A new Table of Disabilities

While the Table of Disabilities has received regular updates, the last full review of the table was published in 2006.

What is the Table of Disabilities?

The Table of Disabilities assess the level of an impairment and the impact that impairment has on the VAC client’s quality of life. All decisions regarding an application for Disability Benefits relies on the Table of Disabilities.

Why are you updating the Table of Disabilities?

We want to reduce processing times by making the Table of Disabilities more efficient and usable. This June, VAC started a multi-year initiative to modernize the Table of Disabilities. The update will ensure our approach to assessment reflects advances in health research and best practices, and will apply a Gender-Based Analysis Plus mindset throughout. This work is being done to ensure that members and Veterans of the Canadian Armed Forces and the Royal Canadian Mounted Police feel confident that the decisions they receive on their applications for disability benefits are fair, transparent and consistent.

What else will change because of this update?

Modernizing the Table of Disabilities will also include updating and simplifying Medical Questionnaires to make them easier for health professionals to complete and submit. In addition, the policy and processes for Additional Pain and Suffering Compensation will be aligned with the Table of Disabilities so that decisions can be made in a more timely manner.

Combined, these updates will provide:

  • clear, transparent and consistent disability benefit decisions,
  • a reduction in processing times for applications, and
  • overall processing improvements.
Timeline for the Table of Disabilities modernization initiative
Modernization Phases Status Start
Phase I: Research and Preparation Complete June 2021
Phase II: Planning, Prioritization, Analysis and Consultation Expected completion September 2022 March 2022
Phase III: Development Ongoing July 2022
Phase IV: Implementation Pending Pending

Related information on applying for VAC Disability Benefits

How we review a disability benefit claim - Veterans Affairs Canada

Table of Disabilities - How Benefits are Determined - Disability Benefits - After an illness or injury - Veterans Affairs Canada

Timely disability benefits decisions plan - Veterans Affairs Canada

Assessment and Reassessment of a Disability - Policies - Veterans Affairs Canada

Pain and Suffering Compensation - Policies - Veterans Affairs Canada

Additional Pain and Suffering Compensation - Policies - Veterans Affairs Canada