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Memorial Chamber of the Peace Tower

This page is displayed in the Memorial Chamber of the Peace Tower in Ottawa on the following days:

  • April 2
  • July 20
  • October 31

About the names on this page

For more information about the individuals listed on this page, click on their names below to take you to their corresponding page in the Canadian Virtual War Memorial.

  1. Pilot Officer
    Morris, David Gordon
    405 Squadron, Royal Canadian Air Force
    9 June 1942

  2. Ordinary Seaman
    Munden, Frederick
    HM Trawler Kingston Ceylonite, Royal Navy
    15 June 1942

  3. Sergeant
    Moores, James
    Royal Air Force, att. 460 (RAAF) Squadron
    22 June 1942

  4. Warrant Officer Class II
    Morrison, Francis Alexander
    HMCS Ottawa, Royal Canadian Navy
    13 September 1942

  5. Able Seaman
    Mouland, Ivan Carl
    HMS Avenger, Royal Navy
    15 November 1942

  6. Flight Sergeant
    Morris, Ralph Calasanctis
    9 Squadron, Royal Air Force
    18 January 1943

  7. Gunner
    Morgan, Eric Ronald
    166 (Newfoundland) Field Regt, Royal Artillery
    22 April 1943

  8. Private
    Moulton, Gordon Clyde
    48th Highlanders of Canada
    4 October 1943

  9. Ordinary Seaman
    Morrissey, James Patrick
    HMS Victory, Royal Navy
    26 October 1943

  10. Able Seaman
    Morrissey, Thomas Joseph
    Royal Navy, att. HMCS Avalon
    10 August 1944

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