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War of 1812

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Memorial Chamber of the Peace Tower

This page is displayed in the Memorial Chamber of the Peace Tower in Ottawa on the following days:

  • January 12
  • April 22
  • April 23
  • September 30

Names on this page

  1. Private
    Belcher, Nathan
    Glengarry Light Infantry Fencibles
    22 February 1813

  2. Private
    Bélisle, Isidore
    Fourth Battalion Embodied Militia of Lower Canada
    22 August 1814

  3. Quartermaster
    Bell, Jonathon
    HM Schooner St Lawrence
    20 December 1814

  4. Sergeant
    Bell, William
    Nova Scotia Fencibles
    In 1812

  5. Private
    Bellanger, Francois
    First Battalion Embodied Militia of Lower Canada
    8 January 1813

  6. Private
    Bellinger, Samuel
    104th (New Brunswick) Regiment of Foot
    3 October 1813

  7. Private
    Beneche, Antoine
    Fifth Battalion Embodied Militia of Lower Canada
    February 1814

  8. Private
    Benedict, Elisha
    First Regiment Middlesex Militia

  9. Private
    Benn, George
    Second Regiment Lincoln Militia
    12 December 1812

  10. Private
    Benn , George
    Lennox Militia
    31 December 1813

  11. Private
    Bennet, James
    18 January 1813

  12. Private
    Benson, Francis
    104th (New Brunswick) Regiment of Foot
    18 May 1813

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