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2919 results returned within branch Army
Fall Of Rome and D-Day

Fall Of Rome and D-Day

Mr. Gorie speaks of the fall of Rome on June 5, 1944, the D-Day landing in France the following day and the less-than-kind nickname, D-Day Dodgers, given to the troops in Italy at the time of the D-Day invasion by Lady Astor.

German Tactics Prevent Movement

German Tactics Prevent Movement

Mr. Gorie recalls some of the tactics used by the Germans to keep the tanks from moving forward.

8th New Brunswick Hussars

8th New Brunswick Hussars

Mr. Gorie recalls his time with the 8th New Brunswick Hussars, and the first time he went into action.

Canadians in Korea

Canadians in Korea

If you've ever wondered what the Korean War might have been like, this clip will answer a lot of your questions.

Faith is Prevalent During War

Faith is Prevalent During War

Mr. Danson describes how faith was important and widespread during the war. More specifically, during times of danger or tragedy.

Church on Sunday

Church on Sunday

Mr. Danson remembers attending church on Sunday with the Christians even though he was Jewish.

The Tragedies of War

The Tragedies of War

Mr. Danson remembers saying farewell to friends and comrades after he was wounded. He also tells the story of the tragic death of one of his close friends as he tried to escape from a German hospital.

Shrapnel Wound in the Head

Shrapnel Wound in the Head

Mr. Danson recalls his return to his regiment as a commissioned officer and tells of how he suffered a shrapnel wound to the head which ended his war effort.

The King and Queen Visit Canada in 1939.

The King and Queen Visit Canada in 1939.

Mr. Danson describes his participation in forming an honour-guard for the visit of the King and Queen of England in 1939.

Becoming an Officer from the Ranks

Becoming an Officer from the Ranks

Mr. Danson describes how he came back to Canada to get his commission. Despite his best efforts, he did not make it back to Europe in time for the D-Day invasion.

Camaraderie: War Isn't All Hell!!

Camaraderie: War Isn't All Hell!!

Mr. Danson remembers the mobilization of his regiment and goes on to recall some of the positive experiences he shared with his friends during the war.

Answering the Call to Duty

Answering the Call to Duty

Mr. Danson explains that, as a Jewish man, he knew there was trouble brewing in Germany. He and a friend joined the army during peacetime so they would be trained and ready for action if war came.

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