Payment of Pension to Persons Pensioners are Required to Maintain

Issuing Authority:Director General, Policy
Effective Date:
Document ID:1115

Care has been taken to ensure these policies accurately reflect the acts and regulations. Should any inconsistencies be found, the acts and regulations will prevail.

This policy replaces the following PPM policy: Article 41(2) - Payment of Pension to Persons Pensioners are Required to maintain.

Table of Contents


The purpose of this policy is to provide direction on subsection 41(2) of the Pension Act, regarding the payment of a pension to another person, at the request of the pensioner.



  1. There is no provision in the Pension Act that permits the Department to pay, at the request of a pensioner in receipt of a pension paid at a rate set out in one of classes one to sixteen, the additional pension directly to the person in respect of whom it is payable. Therefore, if such a request is made, the pensioner must be advised that the additional pension is only payable to him/her (i.e. the pensioner), and on a proof-of-support basis.
  2. A “person in respect of whom additional pension is payable in accordance with Schedule I” may be a spouse, common-law partner or dependent child or parent.
  3. The portion of pension that may be paid is the amount of additional pension payable plus an equivalent amount from the pensioner’s pension. For example, in the case where a pensioner is receiving a monthly pension of $100.00 (including $20.00 additional pension), the maximum amount they may request to have paid directly to the person in respect of whom additional pension is payable is $40.00 ($20.00 additional pension plus an equivalent amount of $20.00). The balance of $60.00 would be paid to the pensioner.


Pension Act, subsection 41(2)