Mrs. Pamela Lovelace is an accomplished public affairs specialist who has been committed to serving the Veteran community for several years. Mrs. Lovelace actively served as the Chair of the Greater Hammonds Plains-Lucasville Veterans Memorial Committee for two years during which time she was instrumental in the creation of a new cenotaph. As Chair, Mrs. Lovelace was responsible for all aspects of the project, including chairing meetings, overall planning, as well as completing applications for all the necessary permits. She helped organize the cenotaph dedication ceremony and served as the Master of Ceremonies.
Mrs. Lovelace served as the Chair of the Parents’ Committee for 250 Vimy Air Cadet Squadron, herself a former air cadet from RCACS 507 Air Cadet Squadron. She helps organize the annual Remembrance Day ceremonies and liaises with local branches of The Royal Canadian Legion, youth, industry and other members of the community to honour the sacrifices made by Canadian Veterans. Mrs. Lovelace demonstrates an unwavering effort to assist Veterans and continues to contribute to the Veteran community. Last year Mrs Lovelace was awarded the Canada 150 Sesquicentennial PinAward by MP Geoff Regan, Speaker of the House of Commons.