Veterans Ombudsman Complaint and Investigation Files (VAC PPU 210)

Description: This bank describes information used for the purposes of reviewing and addressing complaints from clients and their representatives, based on the provisions of the Veterans Bill of Rights. In addition, the information is used to identify and review emerging and systemic issues related to programs and services provided or administered by Veterans Affairs Canada (VAC) and to review systemic issues related to the Veterans Review and Appeal Board (VRAB). Personal information collected may include: name; contact information; date of birth; gender; language; health information; opinion of, or about, individuals; photos, videos and/or voice recordings; signature; guardian or power of attorney information; military service number; military service information; VAC client identifier information; subject and nature of complaint; detailed summary of complaint including locations and timelines; material given to the Ombudsman’s staff by the complainant, VAC, and other persons in the course of investigations; correspondence and records of interviews with complainants; testimonials; waiver and consent forms signed by complainants and other individuals; memoranda; findings; recommendations; and OVO public consultation submissions.

Note: Revised in 2019. Information related to the complaint and investigation file may be stored in the following internal system/database: Ombudsman File Tracking System (OFTS). The name, contact information, and submission of public consultation participants will be stored in the Office of the Veterans Ombudsman (OVO) public consultation data base. The name and submission associated with feedback on a blog or speech will be stored in the blogs or speeches database. The name and contact information associated with an individual signing up to receive the OVO Subscriptions will be stored in the newsletter data base.

Some documents received in Veterans Affairs Canada (VAC), from the Department of National Defence (DND) may reference the Social Insurance Number (SIN) as DND personnel were required to use the SIN as their personal identification number between 1960 and 1990.

Class of Individuals: Canadian Forces Members and Merchant Navy Veterans who served in the First World War, Second World War or the Korean War; certain civilians who are entitled to benefits because of their wartime service; former and still-serving members of Canadian Forces (Regular and Reserve, including those who served in Special Duty Areas); former and still-serving members of Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP); survivors and dependents of military, RCMP and civilian personnel; members of an Allied Force residing in Canada or elsewhere; and/or their representatives, guardians and individuals who exercise power of attorney; other individuals or groups (Veterans’ organizations) who express their concerns.

Purpose: The personal information is collected to review and address complaints, initiate investigations, identify and review emerging and systemic issues related to programs and services, and to make findings and recommendations. Personal information is collected pursuant to Order in Council PC 2007-530 and the Veterans Bill of Rights. This bank is also used to support Access to Information and Privacy requests.

Consistent Uses: Information may be used and disclosed for planning, research, development, evaluation and/or reporting of programs, policies and services. The use and disclosure is limited to VAC areas that are involved in the identified program, service and policy, and may also be shared with senior management.

Personal information may be shared with other VAC programs, including programs covered by the application waiver provision under sections 80.1 of the Pension Act and/or 78.1 of the Veterans Well-being Act, for the purpose of determining eligibility for additional benefits, assessments, case management, mental health initiatives, and/or commemorative activities, where applicable.

The name, email address and/or mailing address of the individual may be used for mailing list purposes to send OVO Subscriptions to a client. The name, telephone number, or email address of the individual may be used to send a client notification that there will be an Office of the Veterans Ombudsman outreach event held in their area. Client calls may be monitored for quality assurance purposes.

Retention and Disposal Standards: Under development.

RDA Number: 2016/009

Related Records: Office of the Veterans Ombudsman Class of Record VAC MVA 760

TBS Registration Number: 20090498

Bank Number: VAC PPU 210