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Page 125 from book:
In the Service of Canada (1947 – 2014)

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Memorial Chamber of the Peace Tower

This page is displayed in the Memorial Chamber of the Peace Tower in Ottawa on the following days:

  • March 2
  • August 16
  • August 17

About the names on this page

For more information about the individuals listed on this page, click on their names below to take you to their corresponding page in the Canadian Virtual War Memorial.

  1. Flight Lieutenant
    Stacey, James Norman , CD
    421 Strike/Attack Squadron
    8 February 1965

  2. Squadron Leader
    Anderson, John Alan , DSO, DFC, CD
    404 Maritime Patrol Squadron
    23 March 1965

  3. Sergeant
    Chapman, Paul , CD
    404 Maritime Patrol Squadron
    23 March 1965

  4. Flight Lieutenant
    Craig, John Martin , CD
    Sabre Transition Unit, RCAF
    17 June 1965

  5. Captain
    Hand, Stanley Fred
    Canadian Joint Air Training Centre
    6 October 1965

  6. Able Seaman
    Reade, Roderick Eric
    HMCS Nipigon
    19 October 1965

  7. Flight Lieutenant
    Symington, George Ralph
    No. 1 Wing
    18 November 1965

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