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Peace Cranes
By Squeaker The Pigeon

Squeaker the Carrier Pigeon

My ancestor, Beachcomber, served in the Second World War. He delivered important messages in a little canister attached to his leg. Beachcomber, and thousands of other animals and people, risked their lives for my freedom. I want to thank them for this.

On Remembrance Day, I am going to fold paper peace cranes, a symbol of international peace.

Pigeons carried messages during the wars. They were kept on planes and ships to carry emergency messages back to base. They even wore tiny cameras to take pictures of battlefield positions! More than 100,000 pigeons served in the First World War and more than 200,000 served in the Second World War.

Canister on Pigeon Leg
Royal Air Force carrier pigeon, 1942
Brave Beasts
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