Employee Medical Records at Ste. Anne's Hospital (VAC PPU 705)

Description: This bank contains some or all of the following types of information: medical, psychiatric, psychological and consultant's reports, findings and assessments, laboratory tests and reports, X-rays, and treatment and counselling reports.

Note: Revised in 2011. Formerly VAC PCE 738. Effective April 1, 2016, Ste. Anne’s Hospital was transferred from the Government of Canada to the Government of Quebec. Persons seeking access to this information must supply their full name, date of birth and location of the record sought.

Class of Individuals: Federal public servants, former public servants and prospective public servants at Ste. Anne's Hospital.

Purpose: The purpose of this bank is to maintain occupational health records for federal public servants and prospective public servants including surveillance and maintenance of occupational and environmental health factors, pre-employment, periodic medical and mental health assessments, counselling, first aid and emergency treatment in the work place. The information is used to support medical, mental health, employment and pension decisions/ entitlements and to manage injury-on-duty cases.

Consistent Uses: Administrative information may be used internally for program management purposes and for purposes of planning, evaluation and for internal audit purposes. Medical information can be used only by qualified personnel from the Health Service Office and Health Canada.

Retention and Disposal Standards: Regardless of the format, as part of the employee personnel record, information is retained until the employee reaches 80 years of age (provided that 2 years have elapsed since the last administrative action on the file).

RDA Number: 2017/002

Related Records: Historical Ste. Anne’s Hospital Class of Record VAC MVA 715

TBS Registration Number: 003645

Bank Number: VAC PPU 705