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2919 results returned within branch Army
Japanese Declared War

Japanese Declared War

Mr. McAuley talks about what kind of battle it was in Hong Kong.

Sham Shui Po barracks

Sham Shui Po barracks

Mr. McAuley explains what it was like in Sham Shui Po barracks.

Garrison Duty in Jamaica

Garrison Duty in Jamaica

Mr. McAuley talks about his first duty, that of guarding German prisoners.

Joining the Army

Joining the Army

Mr. McAuley and some friends travel to Winnipeg to join the army.

Back into Family Life

Back into Family Life

Mr. Vaillancourt reflects on his attitudes when returning home and getting back into civilian life.

The Good and the Bad

The Good and the Bad

Mr. Vaillancourt expresses his feelings on the mission Haiti.

Bad Memories of Haiti

Bad Memories of Haiti

Mr. Vaillancourt speaks of the horrific conditions the Haitian people must live under.

Never Felt Threatened

Never Felt Threatened

Mr. Vaillancourt, as a peacekeeper, never felt fear.

Another Bad Place in the World

Another Bad Place in the World

Mr. Vaillancourt expresses the frustration felt because he cannot make a difference.

The Level of Poverty

The Level of Poverty

Mr. Vaillancourt describes what he witnessed and the degree of poverty among the Haitians.

An Island Once Under Dictatorship

An Island Once Under Dictatorship

Mr. Vaillancourt provides his opinion on the assistance military personnel provided to the Haitian people having little impact on improvements to their lifestyle.

The Smell Never Goes Away

The Smell Never Goes Away

Mr. Vaillancourt describes the smell that remains with him to this day and the devastating sights he witnessed during his tour.

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