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Page 121 from book:
In the Service of Canada (1947 – 2014)

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Memorial Chamber of the Peace Tower

This page is displayed in the Memorial Chamber of the Peace Tower in Ottawa on the following days:

  • February 28
  • August 12
  • August 13

About the names on this page

For more information about the individuals listed on this page, click on their names below to take you to their corresponding page in the Canadian Virtual War Memorial.

  1. Flight Lieutenant
    Hollingshead, Wallis Glen
    No. 6 Strike/Reconnaissance Operational Training Unit
    18 June 1963

  2. Officer Cadet
    Laronde, Thomas Frank
    No. 1 Flying Instructors School
    22 July 1963

  3. Caporal Suppléant
    Côté, Adelard Royal
    22e Régiment
    26 July 1963

  4. Flight Lieutenant
    Morin, James Wilfrid
    No. 2 Advanced Flying School
    21 August 1963

  5. Flight Lieutenant
    Burnie, Robert George
    425 All Weather Fighter Squadron
    16 October 1963

  6. Lieutenant
    Clark, Donald Stanley
    33 Utility Squadron, RCN
    23 November 1963

  7. Flight Lieutenant
    Henderson, Warren Calvin
    RCAF Station St. Hubert
    28 November 1963

  8. Sergeant
    Hermann, John Kerstin
    412 (Transport) Squadron
    26 December 1963

  9. Sergeant
    Bach, Peter Antoon , CD
    No. 30 Air Material Base, RCAF
    30 December 1963

  10. Flight Lieutenant
    Johnston, Britton Lyall , CD
    5 Air Movements Unit, RCAF
    30 December 1963

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