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425 results returned within location Canada
Surprise! Off to War

Surprise! Off to War

Mr. Himes recalls joining up to be sent to Korea in quick fashion - so quick his mother barely had time to react at all, let alone try to stop him.

Airborne Jump Training

Airborne Jump Training

Mr. Nystad is explaining jump training and also how well his first actual jump went without a hesitation.

The Manning Depot in Toronto - Part 2

The Manning Depot in Toronto - Part 2

Mr. Romanow talks about his experiences at the CNE Manning Depot.

The Manning Depot in Toronto - Part 1

The Manning Depot in Toronto - Part 1

Mr. Romanow talks about his experiences at the CNE Manning Depot.

Return to Civilian Life

Return to Civilian Life

War camps and illness weakened Mr Ewing physically but they did not affect his mind and his return to normal life.

Enlisting at Age 15

Enlisting at Age 15

Mr. Ewing describes his determination to join the service which included multiple attempts at enlisting.

Seeing The World

Seeing The World

Mr. Fitzmaurice talks about his trip from Canada to Southeast Asia and getting a chance to see the world.

A Tough Question - A Troubling Answer

A Tough Question - A Troubling Answer

More than half a century after his service for Canada during the Second World War, Mr. Hyde is asked a difficult question. His answer is clear and to the point.

Canada’s Forces Strength In September 1939

Canada’s Forces Strength In September 1939

Mr. Hyde looks back at the day Canada declared war on Germany and considers the state of the Canadian forces at that time.

A Quick Lesson In Regiment’s History

A Quick Lesson In Regiment’s History

Mr. Hyde talks about his knowledge of the PPCLI when he enlisted and how much more did he learned in his early days with the regiment.

Pre-War Enlistment

Pre-War Enlistment

Mr. Hyde's father, a Veteran of the First World War, was a significant influence in his enlisting in the Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry (PPCLI) only two weeks after his 18th birthday in October 1938.

Demolition Training

Demolition Training

Mr. Toney describes joining the Engineering Corps and excelling at demolition.

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