Veterans Organizations Emergency Support Fund

One-time funding was provided to organizations supporting Veterans who were experiencing hardships due to the COVID-19 pandemic. This funding is no longer available.

About this program

Non-profit and charitable Veterans organizations have experienced a critical loss of charitable and fundraising revenues as a direct result of COVID-19, and have been at risk of not being able to maintain their operations. Veterans organizations play a critical role in the lives and well-being of Veterans and their families, as well as the communities in which they are located. They support homeless and disabled Veterans and play a crucial role in helping the Department fulfill its mandate.

The Veterans Organizations Emergency Support Fund provided grants to non-profit and registered charitable organizations that support Veterans and their families. The grants helped organizations with operational costs and financial shortfalls caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Funding recipients

Meet the organizations that received funding from the Veterans Organizations Emergency Support Fund.

Frequently asked questions

What is the Veterans Organizations Emergency Support Fund?

The Veterans Organizations Emergency Support Fund addressed some of the core funding shortfalls of Veterans organizations caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. This fund was created to ensure Veterans organizations remain viable during COVID-19 by covering a portion of their operating costs. These organizations play a critical role in the lives and well-being of Veterans and their families, as well as the communities in which they are located, including supporting homeless and disabled Veterans.

As provided for in BILL C-4, An Act relating to certain measures in response to COVID-19, this temporary source of funds was created to support Veterans organizations whose usual source of revenue and fundraising was not available at that time.

How much funding was provided to organizations under this program?

In total, $20M was provided through this program.

How has this fund helped Veterans and their families during the COVID-19 pandemic?

The pandemic has impacted Veterans, their families and the organizations that support them. By accessing these funds, Veterans organizations were able to re-focus on supporting Veterans and their families rather than concentrating efforts on ensuring sufficient funding for the organization. Ultimately, this was a way for us to quickly support Veterans organizations that need it.

How did you choose which organizations received funding? What were the criteria?

When making its funding decisions, Veterans Affairs Canada considered the total amount of funding requested by all applicants and sought to distribute the funds in an equitable manner to assist as many eligible organizations – to reach as many Veterans/families across Canada – as possible.

The criteria for determining the amount of funding was based on resource availability, the organization's size, impact, and annual operating expenditures, as well as the demonstrated need.

  • Organizational Scope and Impact - geographical coverage;
  • Organizational Scope and Impact - number of Veterans served;
  • Degree of financial shortfall and need due to COVID-19.

What kinds of expenses were covered under the fund?

Funds were provided to cover expenses, including but not limited to:

  • wages and benefits;
  • professional fees;
  • travel and accommodations;
  • insurance;
  • utilities;
  • rent/mortgage payment of facility;
  • materials and supplies;
  • printing and communication; and
  • administration costs