4.0 Feedback

In December 2022, with the publication of its 2022-2025 Accessibility Action Plan, the Department created and published four mechanisms through which employees and/or members of the public could provide accessibility-related feedback: mail, email, telephone, and an anonymous online feedback form.

Accessibility-related feedback received to date, including on how VAC is implementing its 2022-2025 Accessibility Action Plan, has confirmed many of the accessibility barriers and actions outlined in the Plan, while also identifying new barriers and possible solutions to remove and prevent them.

At the time of this progress report’s publication, VAC had received 47 pieces of feedback through its four newly-created accessibility feedback mechanisms.The primary method by which VAC received feedback was email (23 pieces of feedback), followed by its anonymous online feedback form (20 pieces of feedback). VAC received no feedback by telephone or by letter mail. An additional 4 pieces of feedback were shared through pre-existing Departmental communication platforms, such as Microsoft Teams.

Of the 47 pieces of feedback recieved, 39 went beyond the scope of VAC’s work to remove and prevent accessibility barriers. However, with the consent of the individual who provided it, this feedback was redirected to the appropriate area within the Department for consideration/action as appropriate.

Eight pieces of feedback received were within the scope of VAC’s work to remove and prevent accessibility barriers, i.e.:

  • Feedback: A VAC area office requires more designated parking for Veterans.
    • In response to this feedback, VAC’s Real Property & Facilities Management team provided awareness to the management team about parking options, the relevant parking provisions, and the process in place to amend facility parking requirements. Additionally, the Department’s Real Property and Facilities Management team will explore opportunities that will enhance awareness of facility management responsibilities in order to ensure that VAC continues to improve accessibility in its facilities.
  • Feedback: The interview rooms at one of VAC’s area offices have extremely heavy doors, and do not have button-activated door-openers.
    • In response to this feedback, VAC is reviewing and considering its responsibilities to meet all necessary building codes, safety regulations, and accessibility standards. Additionally, the Department’s Real Property and Facilities Management team will explore opportunities to enhance awareness of facility management responsibilities.
  • Feedback: Graphs used in the results of VAC’s Employee Pulse Survey must be accompanied by alternative text.
    • In response to this feedback, VAC’s Accessibility Readiness Team followed up with the area responsible for VAC’s Employee Pulse Survey to provide resources to the area responsible for the Pulse Survey so that, moving forward, they can ensure that results are developed and posted with accessibility in mind, including through the use of alternative text as appropriate.
  • Feedback: A Veteran who regularly uses text-to-speech software reported having difficulty reading PDF format documentation on their My VAC Account.
    • In response to this feedback, the Department provided the Veteran with the name of a different, free assistive technology (i.e., NVDA) which will allow the Veteran to read PDF documentation on their My VAC Account.
  • Feedback: A VAC employee requested a simple way for VAC employees to identify and report software accessibility issues, potentially through the introduction of software accessibility ambassadors from the Accessibility Network and/or VAC’s IT Service Desk.
    • In response to this feedback, the Department:
      • will engage with users to enhance the online VAC Accessibility Feedback Tool
      • will engage the Accessibility Network and the National IT Service Desk to discuss the potential for software accessibility ambassadors
      • is planning Accessibility Ambassador Training for some of VAC’s IT staff, and will explore the potential to adapt this training to non-IT employees.
  • Feedback: The time-out feature in VAC’s Workplace Entry Scheduling Tool (WEST), originally set for five minutes, was causing issues from the perspective of a VAC employee who uses a screen reader.
    • In response to this feedback, VAC increased the length of its WEST time-out feature to ten minutes.
  • Feedback: A VAC employee indicated the need to simplify the employee accommodations process.
    • This barrier, and action items proposing to remove it (including through the eventual launch of a Disability Management Unit), are provided for in VAC’s 2022-2025 Accessibility Action Plan.
  • Feedback: A VAC employee noted the ongoing need for plain language communications, and support for some Veterans and clients who deal with the organization.
    • This barrier, and action items proposing to remove it (i.e., VAC’s provision of support to third-party groups to help those going through the Department’s application process, development of an approval process to ensure that plain language is used consistently in all letters regarding disability benefits), are provided for in VAC’s 2022-2025 Accessibility Action Plan.