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968 results returned within branch Air Force
Posted to Train New Pilots in Cairo

Posted to Train New Pilots in Cairo

Mr. Chisholm speaks of reaching his required 200 hours of operational flying and returning to Cairo to train new pilots.

Battle of El Alamein Begins

Battle of El Alamein Begins

Mr. Chisholm recalls the first night of the battle of El Alamein.

Tribute to the Work of the Royal Air Force Ground Crews

Tribute to the Work of the Royal Air Force Ground Crews

Mr. Chisholm pays tribute to the Royal Air Force ground crews who serviced the Squadron’s aircraft.

Consorting with the Troops

Consorting with the Troops

Mr. Yarnell talks about how involved the ground crews were in the maintenance and watchfulness over what they considered to be ‘their’ birds.

How to Bail Out and Land

How to Bail Out and Land

Mr. Yarnell describes some characteristics of the Spitfire. He explains how to bail out and how to do a ‘belly’ land in case of trouble.

109's and 190's

109's and 190's

Mr. Yarnell describes encounters with German ME - 109's and Focke Wulf 190's in Italy and talks about the differences between the planes.

First Operational Sortie

First Operational Sortie

Mr. Chisholm describes the feelings he had as a young pilot heading out on his first operational sortie.

On to North Africa

On to North Africa

Mr. Chisholm was posted to the 92nd Operational Squadron, operating at that time out of Digby, Lincolnshire, England. His first posting with the Squadron was to Cairo, Egypt.

Posted to Great Britain

Posted to Great Britain

Mr. Chisholm speaks of his arrival in Britain and his first assignment overseas.

Getting Shot Down (Part 4 of 4)

Getting Shot Down (Part 4 of 4)

Mr. Weir remembers being picked up by the Germans and being treated in a German hospital.

Shoot-ups and Sweeps (Air Tactics and Operations)

Shoot-ups and Sweeps (Air Tactics and Operations)

Mr. Weir describes the difference between two kinds of air tactics and operations - shoot-ups and sweeps.

Getting Shot Down (Part 3 of 4)

Getting Shot Down (Part 3 of 4)

Mr. Weir thinks back to the time when he had to bail out of his plane at 25,000 feet.

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