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55 results returned within campaign Normandy
D-Day Approach

D-Day Approach

Mr. Ducharme describes getting ready for D-Day and taking part in the pre-landing bombardment.

Wounded by Shrapnel

Wounded by Shrapnel

Mr. Young describes being wounded in Normandy and how doctors considered him a lucky man to have survived the encounter.

Carpiquet and Falaise

Carpiquet and Falaise

Mr. Raymond recounts the Battle of Carpiquet, France, where a dozen of his fellow soldiers were found hanged by the Germans, and the battle of Falaise, with Rommel’s Panzers.

Normandy Invasion

Normandy Invasion

Mr. Raymond describes the Normandy landing, the atmosphere during the Channel crossing and the noise when they approached the beach.

Strafing Rommel

Strafing Rommel

Mr. Fox describes his strafing attack on German Field Marshall Rommel’s staff car.

The Spitfire

The Spitfire

Mr. Fox discusses the landing technique, manoeuvrability, and armaments of the Spitfire fighter.



Mr. Blackburn talks about what prompted him to enlist when he did (in 1940).

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