The proud blue beret
Canadian peacekeepers have continued to wear the blue beret, like these soldiers in Mali in 2019.
Photo: Department of National Defence

Hi, I’m Win the bear. I saw a display in the museum about Canadian peacekeepers and found something very cool—a colourful blue beret! Peacekeepers are soldiers who go to other countries that need help to stop fighting and violence. A beret is a distinctive hat worn by many members of the military.
One of the first big peacekeeping missions was established in 1956 by the United Nations (UN) and Canada played a leading role in this idea. Lester B. Pearson (who would later become the Prime Minister of our country) suggested that an international force go to Egypt and help calm a tense confrontation there that was threatening to expand into a major war. For his great idea, he would be awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.
Canadian troops would also take part in this new UN effort. But a question soon arose— how could people tell the peacekeepers apart from the soldiers who were actually fighting one another? Military uniforms could look a lot alike but it was decided to have the UN peacekeepers wear a bright blue helmet or hat to make it easy to quickly recognize them. The blue beret I found in the museum was actually worn by a Canadian soldier who served in Egypt. It is so neat to hold a piece of history in your paw!
Canada has taken part in dozens of multinational peace support efforts over the years and some of our peacekeepers are still in Egypt today. I am so proud that Canada has this amazing tradition of serving for peace.
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