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Page 201 from book:
In the Service of Canada (1947 – 2014)

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Memorial Chamber of the Peace Tower

This page is displayed in the Memorial Chamber of the Peace Tower in Ottawa on the following days:

  • April 8
  • October 29
  • October 30

About the names on this page

For more information about the individuals listed on this page, click on their names below to take you to their corresponding page in the Canadian Virtual War Memorial.

  1. Master Corporal
    Cochrane, Craig Steven
    Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry Battle School
    30 January 1996

  2. Private
    Holopina, Christopher Gregory
    2 Combat Engineer Regiment
    4 July 1996

  3. Adjudant-chef
    Smith, Joseph Georges Alain , CD
    Royal 22e Régiment
    13 July 1996

  4. Caporal-chef
    Trépanier, Claude Fernand , CD
    Unité de soutien des forces canadiennes Ottawa
    13 July 1996

  5. Master Corporal
    Méthot, Joseph Allen James , CD
    Communications and Electronics Branch
    31 July 1996

  6. Élève-officier
    Nemecek, Kyle Robert
    École des recrues des forces canadiennes (Saint-Jean)
    15 August 1996

  7. Petty Officer 1st Class
    Gouthro, Blaine James , CD
    Naval Operations Branch
    1 September 1996

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