Info Briefs

The following are summaries of some key research studies on Veteran health and well-being.

Financial security is one of the seven domains of Veteran well-being. “Rate of low income” and “…
Well-being is measured across seven domains using 21 high level indicators.
Even though many Regular Force Veterans released since 1998 are doing well in life, many report…
Veterans Affairs Canada examined trends in the use of its health care benefits among clients over…
People form social identities based on memberships in social groups and the value they attach to…
Employment is important to well-being and adjustment from military to civilian life.
Hearing loss is a known hazard of military service and one of the most common reasons for receiving…
Income can be an important determinant of health and satisfaction with life for Canadian Veterans.
According to the Life After Service Studies, Canadian Regular Force Veterans (released from 1998-…
Suicide prevention is a public health priority for the Government of Canada. The first Veteran…
“Well-being” is a broadly accepted goal of public policy, but there are many different ways of…
The Life After Service Studies (LASS) program of research is designed to further understand the…
Through a Statistics Canada data linkage, before-tax incomes for 42,645 Regular Force Veterans (…
Using data from the Life After Service Studies, Veterans who released from 1998 forward (…
The Life After Service study is a comprehensive research program to understand the effects of the…
VAC has funded a pilot study to evaluate if service dogs can be used as a safe and effective…

Articles for Veterans and families