Mr. Cole describes what he tells young people about duty and patriotism.
VE Day
Mr. Cole describes the events for VE Day including going to London to celebrate.
Final Operation
Mr. Cole shows an example of camaraderie for his final operation before being screened. He took an unnecessary risk for a member of his crew so they would not have to fly with a different group.
Mr. Cole describes how the destruction, raids, and casualties affected his faith.
Mail From Home
Mr. Cole explains the importance of mail from home. Throughout the war he received regular packages from friends he had made during his travels.
Lack of Morale Fibre
Mr. Cole describes one situation in which he was on a raid with many casualties and many of the aircrew were demoralized. He describes what happens to one of his friends after the raid.
Memorable Moments with the English People
Mr. Cole recollects some of the memorable moments he had with the people of England.
Final Operations
Mr. Cole describes some of the final operations in which there were fewer interceptors, probably due to lack of fuel and maintenance.
Memorable Operations
Mr. Cole describes the bombing of an oil refinery and his 20th operation in which a Lancaster bomber was directly overhead and started to drop its bombs.
A Foe in the Darkness
Mr. Cole describes the night in which he caught a glimpse of a ME-109 in the darkness and how they were trained to defend against fighter aircraft at night.
The Night Raid
Mr. Cole describes what it was like on a night raid with the incredible amount of exploding anti-aircraft fire and search lights. He describes the total destruction and how it seemed virtually impossible to get through.
The Lancaster Bomber
Mr. Cole describes the accuracy of the Lancaster Bomber, its payload and the Pathfinder Force (PFF) that was used to mark its target.