Mr. Bilocq enlisted in the Canadian Forces (CF) in 1949 and served in the Royal Canadian Air Force and the Corps of Royal Canadian Electrical and Mechanical Engineers (R.C.E.M.E.) until his retirement in 1974. Back in civilian life, he worked as a teacher for the Tardivel school board, in St-Raymond, at the St-Martin lycée, in Peru, and for the Donnacona School Board until 1995. Mr. Bilocq is an active member of the Royal Canadian Legion and is a Life Member. He is also an active member of the Association du 22e Inc.; the Lévis Memorial; the Red Cross; a Life Member of the R.C.E.M.E. of Kingston and the Light Armoured Division of Valcartier; and of the l'Amicale de St-Malo, Québec. Mr. Bilocq is committed to maintaining the camaraderie, dedication and well-being of Veterans, creating ties between serving and retired Forces members in the greater Québec area, and promoting the CF in the community. He spends countless hours visiting hospitalized Veterans several times a week in local hospitals, giving them comfort and moral support. He accompanies ailing Veterans at a weekly breakfast, where he assists with their meals and shares stories. In 1999, he set up an effective and dedicated team that pays last respects to Veterans and retired CF members. This team has been active in the community for seven years and participates in over 90 ceremonies a year. In addition to his altruism towards his peers, Mr. Bilocq trains young service members, and speaks to school children. Between 1996 and 1998, Mr. Bilocq and two comrades participated in daily flag raising ceremonies at City Hall.
Joseph Bilocq
Val-Bélair, Quebec