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South West Asia Plaque

Hidden photo gallery

Municipality/Province: Ottawa, ON

Memorial number: 35060-047

Type: Plaque (black stone) on a pedestal

Address: 2101 Alert Road

Location: Hylands Golf Club, near tee-off of hole 16S

GPS coordinates: Lat: 45.3168713   Long: -75.6506524

Submitted by: Richard Turcotte

Photo credit: Richard Turcotte

This memorial plaque is dedicated to the Canadian participation in operations in South West Asia to combat terrorism.

This plaque is one of 39 plaques unveiled in 2009 at Hylands Golf Club. The plaques commemorate former Ottawa-area military installations, a military patron saint, battle honours, ships, units, and squadrons.

Inscription found on memorial


South-West Asia – Asie du Sud-Ouest

The Canadian Forces participated in operations in South West Asia to combat terrorism in the aftermath of 11 September 2001. From the Arabian Gulf to Afghanistan, the Canadian Forces maintained a continuous presence and made a dedicated and positive contribution to creating stability in the area.

Les Forces canadiennes ont participé aux opérations en Asie du Sud-Ouest afin de combattre le terrorisme à la suite des événements du 11 septembre 2001. Du golfe Persique jusqu’en Afghanistan, les Forces canadiennes ont assuré une présence permanente et elles ont contribué de manière positive à créer de la stabilité dans le secteur.

Street view


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