Pierre Tessier

Appointed as Assistant Deputy Minister of the Strategic Policy, Planning and Performance Branch in August 2022, and serving as Assistant Deputy Minister, Chief Financial Officer and Corporate Services since December 2024, Pierre brings over 20 years of experience in various roles across Government. This experience varies from guiding business transformation, leading planning, data analytics and reporting, governance at the departmental level, and working with partners across government.
In 2021, Pierre led the establishment of an Enterprise Project Management Office at Public Services and Procurement Canada (PSPC) reporting to the Deputy Minister. Working with all branches and regions in establishing standard approaches, reporting and analytics, and a focus on project management excellence in the delivery of its significant program objectives to partners and Canadians. In the 2017 to 2021 timeframe, Pierre worked with various partner departments where he was responsible for the delivery of special purpose projects such as judicial, security and infrastructure projects in the National Capital Area, and included projects such as the Department of National Defence’s (DND) Carling Campus. In March 2020, Pierre had the opportunity to serve as Acting Associate Assistant Deputy Minister of the Real Property Services Branch at PSPC and help guide the organization in delivering its program objectives through the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic. Previously, Pierre served in senior leadership roles within Shared Services Canada working with various partners and industry in the consolidation of GoC contracts, establishing project oversight, as well as leading the planning and establishment of its Transformation Plan.
Earlier in his career, Pierre served in the Royal Canadian Navy (RCN) and in the Department of National Defence(DND). These roles included materiel assurance and risk management, process optimization to other types of roles such as business planning and reporting, as well as supporting DND’s strategic review, where he received a commendation from the Commander of the RCN in 2012 for his work.
Pierre holds a Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering (Honours) from the Royal Military College of Canada and completed his Masters Certificate in Project Management from Saint Mary’s University.