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Page 58 from book:
In the Service of Canada (1947 – 2014)

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Memorial Chamber of the Peace Tower

This page is displayed in the Memorial Chamber of the Peace Tower in Ottawa on the following days:

  • February 2
  • June 21
  • June 22

About the names on this page

For more information about the individuals listed on this page, click on their names below to take you to their corresponding page in the Canadian Virtual War Memorial.

  1. Flying Officer
    Hutchinson, Raymond Clarence
    105 Communications and Rescue Flight
    17 March 1954

  2. Lieutenant
    Annear, Ernest Arthur
    Canadian Joint Air Training Centre
    13 April 1954

  3. Flight Cadet
    Boswell, Donald Frederick
    No. 3 Flying Training School
    21 April 1954

  4. Flight Lieutenant
    Osborne, Delmar Linwood
    402 "City of Winnipeg" (Fighter) Squadron
    6 May 1954

  5. Flight Officer
    Bedard, Roy Charles
    No. 3 All-Weather (Fighter) Operational Training Unit
    8 September 1954

  6. Flying Officer
    Lavine, Edward
    No. 1 (Fighter) Operational Training Unit
    29 October 1954

  7. Flying Officer
    Kester, Kenneth Bertram
    RCAF Station St. Jean
    20 November 1954

  8. Flying Officer
    MacEachern, Mervin Leverne
    422 (Fighter) Squadron
    29 November 1954

  9. Acting Sub-Lieutenant
    Wright, Charles Logan
    HMCS Niobe (on exchange)
    4 December 1954

  10. Flying Officer
    Robinson, Pattee Vernon
    439 (Fighter) Squadron
    14 December 1954

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