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2919 results returned within branch Army


Mr Law talks about the fight in Hong Kong and tells about Christmas Day on the island.

On a Small Boat

On a Small Boat

Mr Law volunteers to travel on a small boat to Hong Kong.

Getting Through the Training

Getting Through the Training

Mr. Leavey describes the intense drills and exercise in training and how strong friendships helped ease the pain.

After Effects of Military Service

After Effects of Military Service

Ms. Berkshire expresses her feelings from being discharged from the military.

Calling Out for my Life!

Calling Out for my Life!

Ms. Berkshire shares an emotional experience where a near death experience caused her trauma.

Fear of the Unknown

Fear of the Unknown

Ms. Berkshire expresses her feelings about being in Kabul and the interaction with the locals.

Training a Bit Daunting!

Training a Bit Daunting!

Ms. Berkshire speaks about her excitement about joining the Forces.

The Rhyl Riot

The Rhyl Riot

Mr. Scovil describes the tension in Rhyl, Wales which arose from the decision to send home first those soldiers who had served the least amount of time overseas. The ensuing riot results in the accidental shooting and death of one of Mr. Scovil's friends.

Post-Armistice London

Post-Armistice London

Mr. Routhier describes being in London after the armistice and being ashamed of his public drunkenness during a drive by of the British monarchy.

A Blighty

A Blighty

Mr. Routhier describes being slightly wounded by a sniper but having to rehab in England because all of the field hospitals were full.

Gas Attack

Gas Attack

Mr. Routhier describes being gassed and the troops having to hold soaked hankies to their noses because gas masks weren't yet available.

Deadly 'Whiz-Bangs'

Deadly 'Whiz-Bangs'

Mr. Routhier describes the psychological impact of being shelled by 'whiz-bangs', a type of German artillery shell. He describes the death of a friend struck by such a shell.

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