring and reporting of program impacts using a GBA Plus lens. These dashboards are expected to be completed by the end of 2021. As VAC’s Information and Data Strategy is implemented, additional improvements in data analysis will be incorporated.

Veterans Emergency Fund

Target Population: Veterans, Families, Low-income individuals and/or families

Distribution of benefits by gender for Veterans Emergency Fund
  Predominantly men (e.g. 80 per cent or more men) 60 per cent - 79 per cent men Broadly gender-balanced 60 per cent - 79 per cent women Predominantly women (e.g. 80 per cent or more women)  
Program: Veterans Emergency Fund Men         Women
Distribution of benefits by age group for Veterans Emergency Fund:
  Primarily benefits youth, children and/or future generations No significant inter-generational impacts or impacts generation between youth and seniors Primarily benefits seniors or the baby boom generation  
Program: Veterans Emergency Fund Youth     Senior

Other data:

  Veteran Clients Estimated Veteran Population
Performance Indicators Program Male % Female % Other % Male % Female %
% breakdown of program clients by sex (male/female) compared to estimated Veteran population VEF 887 84% 157 15% 6 1% 526,568 85% 91,258 15%
  Veteran Clients Estimated Veteran Population
Performance Indicators Age Male % Female % Other % Male % Female %
% breakdown of program clients by sex (male/female) and age compared to estimated Veteran population <29 38 4% 8 1% 0 0% 19,400 87% 2,800 13%
30 - 49 433 41% 73 7% 1 0% 114,000 81% 26,200 19%
50 - 69 295 28% 39 4% 3 0% 206,000 84% 38,000 16%
70+ 121 12% 38 4% 1 0% 187,200 89% 24,300 11%
  Veteran Clients Estimated Veteran Population
Performance Indicators Marital Status Male % Female % Other % Male % Female %
% breakdown of program clients by sex (male/female) and marital status Married / Common Law 240 23% 27 3% 0 0% N/A - N/A -
Single 587 56% 82 8% 4 0% N/A - N/A -
Divorced / Separated 50 5% 4 0% 0 0% N/A - N/A -
Widowed / Survivor 7 1% 44 4% 1 0% N/A - N/A -
  Veteran Clients Estimated Veteran Population
Performance Indicators Community Male % Female % Other % Male % Female %
% breakdown of program clients by sex (male/female) and community (rural/urban) Rural 200 19% 56 5% 2 0% N/A - N/A -
Urban 682 65% 101 10% 4 0% N/A - N/A -

GBA Plus Data Collection Plan:

The Veterans Emergency Fund uses existing client demographic data captured at the departmental level for monitoring and reporting purposes, along with supporting the GBA Plus analysis of current recipients. The Veterans Emergency Fund program is working to enhance GBA Plus capacity. The program team will determine modifications required to enhance program performance data and client characteristics. Changes will consist of updating the application forms, improving the decision-making process to include increased data collection, and obtaining a program dashboard that will improve the ability to collect and review program data using a GBA Plus lens. As VAC’s Information and Data Strategy is implemented, additional improvements in data analysis will be incorporated.

Veterans Independence Program

Target Population: Veterans, Families

Distribution of benefits by gender for Veterans Independence Program
  Predominantly men (e.g. 80 per cent or more men) 60 per cent - 79 per cent men Broadly gender-balanced 60 per cent - 79 per cent women Predominantly women (e.g. 80 per cent or more women)  
Program: Veterans Independence Program Men         Women
Distribution of benefits by age group for Veterans Independence Program:
  Primarily benefits youth, children and/or future generations No significant inter-generational impacts or impacts generation between youth and seniors Primarily benefits seniors or the baby boom generation  
Program: Veterans Independence Program Youth     Senior

Other data:

  Veteran Clients Estimated Veteran Population
Performance Indicators Program Male % Female % Other % Male % Female %
% breakdown of program clients by sex (male/female) compared to estimated Veteran population VIP 43,719 88% 5,477 11% 205 0% 526,568 85% 91,258 15%
  Veteran Clients Estimated Veteran Population
Performance Indicators Age Male % Female % Other % Male % Female %
% breakdown of program clients by sex (male/female) and age compared to estimated Veteran population <29 59 75% 20 25% 0 0% 19,400 87% 2,800 13%
30 - 49 5,147 81% 1,195 19% 0 0% 114,000 81% 26,200 19%
50 - 69 16,735 85% 2,852 15% 35 0% 206,000 84% 38,000 16%
70+ 21,778 93% 1,410 6% 170 1% 187,200 89% 24,300 11%

Note: This table is a comparisons of Veteran clients to the estimated Veteran population. Survivors are excluded to allow for a direct comparison of the groups.

  Veteran Clients Estimated Veteran Population
Performance Indicators Marital Status Male % Female % Other % Male % Female %
% breakdown of program clients by sex (male/female) and marital status Married / Common Law 26,228 92% 2,021 7% 112 0% N/A - N/A -
Single 10,884 82% 2,296 17% 43 0% N/A - N/A -
Divorced / Separated 2,461 85% 422 15% 0 0% N/A - N/A -
Widowed / Survivor 4,122 84% 729 15% 50 1% N/A - N/A -
  Veteran Clients Estimated Veteran Population
Performance Indicators Community Male % Female % Other % Male % Female %
% breakdown of program clients by sex (male/female) and community (rural/urban) Rural 10,981 88% 1,425 12% 46 0% N/A - N/A -
Urban 32,674 89% 4,045 11% 159 0% N/A - N/A -

GBA Plus Data Collection Plan:

The Veterans Independence Program uses existing client demographic data captured at the departmental level for monitoring and reporting purposes, along with supporting the GBA Plus analysis of current recipients. The Department is developing a program dashboard for VIP that will allow for effective review, monitoring and reporting of program impacts using a GBA Plus lens. This dashboard is expected to be completed by mid 2022. As VAC’s Information and Data Strategy is implemented, additional improvements in data analysis will be incorporated.

