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18 results returned
Joining up with Friends

Joining up with Friends

Mr. Coles shares the story of his decision to join the army while at a school picnic with friends.

Tied and Chained for 13 Months

Tied and Chained for 13 Months

Mr. Cole recalls that for a long time, prisoners were tied and chained within the camp.

A Different Style of Discipline

A Different Style of Discipline

After disobeying orders, Mr. Cole tells of his experiences of shooting rabbits as a means of discipline.

The Sherman Tank

The Sherman Tank

Being a part of the tank crew, Mr. Coles describes the specifics of the Sherman tank and the role played while coming on to the beach in Dieppe.

We did what we had to do!

We did what we had to do!

Mr. Cole provides his opinion on the purpose and actions taken during the battle of the Dieppe Raid.

Helping to Carry the Dead and Wounded

Helping to Carry the Dead and Wounded

After being part of the battle on the beach in Dieppe, Mr. Cole tells of his involvement in carrying stretchers of the dead and wounded to the hospital.

Transported in a Boxcar

Transported in a Boxcar

After surrendering, Mr. Cole shares a demoralizing experience while loaded in a boxcar en route to POW camp.

One Bath in Almost Three Years

One Bath in Almost Three Years

Mr. Cole shares his story of treatment as a prisoner arriving to the camp where he would remain as a POW.

Different Stories about the Camps

Different Stories about the Camps

Mr. Coles acknowledges the idea of different stories from different POW prisoners during their time in camp yet emphasizes that he felt that his experiences weren’t that bad.

Digging a Tunnel in Camp

Digging a Tunnel in Camp

Mr. Cole tells of his involvement in digging a tunnel and the perspective he had for taking part in this activity.

Treatment from the Guards

Treatment from the Guards

During time in camp, Mr. Cole speaks of the treatment of guards and expresses the fact that they were not treated badly at all.

Keep your own Head on Straight!

Keep your own Head on Straight!

Mr. Coles tells of his interaction with the padre, Major Foote, while in camp and advice given in respect to their own survival.

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