Electronic Identity Proving System (VAC PPU 086)

Description: This bank describes information related to individuals’ My VAC Account, an online portal that allows Veterans and others VAC serves, to learn about VAC benefits, apply online for benefits and services, upload documents in support of applications, track the status of applications, view a summary of benefits, sign up for direct deposit or change banking information, connect directly with VAC staff through secure messaging, update personal information, and receive online correspondence. To register, My VAC Account users must first establish a user name and password through using GOC credentials: GCKey or SecureKey (online banking information), allowing registrants to use the same username and password across various government departments. Once the user name and password is established, the individual will need to either provide information to create their file within our Client Service Delivery Network (CSDN) or identity prove against the information we have on file by either responding correctly to identity validation questions based on the data housed in CSDN, obtaining an enrolment code after identity proving over the phone or in person, or through their Canada Revenue Agency My Account. Individuals registering for My VAC Account unknown to VAC need to provide basic information to create their account including: name, date of birth, CAF Service Number or RCMP Regimental number, contact information, and email address (for those who wish to receive notifications).

Note: Revised in 2019. Information provided using the My VAC Account portal will be held in VAC electronic systems, including Client Service Delivery Network (CSDN) and GCCase and made available to VAC staff receiving benefit applications or communicating with the My VAC Account user, where appropriate.

Class of Individuals: Individuals who register for a My VAC Account.

Purpose: Information is used to create an online access portal for individuals to apply for benefits, submit information in support of benefit applications, access information about their VAC benefits/services, connect directly with VAC staff through secure messaging, and to update their personal information, when needed.

Consistent Uses: Aggregate information may be used for program evaluation, understanding the use of the portal to support system development, or reporting to senior management. Date of birth and Service Number may be shared with the Department of National Defence (DND) when a My VAC Account user applies for benefits, to match identity to receive DND personnel, Service Record and Service Health Record information when required to support VAC benefits and services.

Retention and Disposal Standards: Regardless of the format, as part of the client record, the retention period is 7 years after the date of death of the applicant. If the date is not known, the retention period is 110 years after the date of birth provided there are no known dependents, no outstanding claims against the crown, no actions involving the estate, no indication on file of the legal status of a dependent, and no activity of any kind.

RDA Number: 2017/002

Related Records: Class of Records associated with the following Institutional Functions, Program…

TBS Registration Number: 007074

Bank Number: VAC PPU 086