War Veterans Allowance

Target Population: Veterans, Families

Distribution of benefits by gender
  Predominantly men (e.g. 80 per cent or more men) 60 per cent - 79 per cent men Broadly gender-balanced 60 per cent - 79 per cent women Predominantly women (e.g. 80 per cent or more women)  
Program: War Veterans Allowance Men         Women
Distribution of benefits by age group
  Primarily benefits youth, children and/or future generations No significant inter-generational impacts or impacts generation between youth and seniors Primarily benefits seniors or the baby boom generation  
Program: War Veterans Allowance Youth     Senior

Other data:

  Veteran Clients Estimated Veteran Population
Performance Indicators Program Male % Female % Other % Male % Female %
% breakdown of program clients by sex (male/female) compared to estimated Veteran population WVA 157 13% 1,017 87% 0 0% 526,568 85% 91,258 15%
  Veteran Clients Estimated Veteran Population
Performance Indicators Age Male % Female % Other % Male % Female %
% breakdown of program clients by sex (male/female) and age compared to estimated Veteran population <29 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 19,400 87% 2,800 13%
30 - 49 4 44% 5 56% 0 0% 114,000 81% 26,200 19%
50 - 69 43 29% 105 71% 0 0% 206,000 84% 38,000 16%
70+ 110 11% 907 89% 0 0% 187,200 89% 24,300 11%

Note: This table is a comparisons of Veteran clients to the estimated Veteran population. Survivors are excluded to allow for a direct comparison of the groups.

  Veteran Clients Estimated Veteran Population
Performance Indicators Marital Status Male % Female % Other % Male % Female %
% breakdown of program clients by sex (male/female) and marital status Married / Common Law 26 84% 5 16% 0 0% N/A - N/A -
Single 79 61% 51 39% 0 0% N/A - N/A -
Divorced / Separated 27 100% 0 0% 0 0% N/A - N/A -
Widowed / Survivor 25 3% 961 97% 0 0% N/A - N/A -
  Veteran Clients Estimated Veteran Population
Performance Indicators Community Male % Female % Other % Male % Female %
% breakdown of program clients by sex (male/female) and community (rural/urban) Rural 38 9% 399 91% 0 0% N/A - N/A -
Urban 114 17% 565 83% 0 0% N/A - N/A -
Unknown 5 9% 53 91% 0 0% N/A - N/A -

GBA Plus Data Collection Plan:

The War Veterans Allowance Program uses existing client demographic data captured at the departmental level for monitoring and reporting purposes, along with supporting the GBA Plus analysis of current recipients. The Department is also developing a program dashboard that will allow for effective review, monitoring and reporting program impacts using a GBA Plus lens. As VAC’s Information and Data Strategy is implemented, additional improvements in data analysis will be incorporated.

Section 3: Program Links to Gender Results Framework

Core Responsibility 1: Benefits, Services and Support
Program Education and Skills Development Economic Participation and Prosperity Leadership and Democratic Participation Gender-based Violence and Access to Justice Poverty Reduction, Health and Well-Being Gender Equality around the World
Caregiver Recognition Benefit         X  
Disability Benefits         X  
Health Care Benefits         X  
Income Support X X     X  
Long Term Care         X  
Research and Innovation X     X X  
Transition Services X X     X  
Veterans Emergency Fund         X  
Veterans Independence Program         X  
War Veterans Allowance   X     X  
Core Responsibility 2: Commemoration
Program Education and Skills Development Economic Participation and Prosperity Leadership and Democratic Participation Gender-based Violence and Access to Justice Poverty Reduction, Health and Well-Being Gender Equality around the World
Canada Remembers Program         X  
Funeral and Burial Program         X  
Core Responsibility 3: Veterans Ombudsman
Program Education and Skills Development Economic Participation and Prosperity Leadership and Democratic Participation Gender-based Violence and Access to Justice Poverty Reduction, Health and Well-Being Gender Equality around the World
Veterans Ombudsman         X  

Section 4: Program Links to Quality of Life Framework

Core Responsibility 1: Benefits, Services and Support
Program Prosperity Health Environment Society Good Governance
Caregiver Recognition Benefit   X   X  
Disability Benefits   X      
Health Care Benefits   X      
Income Support X     X  
Long Term Care   X      
Research and Innovation   X      
Transition Services X X   X  
Veterans Emergency Fund X     X  
Veterans Independence Program   X      
War Veterans Allowance X X      
Core Responsibility 2: Commemoration
Program Prosperity Health Environment Society Good Governance
Canada Remembers Program       X  
Funeral and Burial Program X     X  
Core Responsibility 3: Veterans Ombudsman
Program Prosperity Health Environment Society Good Governance
Veterans Ombudsman X       X