Reverend L. Darrell B. Shaule

Lucan, Ontario

Mr. Shaule is a Chaplain for the Veterans at Parkwood Hospital in London, Ontario and is an integral part of the holistic care provided to the Veterans who reside there. Mr. Shaule demonstrates his dedication to Veterans at Parkwood by leading rituals and celebrations, coordinating the Remembrance Day and other Memorial services, and by accompanying Veterans on their annual summer camping trips. Mr. Shaule joined the hospital's Spiritual Care team in 1989 and since then has been a guide to many into the world of Veterans' care. He spends considerable time listening to Veterans' accounts of their experiences, trials and woes and as a result, is well known at the hospital as the "bearer of Veterans' stories". Mr. Shaule attends many workshops and courses to better enable him to deal with Veterans as Chaplain, friend and mentor. Mr. Shaule's genuine caring and compassion toward Veterans is evident to all the residents, their families and staff of Parkwood Hospital.