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2919 results returned within branch Army
Close Relationships

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Mr. Thompson speaks of the impact his wartime service had and continues to have on his life. He also shares what he feels future generations of Canadians should know about the sacrifices his generation made during the Second World War.

Concrete Obstacles and Collaborators

Concrete Obstacles and Collaborators

Mr. McCabe describes removing concrete pillars placed by the Dutch to deter German aircraft from landing on Holland’s highways. Collaborators were given the ‘grunt’ work such as drilling holes for explosives in the pillars.

Canada Was Here

Canada Was Here

Mr. Toney describes how much he enjoyed hand picking the best men to join his patrols.

Children in War Zones

Children in War Zones

Mr. Henry discusses Lebanese children and their inevitable recruitment into one of the warring factions and his feeling of helplessness to improve their fate.




Remembrance Day Becomes More Important

Remembrance Day Becomes More Important

Ms. Streppa reflects on her service to date, the rewards of having served in Afghanistan, and the guilt for having to leave. She also shares her renewed appreciation of Remembrance Day.

Afghanistan Children

Afghanistan Children

Ms. Streppa describes the positive impact the Medical Corps had on the parents of Afghanistan children she treated, and expresses her hopes for the future of these children.

Sniper Fire

Sniper Fire

Mr. Henry describes being fired on for the first time and his reactions to it.

Lebanon’s Battle

Lebanon’s Battle

Mr. Henry describes the numerous opposing factions in Lebanon and how they destabilized that country’s government.

Snipers and Land Mines

Snipers and Land Mines

Mr. Henry describes being sniped at and wandering into uncharted mine fields in the Sinai desert.

Negotiating a Truce

Negotiating a Truce

Mr. Henry discusses the difficulty in satisfying the Israeli and Arab factions in the Sinai, and the value of diplomacy.

A Plan of Occupation for Sinai

A Plan of Occupation for Sinai

Mr. Henry describes co-writing and implementing the rules of occupation for the Sinai Peninsula.

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